Don’t believe everything that you read on the web. Overnight, popular website GamePur reported that August’s supposedly ‘eclectic’ roster of PlayStation Plus freebies had been leaked – but developers have since emerged to dismiss the reports. The site claimed – citing a Russian source – that the goodies in Europe would comprise of Octodad: Dadliest Catch and The Swapper on the PlayStation 4, Saints Row IV and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on the PlayStation 3, and 1001 Spikes and Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland on the PlayStation Vita.
However, it seems that this offering isn’t entirely accurate. Rob Clarke from Curve Studios – the British-based company responsible for porting The Swapper to PlayStation platforms – denied the reports, stating that its acclaimed puzzle platformer will not be available as part of the Instant Game Collection next month. Similarly, Nicalis’ outspoken Tyrone Rodriguez emphatically stressed that 1001 Spikes will not feature in the next PlayStation Plus refresh either. “Feel free to ignore [the rumours],” he wrote on Twitter.
Given that two developers have very publicly distanced themselves from this report, we’re going to assume that the whole list is inaccurate. To be honest, this particular author still hasn’t played Saints Row IV, so would lap that up like a cat in front of a saucer of milk. All will be revealed officially later this week.
[source gamepur.com]
Comments 22
That lineup was so good, apart from the indie games because indies AREN'T AAA GAMES!
Shame about 1001 Spikes, it would have been a nice addition to my PS Vita library.
I'd not be surprised by Saints Row IV both because Saints Row the 3rd was a plus game and because I only bought SR4 last week so it would figure it would come up on plus right after I pay for it. I already paid for Far Cry: Blood Dragon too. I've no interest in Octodad, looks ball but I'd give it a try. I hope the line up is somewhat different to the above as there's very little in it for me ATM....tho I do already have a shocking backlogue of games to work thru so no great loss.
octodad was fun when i played it on a friends PS4, would've definitely enjoyed it if it was a freebie, and the Swapper looks very interesting to me so I would've liked to try it. That being said, maybe Sony will surprise us and give us even better games! I'd love a giveaway of Rayman Legends, or Oddworld, or Knack. Though I'm guessing they'll be sticking with just indies a while longer on PS4.
Although i've already paid for it, would be great to see Oddworld: Abe's oddesy as this months PS4 free game
I'm glad it's not true since I already got Octodad and I'm really hoping for something new.
I would be happy with Saints Row IV and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on PS3.
Surely Oddworld would be off the cards as it was only released last week?
Of these I think I have Blood Dragon (I think I bought it on impulse in a sale... so long ago I'm not sure). I think I have previous Saints Row games but of course I've not gotten round to playing them on account of being so behind on my backlog. And Sandbox games are just so bloody long! I like value for money as much as the next guy, but their proliferation has made it really difficult to get anything done. Especially when they expect you to play it through twice. Infamous I'm looking at you! You little ****. But I digress...
So I'm guessing we'll all know more either tomorrow or Thursday?
Language - get2sammyb
I'm thinking of getting plus for my vita and ps3 and was wondering if I have to download the games within the month or is there some way to save them (don't want to use up all the memory on my card) can anyone help???
@danny2kd You'll need to "buy" the games from the store when they're added to the IGC. If you don'd do that within the month that they're free then you'll have to pay. However, if you have the playstation app on your phone, you can "download" the games from the store and they'll stay in your download list. You can re-dl them when you have space.
Another option is to purchase them from the store on the Vita/PS3. Even if you don't have space it counts as you having made the purchase, so you can download them properly later.
@Johnnycide so press purchase then cancel the download and that should secure my game basically?
@danny2kd Should do, but I would recommend trying it out first.
@Johnnycide - thankyou
@Reverandjames cheers pal
@danny2kd: Also if you do fully download the game then say delete it from your system to make room you can download it again without paying for it. I have down that with a few games myself.
@Tasuki That's good to know thankyou
As a PS4 owner I hope it's wrong.
I wouldn't mind Bound by Flame as a freebie soon. i wanna check it out but also as cheaply as posiibe
Glad it is hopefully fake because don't really like the PS4 line up really. The PS3 line up was cool tho.
Do we find out the line up today?
@danny2kd Crysis 3 on PS3, Lego Harry Potter 5-7 on Vita and Road Not Taken on PS4 were on the website earlier in the 'soon on PS Plus' banner so there's half of them. Can see people complaining again later this afternoon...
@rastamadeus I'll probably postpone getting plus again this month then, I'm waiting for at least 1 game in VITA and 1 game on ps3 that I don't have other than Indies
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