Fallout 4 looks set to drop a nuclear bomb on your social life, as Bethesda's lead producer Jeff Gardiner has hinted that the long awaited sequel will take you months to complete. Speaking with Official Xbox Magazine [Yes, we know – Ed], the high-level employee stressed: "I've played the game for probably 400 hours, and I'm still finding stuff that I haven't seen."
Now, exactly how much of that content will actually be worth seeing remains to be, er, seen, but the developer's got a pretty good track record when it comes to side content. And considering a big component of the firm's post-apocalyptic sequel involves crafting and base building, we reckon that you may want to consider quitting your job and divorcing your family now.
[source gamesradar.com, via gamespresso.com]
Comments 18
I'm still undecided on getting this day one after what a buggy mess Skyrim was.
I'm getting it day one, but there's so many other games coming out I don't know what I'll do! Persona 5 is suppose to come out around the same time, Battlefront, Rainbow Six Siege.... Jeez I'm gonna become a hermit
Too many games coming out, Uncharted collection, Star Wars, some strategy game that looks good, Fallout, maybe Rainbow six, probably get fifa this time, and Cod looks good after missing out on a few, well the zombies looks good. I still need to finnish Arkham City before I can buy the new Batman. And then on my Ps4 I'm still busy with Eso and Shadow Of Mordor, and Rocket League. I just don't have the time!
My longest FO3 playthrough was over 300 hours. While I didn't get Firelance on that playthrough (or any other for that matter, grumble grumble) I did feel like I'd done just about everything you could do in that world. So this 400 hour thing for FO4 doesn't surprise me at all. I can't wait.
@Splat It definitely seems like they're making sure to not make the same mistake this time around. The PS3 hardware was the main issue last time around (not enough memory) so that won't be an issue this time around!
Took me 100 hours to 100% all the trophies on Fallout 3 including dlc. That was pretty impressive. If they can keep you engaged & entertained for even longer in this game I will be very impressed. I hope it's not too buggy on release though.
Honestly, I feel this is expected. I think longer would have been impressive. Part of the appeal of these games is playing it as long as you want and there always being something new. I think if they had said 200 hours everyone would be dissapointed lol.
Sounds good but 400 hours is nothing compared to what I will be putting into eso. I've already played about 250 hours.
I've already booked the week off of work for the release of Fallout 4. Im also going for the midnight release too. I did that for Skyrim and played it for 14hrs straight. May have to order a box of Redbull too lol
This is what I love about RPG's, you really get your moneys worth.
I will be lucky to get 50 hours in. Hopefully the game will also cater to the timerexic amongst us.
When I used to hear games like these offered 100+ hours of gameplay it meant I just had to have it day one. These days however statements like these scare me away. I'm a completionist at heart and it kills me to know I won't be able to put more than 40 hours in, let alone see everything it has to offer.
Because I was abroad for work when the Witcher launched I had the time to really get into it and I absolutely loved every minute of it, but with MGS5 and FO4 I simply won't have the time and it really bothers me. People complained about Ground Zeroes a lot when it launched, but for me it was the ideal game: finally I saw the end of a game again for once and I could return for short playthroughs when I wanted without the game ever feeling bland.
There definitely is a market for games like these, but I think the power of mobile gaming isn't just because of the psychical accessibility but also in the way we consume those games time wise. I'd like to see more big studios trying to give us the triple A experience of a FO or MGS, but somehow compress gameplay in a way it's more accessible and better adjusted to the lives of 90% of the core audience. I still feel the DreamCast was way ahead of its time because of the coin op games giving us exactly what most people would want out of games in 2015: accessibility with high production values.
@Splat I think the problem was with PS3's architecture more than anything, eventually they have fixed the problems (been playing Legendary Edition for over 200 hours). So it is safe to assume this won't happen on PS4 - considering most multiplatform games look and play better on PS4 rather than X1.
Day one midnight release for me.
@Splat i am with you. After skyrim bug mess. I still has a bad taste in my mouth. I am not sure i will pick this game up.
Took me 3 years to platinum Fallout 3. My body is ready
I've put 100+ hours into multiple save files in TES4&5 and FO3&NV, only to get a YLOD etc. and have to start all over! So I'm still around halfway thru their trophies and DLC in particular, without ever intentionally hunting for them, which kinda ruins the role-playing aspect imho. Still trying to reach lv50 with 3 characters.😎
400 hours to not even see everything per playthu sounds like ANOTHER fantastic epic able to be replayed for decades. I'm pre-ordering every scrap of merch I can find for this one! To quote Michael Scott, " 'I's gonna be meh'aw!' ...'it's going to be mental.' "
I think I platinumed FO3 in about 60 hours, but the sheer beauty of it was that even though I had the plat, I reckon I'd still only seen a fraction of what there was to see in the game. I do agree that the size is a double-edged sword though. Putting hundreds of hours into a console release now would mean seriously cutting myself off from loads of other awesome experiences!
400 hours of what though? Am I cynical for thinking every open world developer says this? And all it will be is some procedurally generated mission involving fetching and/or killing x no of things. I hope I'm wrong
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