
Topic: Favorite Video Game Music

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God, I love MGRR so much. Out of all the songs in the game, this is my favourite one purely because of how on point the lyrics are.



@RogerRoger I've actually started listening to the majority of the MGRR OST on Spotify while at work. It's honestly the perfect music for me to listen to when I want to focus and not get disturbed by the background noise. It's also the perfect music to listen to while working out, it always gets me so pumped up. Especially when I put on Rules of Nature. It's just too bad The Hot Wind Blowing isn't on Spotify, I really like that one as well.

Edited on by LtSarge



Metal gear solid twin snakes tanker level music I could listen to all day.

Edited on by Mr-Elusive

Discussion starter// This is my Twitter now X// Indie Game Dev//


My favorites are the Diablo 1 and 2 soundtracks.

Lately I'm enjoying the OST for various Command & Conquer releases. Now listening to C&C 3 Tiberium Wars.



My favorite video game soundtrack at the moment is from Conker’s Bad Fur Day. It’s a super old N64 game that I’m sure a couple of people may or may not know, but it’s absolutely one of my favorite games of all-time.

The game’s music is probably one of my favorite VGMs ever, and I tend to listen to it when I’m doing hobbies or working. I think what makes me like the OST so much is the different tones and moods for the songs and the variety of genres Robin Beanland (the composer) did for the game. Some tracks are more lighthearted and wouldn’t sound out of place in a cartoon, while some are more dramatic and complex for more serious settings. I think there was even a short (albeit stereotypical) track that was done in a type of Spanish song genre (I think it was flamenco?) and a dramatic boss fight where the enemy was opera singing a rather crude song during the battle and it had full voice acting. I think it’s all the more impressive since it was on the N64, and it’s just amazing that a single composer was able to cover so many different song genres and sounds, and, although some tracks are full of poo humor, I don’t actually mind it.

My most favorite track from the game is Rock Solid, which is a techno song that plays midway through the game. I listened to a 1 hour loop of this on repeat while I was cleaning a few weeks ago and it slaps; it is maybe the most impressive song I’ve ever heard for an N64 game and an example of EDM. If you haven’t played the game or know little about it, you’d probably be surprised to see which location this song plays in; all I’ll say is that the game is REALLY weird and goofy. I’m so bummed out that they officially released two songs from this game on Spotify a few years ago but did not make one of the two this track…
(Remake version)

There was a remake for the game that also redid the entire OST, including this song. I love the remake’s rendition a lot over the original since it sounds high quality and they added onto the song by adding in extra parts and beats. I really just think that one of the things Rare excelled in with their older games was having memorable soundtracks and banger songs for their games, and I’d say that, in my opinion, this was one of them!

EDIT: Let me add another one…

This is also probably my second most favorite track from the game, and it’s called Enter the Vertex. I put a link to the remake’s version since I like it over the original, and I’d say it’s on the same level as Rock Solid. The song plays during a spoof of The Matrix nearing the end of the game. The song is so hardcore and the level it played in was awesome; the parody manages to be both cool and hilarious simultaneously, and it is one of my most favorite moments in the game!

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

I’m an elephant!

GUMI is my favorite Vocaloid :)

Currently playing: Rare Replay

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


@Pastellioli Rare had the magic back in the day. The soundtrack on Goldeneye was utterly brilliant. Every single track was a winner.



@Malaise I agree that they did! I am more new to their games and didn’t start playing them until three years ago, but I think all their games from the 90s to 00s were so well-done in a lot of aspects. I liked the music (of course) as well as the characters and the settings in their games a whole lot, and it definitely seemed like they were always trying to add twists and innovate in game genres to interest and surprise players. There’s just this sort of charm old Rare seemed to have that really showed with their older games that seemed to go away over time unfortunately.

Edited on by Pastellioli

Viva happy!

I’m an elephant!

GUMI is my favorite Vocaloid :)

Currently playing: Rare Replay

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day


@Pastellioli Mmhm. I'm a player from the original releases. My best friend at the time had an N64 and that generation, along with PS1 and Sega Saturn was the biggest technological advance there's ever been. The transition to 3D was truly mind-blowing to my teenage mind.

Rare were throwing out banger after banger and everything they touched turned to gold. Obviously being a huge part of my youth and formulative years, I'm very fond of the generation, but even now I can close my eyes and visualise the games and hear the music.

Microsoft receive a tremendous amount of vitriol for a variety of things, but it's fair to say that Rare were never the same upon parting ways with the big N. I don't know what it is that Microsoft really seem to struggle to catch lightning in a bottle with bought talent. Creating magic requires a perfect storm of circumstances, not the easiest thing to do.

Having said all that, they created Sea of Thieves which has seemingly does incredibly well for itself. Being a huge Rare fan, I'd definitely like to try it and I'm awaiting a sale so I can sample the goods.

Got myself ever so slightly off-topic here, but it's rather easy to do when you start reminiscing over something you have a fondness for! I'm happy you're enjoying the early games, better late than never!

Edit. I just noticed your pet peeve over timed challenges, and yes, I can definitely sympathise! Made especially more frustrating with the old janky camera and control systems. Some things definitely show their age.

Edited on by Malaise



Currently putting the finishing touches to Fallout: New Vegas and Big Iron on his Hip has to be up there with my favourite tracks in a video game ever:

**** DLC!


Just started Tunic. The music in this game is phenomenal. I can just sit back and listen with my headphones and chill to the main menu music.


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