There are now less than ten days to go until Sony’s big E3 media briefing, and the excitement is already starting to build. In order to drive some additional enthusiasm, connected industry insider Geoff Keighley has hinted that the Japanese giant’s event looks poised to be the best in some time.
Writing on Twitter, the GameTrailers TV host said: “Based on what I’m hearing [...] the PlayStation 4 press conference will be the strongest in years. Lots of games and surprises.” Rumoured reveals include The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV.
In a recent feature, we considered some of the most important things that Sony should and shouldn’t do during its presentation. You can read more about that through here. Are there any titles in particular that you’d like to see announced during the platform holder’s pre-show event? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 23
Am I the only one who just isn't bothered about E3 this year? It used to be like a three day Christmas where you'd get bits and bobs leak out but to get all the info you had to wait a few weeks and buy a load of magazines. But with every show now being streamed the last few years have made E3 just meh. It's not special anymore. Even the usal excitement of not one new console but two being shown is doing nothing for me. I'm sure Sony's show will be great and they'll be a load of good games but... I just don't feel excited. At all.
@rastamadeus I think if you're not excited for this year, then you'll never be. I do think that platform holders are starting to realise that they can get more attention by announcing away from E3, but I feel like this year's going to be an exception in that we're going to see a lot of surprises from pretty much all of the big boys in a very short span of time.
My only real "worry" — as it is every year, honestly — is that Microsoft has locked down timed exclusives on some big third-party games, but that's just the nature of the business I suppose. Otherwise, I'm super excited for all of the shows.
@get2sammyb Since posting that I've gone over it in my head and realised its not the games and consoles I'm not excited for, it's E3. What is the point of it anymore? Video games have overtaken music and films as the biggest form of entertainment yet neither of them have big annual trade shows to all show off how big they are (excuse the metaphorical example) so why should games?
As for Microsoft well, that's all they can do! They have no games themselves do they. The idiotic American youth will lap up the inevitable new Halo but what else do they have? Nothing.
[Mod edit: Careful with the language! ]
I am extremely excited this year for the PS4...beastly specs and killer ip's!!!
I still want to know how will they manage all that time, They must answer all the uestions regarding PS4 and announce all the new games, Cover the new games coming soon for PS3 and announce all the games that are coming for Vita. A lot of content that I don't think it might fit in an E3 conference
@rastamadeus Uuhm thats the fault of their culture... They think its normal to have guns under their pillow . Latest news i heard was a kids who shot his little sister with his "first rifle"... Merica
@Sanquine Ridiculous isn't it? I watched a documentary the other day on American gun culture and a six year old girl had her own handgun and assault rifle! Both painted pink and had stickers over them. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
@rastamadeus @Sanquine it's the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. We get to own firearms. And any children who might end up dead is better than nobody having the right, says the government. The idea is that we'll keep our spawn safe by instructing and educating them on the responsibility that goes with the right. But if the adults are imbeciles, then everybody dies, which is sadly true for any country. But we have so many gun murders that we make you wait a few days before you get the gun you bought. Anyhow,...
E3, though, is absolutely exciting! Just don't watch of you're so bored of it. There's an entire great big world out there, guys. Expand your horizons and video game culture excitement will return to the place in your heart it deserves
@charlesnarles I want to kill someone now. Oh, man, I have to wait a couple of days til i can do it? Ok, I'll just wait and then kill more people! Yay! Amazing how that seems to make it ok in America. Absolutely crazy. But no more gun crap as this is a video game site.
There are lots of things to do better than video games in the "real" world. Beating a game is a huge thrill but doesn't begin to compare to Luis Suarez scoring an injury time goal against Chelsea, for example. Or shouting "WHAT?!" when you see the words 'Introducing John Hurt as The Doctor.' Being bored of a trade show where everything is presented by grinning buffoons doesn't come from a lack of real world experience it comes from being fed up of gaming going through its puberty. We're so close to games becoming an art form, accepted by the masses and a way to thrill, excite, entertain, laugh and cry. Things like E3 hold it back, in my opinion, make it seem gimmicky and still a thing for geeky loners. Thankfully E3 has been dying for a while now and when it does go I think we will be taking a step into gaming a maturity. What better time than with a new generation? Shame Microsoft (and quite possibly Sony) seem to want to mess everything up with stupid new regulations, but hey ho.
I am super excited. This year is going to be the best in a long time as we have two new consoles coming and hopefully afterward we will be able to per order our ps4s here in the us,(You lucky devils in the UK have been doing so since February). I hope we get some more surprise ps4 launch titles announced. Sony said the ps4 had the biggest launch catalog ever, well they have a whole lot more to announce if they are even going to match the vita much less overtake it. Yay E3!
The past few E3's have been pretty meh with last years being the worst offender imo. But this years E3 conference has got me really excited for the show. Both Sony and Microsoft are finally going to reveal in full their new consoles to the world which should breath some fresh air into the industry. Also after a bad launch period Nintendo has a lot to prove to showthey can indeed keep up with the pack.
Don't they say that about every years E3?
Contrary to ras I'm actually more excited this year for E3 than for games in general. I'm hoping for something new b/c that's what E3 should be for. If I'm disappointed afterward, well I'm almost always disappointed afterward w/ E3, though last years Miyamoto dressing room Pikmin adventure was very interesting. Too bad the game won't be out until 2 months after THIS YEARS E3. I think after this year I will forever feel like ras though. 2013 or bust!
I've waited so long for Last Guardian I now want a stuffed Guardian to be packaged w/ the game like LBP2. And if it's only on PS4 I might not buy it out of spite. If they want to go both PS3 and PS4 w/ added "Share" and whatever I'm fine w/ that.
@charlesnarles Guns are bad. People who are dangerous will use them. Children being shot who mind up dead.... Jeez this is outrages ... Maybe its normal for you guys but many countries it is not allowed to own weapons... The most kills by guns at schools is America. It is clear America is something a lot difference between the world. My granddad was an Waffen Ss ... They did horrible things with guns . This is all i have to say. Ot im hoping for a lot rpg 'sof platformers and the last guardian . Or
E3 all-nighter incoming.
I'm only excited for Sony and Nintendo's announcements. Microsoft killed any enthusiam I had for Xbox One with all their extra bull crap you have to do just to play a game. Their just in the way at this point.
I can't remember Sony ever really having a great E3 press conference. I'm sure it has but in more recent times the only one I'd categorize as truly good was 2009 and even that one wasn't phenomenal. Part of the problem is Sony's conferences always go for too long.
the last guardian and final fantasy 15 exclusive for ps4 would make my day
Other than fears of MS pulling in some big third party support to take away from Sony (pretty sure they will get some huge third party support as well though), I'm extremely excited for E3 so much! If Sony is infact the best form they have been in in a long time then this will be one generation to behold!
E3 has had it's ups and downs. Often what's on show is as dry as a witches boob, but when new machines are being shown off I can't help but feel excited by it all.
Microsoft have lost the plot that's for sure and the big N really need to move out of the retro market.
This year will all be about Sony, sure other formats will hold show stealer surprises but over all I can safely say Sony will hold most of the aces.
First true look at the console, more of what was shown in feb, no doubt some old franchises and more new IPs.
With 8gb of RAM games are going to look a whole lot better. If you look at what they did with say God of War on ps3, with a paltry 256 sys and 256 gfx limitation - notch that up 16 times and it really does make you think what they can pull out of the bag.
Yeah I'm excited though not staying up to 2am uk time to watch it sadly - but will view it in full the following day.
One thing that I haven't heard discussed anywhere so far regarding the next gen, is momentum. At the moment Sony has all the momentum. They have outsold Xbox but 1 million consoles in just the first 3 months of this year.
Plus, their PS3 launch line up this year is beyond belief. There is a risk that the PS3's great 2013 will cannibalism the PS4 launch, but over the coming years Sony's momentum should continue. You would expect most recent PS3 owners to stick with the brand.
Personally I'm excited about E3, because I want to know more about next gen consoles and games.
I think $ony has killed any momentum it had by not addressing any of the stuff currently circulating the internet. If it had anything good to say in regards to the used game rumors, eyetoy essentially making the P$4 a spy device like the Xbox One, etc, it would've already been said. I see no reason to wait weeks until E3 to make the rumors go away if there's no truth to them, so clearly that means there's nothing good to announce and I can see E3 being a complete disaster for $ony. The only working in its favor is the Xbox division is run by a bunch of morons as well.
@Gamer83 I take your point about Sony not squashing rumors relating to used games which doesn't bode well. I do hope that you are wrong about Sony and used games, I have heard comments arguing both sides, but time will tell. Hopefully we will know one way or the other at E3.
However, the momentum I specific thinking of was current PS3 momentum. Both in terms of sales (where it is killing the 360 everywhere but the US and even reducing the gap there) and upcoming games. Then speculating on what impact that "may" have on next gen sales at launch hand then further down the road.
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