
Topic: Most Wanted 2022-2023

Posts 21 to 34 of 34


@Lavalera I’m in the same boat as you, with the back-and-forth on it. And so I assume a lot of people feel like we do.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@RogerRoger yeah I’ve kinda always liked the look of it. I know the dialogue comes over as a bit ‘square-to-be-hip’ but as you’ve stated the gameplay itself looks really fun.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@RogerRoger @JudgeDredd As a guy who bought games like Concrete Genie and Returnal at launch, I’m there with you. If I’m on the fence then the desire to support an independent effort or new IP can often tip me over the edge to purchase a game.

It’s why I’ll often wait a little while for some games like God of War Ragnarok. That game doesn’t need my support to sell a gazillion copies. I just did the same approach with Forbidden West, having bought it after price drop only this week (it’s been what, 8 months since release)

On the subject though — I think that PS+Extra may end up discouraging me from purchasing these smaller game or new IP’s since the service is flush with those types of games. I’ve got a list of 10-15 smaller indie or newer games (like Artful Escape or Stray) that I won’t buy because I have access through PS+.

Edited on by Th3solution

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@RogerRoger That’s a good point. There does seem to be some kind of value to the developer and publisher just by having their product being played and talked about. It would seem so hard to quantify that though.

But I’ve seen a metric being reported more and more, usually associated with Steam, of “number of concurrent players” or something like that. It’s a quantifiable that suggests how popular a game is. In the world of F2P and games on a service, the number of people playing your game seems about as good a measurement as any, but to your point — there is value just in social media mentions, number of streamers broadcasting the game, multimedia deals, and just about any conceivable inclusion of the game into the public consciousness would be of worth.

I feel a little guilty not buying these smaller indie games and instead playing them through a service, but you’ve made me feel better about it. 😄
Because yes, to me financially, I have a hard time justifying paying for a game when I can have access to it along with 400 others for the price of buying that one game.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Kairu wrote:

After seeing the gameplay for it, I'm definitely adding Need For Speed: Unbound to my list. It really looks like a return to form, in my opinion. Hopefully it can capture the essence of Carbon and Underground 2 and ignite a new spark in the franchise.

That's what I'm hoping for as well. Underground 1 through PS3/X360 Undercover were the best games in the series in my opinion. Pro Street possibly an exception, but still a good game.

It'd be nice if EA brought back pursuit breakers as well, but I doubt they'll do that sadly.

Edited on by HeavyMetalWario64DS



Never played one of the previous entries but I’m feeling Star Ocean: The Divine Force for some reason. Maybe it’s the fact that I quite enjoyed Tales of Arise recently… and this looks to be another well-produced AJRPG.

**** DLC!


gotham knights
sonic frontiers
outlast trials
street fighter 6
spiderman 2

those live service games planned from sony

Edited on by nomither6



Wondering if Suicide Squad went up or down on people’s lists after the recent reveal. The comments section of the articles are overwhelmingly negative. I was probably never going to be on board because even the early footage seemed a little too multiplayer/co-op focused for my tastes. But now after the gameplay promo showed a bunch of really typical online arena looter-shooter mechanics, I don’t think it will be something that interests me. Having played Avengers within the last year, I’m definitely skeptical about the DC version of the same idea.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I was never interested, but now I'm Super Mega Not Interested.

It's such a shame Rocksteady invested so much time into this project.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Th3solution It's highly doubtful that it can be any less interesting than "Gotham Knights" and the pedigree of the devs (and the franchise) is incredible, so if they can bin the online only stipulation for the single player mode then I'll be tempted at the £30 - £40 price point.

Edited on by LN78



@RogerRoger @Ralizah @LN78 Yeah, although I have some level of disappointment in the apparent direction of SS, I have to admit that I’m mostly relieved when a game has mediocre reviews of a lackluster reveal because it means one less game I have to worry about wanting! This year already has plenty so I’ll be perfectly content with just 3-4 solid releases. I’ll likely be fine with adding Jedi Survivor and FF16 to Hogwarts to make my 2023 trifecta. It would be nice to be able to devote more of my attention to prior years’ releases.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Anyone invested in Armored Core VI? I actually saw a TV advertisement for it this weekend. I knew the rumors were that it was From Software’s next project, but I didn’t realize how quickly it was coming. There appears to be no release date but if TV ads are dropping, it’s likely to be getting close.

I have no experience (but or interest, necessarily) in the Armored Core franchise, but am really curious now that I’ve grown to love and appreciate From’s other games.

Are the Armored Core games similar to the Souls games in any way, as far as gameplay? I know it’s a completely different setting with mechs, and a more futuristic Sci-Fi looking aesthetic. Do you think From is taking a chance by going back to this franchise when they are at their pinnacle with the Souls genre off the enormous success of Elden Ring? Just wondering what the thoughts are since there’s not much chatter about AC6.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution much the same as you mate, I’ve no prior experience with any of the Armored Core games but having played and thoroughly enjoyed all of From Softwares output since Demon’s Souls I’m just interested in anything they do now. Can’t wait!

**** DLC!



Ankora: Lost Days & Deiland: Pocket Planet PS4


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