
Topic: The profile picture THREAD, What is your profile picture and why?

Posts 61 to 73 of 73


@JohnnyShoulder loool, I wonder if you've watched later seasons of Legends of Tomorrow which feature a main character named Gary

There's also the director called F. Gary Gray who's name I can never read properly so I often refer to them as F. Gary Gary (normally in an over-the-walkie muffled voice for reasons I am not sure of, maybe it just sounds more like a call sign than a name)

See ya!


@ralphdibny There is also a footballer called Garay, and I used to say my mate Gary 'Look, you are playing for Porto!'.

I didn't get past season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow. Didn't think it was awful or anything, but it didn't interest me enough to keep watching it.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


lolwhatno wrote:

@KidBoruto Yep, it looks freaking cute. If I'm allowed to make a remark I would say that his cheeks are unrealistic... They should be red from all the pinching from everyone.

He does have some blushing red on him, so he probably has been pinched a little lol.

Fight_Teza_Fight wrote:

@KidBoruto Wow you’re really talented!

I wish I could take credit for this art, but I paid a good friend MochiArtss on Twitter to draw this! Please be sure to follow her if desired.

My Anime List | My Video Game Collection

Discord ID: KidRyan89 | Telegram ID: KidRyan

PSN: KidRyan89 | Twitter:


The original and best, Valerie.



The cover of Music For Jilted Generation by The Prodigy. I thought it represents my internally screaming when I wake up in the morning quite well.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Clint from Unforgiven it’s my favourite western… and after finishing Red Dead Redemption 2 a few months back I was feeling real cowboy-ey.

**** DLC!


Mine is a Moose because it suits my profile name on Push Square.

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. – Seneca


Winston from The Last of Us: Left Behind because he looks very similar to me when I'm in scruffy winter mode.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


@Kairu It is! The weather is finally starting to cool.
My Avatar will make sense again. 😌

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon


My current avatar is taken from my Boxing Tunes 2 creation, BREAK THE DEFENSE by Andy & Raphael.

Duet collaboration of Boxing Tunes 2 by Raphael and Andy.
Raphael as the lead vocal while Andy with deeper voice as the back singer and harmony.
The song is about break the defense through opponents.
Just keep fighting and break through their defense.



I think mine is from PS web? dunno but I like it since reminds me the song "the gunner's dream" from Pink Floyd + I love tanks specially from WWII.

Edited on by Qu1n0n3z



Mine is Shionne from Tales of Arise. My personal GOTY from 2021.

PSNid: Lavalera


mine is Shibi 2B (or perhaps 2(Shi)B). The reason is because I enjoyed the hell out of NieR:Automata a couple of weeks ago.

Edited on by avatarian

You are a gamer, hold your head up high.

PSN: Avatarian598

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