There's more crossover between games consoles and the military than you may think – after all, remember when Iraq caused concern when it imported 4,000 PlayStation 2 consoles purportedly as part of a plan to build a supercomputer designed to control a chemical weapon? Well, now Russia's getting in on the act, as its latest tank is said to be powered by a pad heavily inspired by the iconic DualShock.
According to the Daily Mail – who's sourcing state-owned site Sputnik – the Kurganets-25 is manoeuvred with a PlayStation-esque pad rather than a steering wheel. "I spent two years convincing the designers to make the [controller] similar to a PlayStation gamepad, to make it easier for a young soldier to familiarise himself with it," explained Tractor Plants vice-president Albert Bakov.
Bakov continued that the DualShock has been perfected over the years, making it a perfect choice. He added that the controller's design is both safer and less space consuming than a traditional steering wheel. "As it turns out, a steering wheel is dangerous for the rib cage during an impact and when climbing out," Bakov concluded. "It takes up more space but provides nothing."
The Kurganets-25 itself is an infantry fighting vehicle, which is thought to be capable of transporting eight troops, as well as a three-person crew. While it can only move at a rumoured 50 miles-per-hour, it apparently comes packing a machine gun, a 30mm cannon, and space for four anti-tank missiles. In other words: it's not the kind of vehicle that you'd like to get on the wrong side of.
[source sputniknews.com, via dailymail.co.uk]
Comments 20
That....is....so....f******......awesome. I wonder how much it'd run ya to buy one hahahaha. Such a good idea though. I have quite a few friends in the military and literally everyone of them are gamers. It's all they have to do for fun when deployed or on the ship. It'd be so easy to teach a gamer how to drive that thing.
Hmmm.... I wounder if it vibrates?
Russias new military tech is bloody scary.
I heard due to ongoing MOD cuts, you now use an Atari 2600 joystick for the Chally 2's.
lol hysterical
i'm all over that. I have had training on how to drive a tank since GTA San Andreas
L1 to aim and L2 to shoot or they did it wrong.
I hope its plugged in so it doesn't run out of battery during attack
This is beyond awesome! I am glad I read this today.
But, isn't everything better with Kinect?
Isn't this what Hideo Kojima warned us about? That video games are the new way in training kids to become soldiers? At least that was my interpretation after playing MGS2
Hahaha, that's awesome.
It's the new hotness
@sub12 Nice one. lol
Parents be like: "My child will not touch that killing machine controller!"
@get2sammyb This article is from 2015 why is it being reposted was their an update to the story?
Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'Console Wars'...
I particularly like the line,
"The Army also used the Xbox 360 controller for its high-energy laser gun that's used to take down drones and mortar shells."
High energy laser gun controlled by a 360 controller, WTF!!!
So any military assault will last 2-3 hours, then. I hope they've got a spare for when the first one's recharging.
LED would be cool in a firefight, I guess, though.
Push square to annihilate...you missed a chance 😉
@Tasuki I thought the same thing. I didn’t realize till I saw my previous comment and looked at the date in confusion.
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