Perhaps the PlayStation Vita's miniscule install base wasn't Tearaway's problem after all, as Sony just can't seem to get this property to connect. PlayStation 4 remix Tearaway Unfolded – which released in the UK last week amid widespread critical acclaim – limped into the UK sales charts, finishing in 33rd position. Considering we're barely out of the slow summer period, that's particularly dire.
Of course, all hope is not lost, as the game is aimed at children and will probably continue to sell throughout the entire lifespan of the Japanese giant's new-gen system; LittleBigPlanet 3, which struggled at launch last Christmas, has been a permanent fixture in the UK sales charts this year, for example. There's still hope for this underappreciated franchise yet, then.
There's good news for fellow PS4 exclusive Until Dawn at least, as word of mouth has ensured that the schlocky horror holds on to fifth in the best sellers list. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain maintained its position at the summit, with Mad Max and Disney Infinity 3.0 flanking just behind. The top ten was padded out by the usual suspects: Grand Theft Auto V, LEGO Jurassic World, and Minecraft.
Have you been flashing your cash of late, or are you saving up for one of the holiday's to-be-released heavy hitters? Cough up in the comments section below.
UK Sales Charts: Week Ending 12th September, 2015
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Super Mario Maker
- Mad Max
- Disney Infinity 3.0
- Until Dawn
- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
- Grand Theft Auto V
- LEGO Jurassic World
- Minecraft: Xbox Edition
- Minecraft: PlayStation Edition
[source chart-track.co.uk]
Comments 36
Very disappointing.
Unfortunately people don't buty kids games any more unless they star a certain plumber or catchable monsters, heck even children care more about cod these days which is really depressing :/
It's definitely a shame, but as you said it'll likely be a slow burner that gets by on word of mouth. It's the type of game I'd let my neice or nephew play but personally wouldn't bother with.
I can imagine kids playing this with their friends and getting the parents to buy for them.
I guess all the kids are too busy playing cod
I bought it.. I loved it on the vita.
Games are like music.. No idea why Justin beiber gets to number one yet a really good song gets no where. I can't fathom the lure of minecraft but it constantly does well..
Some great games have just past by, I really liked vanquish and binary domain on ps3 but they did nothing at retail but they were great games.
ps4 UK owners, I am disappoint.
I tried the demo and personally didn't enjoy it even though I was tempted to buy it.
I don't feel like it has gotten much exposure and doesn't have the word of mouth power like until dawn does.
@ztpayne7 agreed, I feel this has been very undersold. If they had arranged a proper UK TV ad campaign where they clearly highlight the critical acclaim it has received, with maybe an extended ad on the kids channels highlighting the papercraft collection feature (kids seem to go mad for that sort of craftsy stuff), I honestly think it would've sold shed loads, especially as it retails for less than most new titles!
Crying shame really. I can hardly talk, as I suppose I contributed to the problem by buying it pre-owned, but it is still sad to see some of the guff out there outsell games like Tearaway so dramatically!
I think they chose a really bad time to release that, among other titles, and Super Mario Maker Comparing Tearaway and any Mario game just asks for a trouble on the former contestant
It's a shame, im loving it on PS4. The companion app is great. The graphics are brilliant and the ambient sounds and music are all top notch.
Can't say I noticed any marketing for it. The guy in CeX hadn't heard of it on release day - I know I shouldn't expect much from CeX but they had it advertised for £22 on their website.
It's not the actually game fault, come on you must of saw this coming with other big games releasing around the same time.
It probably doesn't help that both this and the original were released at very busy times for gaming.
It didn't really create any buzz like the other big releases. I saw more post for Mad Max around the internet than I did Tearaway... and let's not even compare MGS5.
Seems like the Vita virus can transcend platforms.
@NathanUC Correction, Sony didn't create any buzz for it. Much like the Vita itself, actually.
I'm pretty sure it will be a slow burner though, especially with christmas coming. It's a pretty timeless game so will hopefuly keep selling.
There wasn't any advertisement for it, but I did go for it and I like it but I'm busy with Mario Maker with certainly deserves to sell well.
Shame. It deserves to ell more than it has.
No wonder creativity is lacking in most AAA games these days as creative games like this tend not to make money...
Boy, people don't like great games apparently...
Well I've been enjoying it, it's a nice break inbetween MGSV and Mario Maker (a game i feel is in desperate need of quality rising to the top!). It is a shame that the market here is otherwise so stagnant away from 'realistic' games, but that's a lifetime rant.
@kyleforrester87 what are you using for the companion app? Pretty sure my sister or maybe my mum have a fairly basic android tablet they should be able to use for it, I'm just hoping it runs ok as it's not exactly top of the range!!
@SteveButler2210 iphone 5s, but I can't see it stretching the hardware of most phones/tablets. In fact a larger tablet is probably better for drawing on than an higher power phone.
Definitely make sure they use it though, especially if they don't have a playstation camera. The touchpad alone is a bit ropey for drawing on, but being able to pull in pictures from your tablet/phone make it great. I've got my face and the cat all over the game now
A bit of a shame for Tearaway and to be honest I can't remember even noticing it when I've been to places like Game or in supermarkets. They all seem a bit obsessed with Disney Infinity.
Another good week for Until Dawn though and well deserved, hopefully this will encourage others to create something unique rather than the copy and paste guide to gaming many seem to read from.
Yeah, I expected this. I was literally the only person at my local GameStop who pre-ordered it. Like...the ONLY one.
'Tearaway Unfolded' is F-in Brilliant Oh well i knew most gamer's just follow each other & buy the same old cr*p each year(i am not saying MGS is cr*p tho in that chart)
@unionjack3rd I can't agree more sir i just can't. And i am so sad about it......
Massively disappointing and makes me fear for Gravity Rush even if it goes to PS4. PS fanboys love to talk up how PlayStation is all about variety compared to Xbox, blah blah blah, yet what do these idiots do in the end? Buy the same old recycled crap Madden in NA or Fifa in Europe. Buy the same copy and paste shooters but ignore anything slightly different. I wouldn't be stunned at all if Sony really cuts down on the risk taking with new IPs this gen compared to last. Why make an effort when there is no reward? If this was a sh*t game, I'd be perfectly fine with people avoiding it. That's not the case at all though.
I remember finding the gameplay of the vita version very annoying, which is disappointing because it looked fun initially. Somebody should make another army men sarges game, that colourful, fun, and had good gameplay.
I got the Vita game cheap when it was on offer on the store. I found it quite charming, but the novelty wore off quite quickly and I haven't touched it in several months now... hence I was never interested in the PS4 game.
Didn't realise it had been released, but what with Until Dawn and the Taken King, I've not got the time for it right now. Will definitely pick it up at some point though.
MM is too hipster.. the new IP "Dream" is even harder to find an audience..
@viciousarcanum Nonsense. People will buy whatever they're told to buy. Hasn't been one advert for the game on TV, magazine or online. If it wasn't for an article on here the other week about the special edition I'd have forgotten it was being re-released as it hasn't been mentioned otherwise on here or any other site until the reviews came in.
I had the original on Vita and I loved every second of it. For the three hours it lasted. That is another problem, even with the added on bits you're not going to be on it more than an afternoon. Even though it's a good game it is so short that full price for it is a waste of money. People were stung once with The Order and they weren't going to fall for it again. A shame as, unlike that CGI bore, Tearaway was lovely. If Sony had any brains they'd have released this for a tenner and also nowhere near the release date of Mario Maker. The amount of coverage that game has received (rightfully so, by the way) has just obliterated Tearaway. When you're being embarrassed by Nintendo for advertising space you really need to take a long hard look at what your advertising company is doing.
@unionjack3rd As I've just said above it's all because of presence. Justin Beiber is a twerp who I would dearly love to find out has had his vocal cords removed with a rusty spanner but the world and his wife knew he had a new single out. Who knew Tearaway Unfolded was being released last week? A few Sony fanboys with crusty photos of Shuhei Yoshida stuck to their walls (and not with blu-tack) and that's about it. Presence in the media and online. It really is that simple.
Too 'hipster?' I'd love that to be explained. I actually appreciate that it isn't willing to make generic sports game 1 trillion or generic scifi shooter 1 billion. Unfortunately most gamers would prefer the generic crap though. It's the consumers that are the problem, not MM.
@rastamadeus it must be wonderful to be so naive
I totally forgot about tearaway coming out due to looking forward to SMM coming out the same day. BUT, I saw it on gameseek for £29 so I preordered it last Wednesday cause well, Sony's platformer are always good but just don't get the praise Ninty ones get. Can't wait to give it a go. Loved it on the vita.
TLDR? I bought Tearaway and SMM on launch
Not my kind of game, but hell Super Mario Make in second is amazing!
@viciousarcanum You'll have to tell me some time.
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