Ah, good old Who Would Win Wednesdays – a feature where we pit two PlayStation personalities against each other and ask you how you think that the battle would unfold. Last time around, we had our first ever group match between the Payday Gang and the GTA V Gang. Perhaps surprisingly, it turned out to be an incredibly close contest, but less surprising is the fact that Rockstar's trio of lunatics ended up bagging the cash with just a couple of winning votes. We're moving away from groups of psychopaths today, as we host a brawl between two furry beasts. It should prove to be beary interesting. [Sorry – Ed]

Who's that rotund figure hurtling towards us at a ridiculous speed? Why it's Teddie, everyone's favourite freak from Persona 4! He may look like an insanely huggable plushy, but anyone who's stepped into the shoes of protagonist Yu Narukami will tell you that this furball is good to have around when it comes to slaying shadows. Teddie may make adorable squishy sounds when he walks about on those tiny little legs, but if you don't take this bear seriously in battle, you'll end up going home in pieces. Wielding his clawed gauntlets, this cheery character has no qualms about ripping into enemies that are far more menacing than he is, and when that fails, he can whip out a choice selection of ice-based attacks with the help of his burly persona, Kintoki-Douji.

Despite being one of Tekken's first "are you serious?" characters, there isn't really much to say about Kuma other than that he's a bear who specialises in rolling around on the floor and smacking foes right in the chops with his giant bear paws. Men of science often hail the grizzly bear as the most dangerous land mammal on the planet, but what about one that's been trained in combat by a dastardly Japanese tyrant? We daresay Kuma would prove to be a perilous opponent for the majority of fighters that have appeared in this regular feature so far, and we used to positively dread coming up against a skilled Kuma user when testing our Tekken mettle online. Why Panda refuses to fall for this furry hunk's charms, we'll never know.
In a battle between an actual bear and someone who wishes that he was a bear, who would get their face clawed off? Vote for your winner in our poll, and tell us how you think that the battle would unfold in the comments section below.
Who do you think would win this Wednesday? (36 votes)
- Teddie
- Kuma
Please login to vote in this poll.
[ Thanks to LordBagardo for the header image ]
Comments 21
Kuma would tear him in half.
Teddie would win, obviously. He literally has no heart and he's defeated worse, I mean one Shadow could kill Kuma.
Team Teddie!! Hes bearific!
glad WWWW is back . kuma would knock the stuffing out of teddie !
@kingston589 chomp gulp
Although, Teddie isn't afraid to venture into strange openings and destroy stuff from the inside...
teddie all the way!
Votes are completely 50-50, wow.
I vote Kuma! He isn't just a bear, he is THE bear.
Teddie would win and he'd bearly break a sweat
Teddie in an endurance race. Kuma can't cast healing spells, or use Bufudyne. Then again, if Teddie isn't in the TV World or it isn't the Dark Hour, there ain't much he can really do.
@ThePathsofPain Please tell me this isn't going to turn into a pun thread
Because that would be unbearable
Actually, Teddie's Japanese name IS Kuma!
@Heavyman99 great now it's Kuma vs Kuma... This should be intense.
@Chouzetsu just bear with it a bit longer
@ThePathsofPain Why do you do this? What is your claws? Don't you ever paws to think about what you're doing?
@Chouzetsu Fur certain, I don't mean to bearate you or anything like that. It's just impawsible fur me to stop.
Kuma FTW.
I'd say Teddie, just because of his persona. If it were strictly paw-to-paw combat, then Kuma would obviously take the win.
Teddie would just blind Kuma with his fashion. You bearter believe it
This is so incredibly close. Kuma is just paw-some if you ask me.
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