We told you that it was coming: the PlayStation 4 will officially drop to $349.99 starting tomorrow, 9th October, in the United States. The console previously carried an MSRP of $399.99 in the all-important nation, so this represents a reasonable drop of $50. All of the console's current bundles have been adjusted to represent the price change, too, so let's run through the new asking fees.
First up, the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection set – which is out on 9th October – will be reduced from $399.99 to $349.99, so that's a great option as you're getting the game for free. Meanwhile, the 1TB Call of Duty: Black Ops III Limited Edition package will be reduced from $449.99 to $429.99. That's due out alongside the game on 6th November.
Elsewhere, the organisation's two Darth Vader-branded Star Wars bundles – for Star Wars Battlefront and Disney Infinity 3.0 – will drop from $449.99 to $399.99, while there'll be a standard Star Wars Battlefront set without the custom console for $349.99. Again, that latter one's an absolutely killer deal.
The prices will be a little steeper in Canada – the standalone system will set you back $429.99 CAD as standard, which is due to exchange rates – but you will be able to get the appliance alongside a copy of NHL 16 for the aforementioned price. There's no word on Europe following just yet, but we have to imagine that a price drop will be announced in the Old World imminently.
Either way, this is a really aggressive move – especially when you take into account the bundles. The $50 price drop may not seem huge on the surface, but the fact that you'll be able to essentially get free copies of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Star Wars Battlefront with the hardware this holiday is bold. And that's before Black Friday offers have been added on top.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 38
Great news. Also expecting a $300 option during black friday week only. Again, great for those who couldn't afford one yet.
Now Wii U definitely needs a price drop.
@WebHead Black Friday offers are going to be really interesting. Do they package more stuff in and stick with the $350 price, or do they drop the base system to $300? Guess we don't have long to find out.
Agreed, been wanting a Wii U as well for awhile but the price is just too much, especially seen as the main Nintendo games never really lose their value, they're still nearly £40 new.
PS4 will really smash it with those prices stateside, be interesting to see how MS counters...
Hmm, SONY PlayStation USA have 'at last' grow some Balls & are taking on MS in the USA for the Xmas Holidays I am SHOCKED
RIP XBONE we hardly knew ya
@DominicanGlory One would assume Microsoft will just go lower again, right? Given that PS4's been on top at a higher price, I doubt Xbox will fancy their chances at parity - even though they do have a decent lineup this year.
Great at least it will not be as painful to save and buy it.Less buyers remorse.
Good to see. Still prefer the games MS bundles its consoles with. I will wait until BF to see more/better offers or if they counterdiscount X1
My money is already spent for this holiday, but this is great to see before U4 releases next year. And if we can get an FFXV date around say my birthday in July I'd hold out for that.
And I think this calls for a "shots fired" regarding Wii U. If they dont drop it to tie in with Yoshi Oct 16 they might as well just clearance bin the system. I've had mine for 2 years now but I would never talk a friend or family member into buying one for $300 now. $250 w/MK8 and Splatoon in the box doesn't seem too unreasonable.
MS' response will be interesting. With its exclusives and the better offerings on the bundles I think it should still win the holiday season. However, $350 for the PS4 - which is finally starting to hit its stride and looks to have a great 2016 lineup of multiplats and exclusives - that could get some fence sitters to finally make the move for that console.
@Gamer83 I think that if Sony wins the holiday again we will see a $300 Xbox One Slim at E3.
My friend who was wanting the Limited Edition Star Wars Bundle is going to very excited. I just messaged him and I know he will finally make the jump from PS3 to PS4.
I'd agree, maybe even sooner. Though with Halo 5, Forza 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider and all the bundles, if MS doesn't win this holiday it has to wonder what, if anything, can put it back on top in North America.
That's probably going to be happening a lot now. The more fence sitters upgrading to the current gen, the better. It means even more reason for third parties to move on from 360 and PS3 once and for all.
@Gamer83 indeed I mean halo is their biggest flagship IP. Guess we will see how much effect exclusives truly have soon
Yup, an interesting holiday indeed. I still think the Halo name carries a lot of weight but I also feel like the hype hasn't been there for Halo 5. At least not like there was for the first 3. This is the first Halo developed solely for this gen so there should be more excitement. Big fans like myself are hyped but it doesn't seem to be reaching the masses like 3 did at the start of last gen.
@Gamer83 And Wii U..basically don't exist this holiday.
It's a bit stingy the 1TB model is only being dropped by $30 but I suppose it's not like PS4 isn't selling anyway...
@WebHead Wii U hasn't really existed the last 3 holidays has it? It's by far the worst supported console I've ever owned and even the games Nintendo has made I'm not really that into or have owned before i.e. Smash, Wind Waker etc... I've owned my PS4 for half the time as my Wii U yet have probably 4x more games on it. That says it all really...
Anyone wanna buy a Wii U? lol
Microsoft will probably take a month or two in the US only, based off of cheap bundles that they are probably selling at or near a loss. I know everyone likes to praise exclusives, but in reality the games that sell in the millions and millions are almost always multiplat, and they are in bed with Sony this holiday. Of course Halo will be popular, it always is, but will it sell as much as a Call of Duty or Battlefront Bundle? I don't really think so. Microsoft will continue to be number 2 and that is ok, they are both selling well and someone has to be in second place. I am just happy that there is good competition and both consoles are healthy.
@get2sammyb I don't think they can compete with the PS4s momentum right now. I seriously thought they'd win the August NPD with Gears Remastered and Rare Replay but Sony dwarfed them with a little help from Until Dawn. Ps4 is a juggernaut simply due to it being THE console right now. Once Uncharted 4, Horizon and Final Fantasy VII drop it's gonna be a bloodbath because let's be honest, Ps4 has been slaying the competition with little to no big exclusives.
@SonyInfinity I think even with that in the end Sony will still have the global lifetime lead.
And let's be honest 90% of PS consumers don't buy Sony games. People buy PS for third party and media capabilities.
Yeah, I agree with an earlier comment you made about Wii U, it definitely needs a price drop now. It does have Super Mario Maker, Yoshi and Xenoblade X as far as big releases this holiday, but still, for just $50 there are two consoles that have quite a bit more horsepower, much more third party support and some good exclusives tagged for 2016.
Nintendo needs to drop the Wii U price today (should've been a year ago, but I digress) and then depending on what that does for sales, start planning the NX launch. If a $200-250 retail price gives the Wii U a significant bump in hardware sales, NX can be pushed into 2017. If it doesn't do much, get the NX ready for holiday 2016 at the latest.
@Gamer83 and make sure NX is affordable, and have a super strong lineup for launch day and first year. PS4 looks like its gonna hit critical mass next year. If Nintendo screws up then PS4 is gonna take NX to suplex city next holiday.
No question. PS4 has done well so far and that's without any really big hitting exclusives to supplement all the third party content. If Nintendo releases a more expensive but not much more powerful console than PS4, without stellar first and third party content on day one, NX will be in the same position as Wii U. The Xbox One is actually in a good position too, just not as strong as PS4. NX will more than have its work cut out for it if Nintendo screws around.
Finally! I was hoping for a $100 price drop, but I knew that was too good to be true. I'll try to pick one up this holiday season if I can find the time and money. Regardless, since this new price seems permanent, I'll get one by next summer. I can't wait to pick one up and I'm glad to see Sony playing Microsoft at its on game!
@wiggleronacid It's definitely a permanent price drop. Will only get cheaper from here on out.
Any news for a price drop the other side of the pond ?
@Gamer83 I don't know, they have the upper hand with exclusives due to Halo, but beating the Battlefront bundle will be hard with the new Star Wars coming so soon.
True. This holiday will be interesting. I figured MS had it for sure and it may still, but I expect sales will be very close.
@Jaz007 @Gamer83 One big question is how many Halo fans already bought the console in anticipation for the new game? And I'm not convinced Halo still has the pull that it once did. Don't get me wrong, it's going to be a juggernaut - but Call of Duty and Battlefront will both be bigger shooters in my opinion.
Microsoft will have prepared for a PS4 price drop, though, so I'm sure they'll have a response.
Big freakin deal, $20 cheaper in Canada once again, we get screwed.
Nice. Now the Wii U really needs a price drop. Even though I think it is easily worth the $300 it costs, the price should have dropped by now. I guess there's still time.
@rjejr @get2sammyb @WebHead This is really great news. I may be tempted to buy a PS4 this Black Friday if there's a temporary $300 sale, or an awesome $350 bundle.
@wiggleronacid Same here, a $100 permadrop would have been nice, but $50 is still not too bad, especially once you count Black Friday sales and bundles.
I think Nintendo is resigned to the fact that the Wii U will never be a commercial success, much less live up to its earlier counterpart. I also don't know for sure if the NX will be a direct competitor to the PS4, as I think it will be heavily focused around hand held and portability, with the added bonus of hooking it to a tv. If this is the case then I think Nintendo is screwing up again, releasing a handheld hybrid could put it in direct competition with tablets and phones, as well as consoles, and may be that awkward third wheel Noone really needs. I hate it, because I really love Nintendo, but I also REALLY loved Sega, and their poor decision making eventually drove me away from them as well.
I really really wish Platinum would have made a XCX for the ps4, can you imagine how awesome that could have been. I hear it already looks great on the wiiu, but I think it could have been an all time great on a machine like the ps4. Especially considering that the ps4 is now the go to for any and all Jrpgs. Maybe one day great games like bayonetta and xenoblade will grace the ps4, but I feel like Nintendo and platinum are thick as thieves at the moment.
My local Walmart (in Canada) has a Destiny PS4 bundle for $479.99, maybe they didn't get the memo?
@get2sammyb Microsoft will have prepared for a PS4 price drop, though, so I'm sure they'll have a response.
Not sure what MS response will be, but Target - they of the early price drop leak - sent me an email this morning focused on PS4 price drop.
Here's the website w/ all the different bundles if anybody is interested, though I suppose I'm about the only holdout.
Oh, and for anybody teetering atop the buy or not buy fence, most of the PS4 on Target come w/ a $50 GC, so it's almost $300 if you shop at Target alot. (I'm there every week, about $350 - $500 a month.)
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