Bungie promised that Destiny would come alive once you reached its level cap, as has seemingly been evidenced by the number of players scouting for legendary engrams at a recently uncovered farming hot spot. However, if you’re not a fan of standing in the same place slaughtering helpless enemies over and over, then you’re probably filling your time with other post-game activities – such as searching for glitches.
Incredibly, one particular player has emailed IGN a tip regarding a hidden location in the Black Garden. There are dozens of conspiracy theories floating around – one suggesting that the secret rock formation is modelled after the Arbiter from the Halo franchise – but we’ve got a better one than that: the abandoned caves are merely a metaphor for the first-person shooter’s endgame – in that there’s nothing to bloody see or do.
[source uk.ign.com, via vg247.com]
Comments 9
I'll like your theory, Sammy. XD
Haha lol
If still baffled by bungies claims that the game starts after level 20...with that in mind and with the light infused armour coming into play....and all the talk of the darkness coming, I thought more missions, the real missions and juicy stuff was coming. But nope.
Well, the game really does kick in more when you get past lvl 20, however, I think the expansions for this are going to lift the game up much more. They could've added more into the original game though and I think Activision is the evil behind all of this.
Good article hilarious ending. Nice work @get2sammyb I needed a laugh
Try getting to this spot: http://t.co/eWU27xtrCl
so much for a glitch!!!
@Munkyknuts agree, There NEEDS to be more actual content! This replaying and playing stuff again and again... well if this is there idea of fun. Then Destiny 2 will complete GARBAGE
@wittypixel man, I've lost track of how many times ive done the same Damned patrol missions and seen the same levels and areas. The enemies even always spawn in the same places everytime. I must have spent hours watching my ship flying thru the loading screens. I just want to get to level 30 and quit...I'm surely not paying for DLC to get content that I suspect will have been made up of the stuff cut from the main game. There are amazing elements to the game but too many deal breakers....the repetitiveness and story line are just a big kick to the nuts.
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