Game of the Month PS4 PlayStation 4 October 2015

October was a pretty good month for high scoring titles, which made our internal Game of the Month poll a tough one to call. As always, five titles are nominated for our prestigious monthly award, but only four make it into these articles – and from those four, only one can be crowned our Game of the Month. So, which release claimed victory this time around? Place your bets, and then read on.

Bronze Trophy: Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition

Divine intervention

A hardcore role-playing game that captured the imagination of reviewer Stephen Tailby, Divinity is one of those titles that can suck you into its fantasy world for hours at a time. "A splendid RPG that tests your skills and your brain, Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition is a challenging, sprawling, and enchanting title from the very start," Stephen wrote, concluding that it would "be a sin" to miss this particular adventure. It was granted a divine 9/10 in our review.

Silver Trophy: Dragon Quest Heroes

The best quest around

Yep, we couldn't even include Dragon Quest Heroes' full title in fear that it would bugger up our formatting. Daft names aside, we reckon that this is one of the best hack and slashers that Japanese developer Omega Force has ever produced. "Even if you're not a fan of Warriors-style gameplay, we'd still heartily recommend Dragon Quest Heroes to anyone on the lookout for a joyous jaunt in a lovingly made fantasy world." That's a 9/10 right there.

Gold Trophy: Tales from the Borderlands: Season 1

Borderline brilliant

Concluding last month, Tales from the Borderlands has been a very enjoyable ride. Developer Telltale has somehow taken a franchise not known for its storytelling and injected some genuinely good writing into its world. Reviewer Graham Banas reckons that "Tales from the Borderlands just might be the best series that Telltale has released to date", and that "the game is a consistent joy, fusing humour and touching emotions into one product".

Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection Game of the Month

Platinum Trophy: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Urgh, those bloody fanboys at Push Square are at it again, giving Game of the Month to an HD collection, of all things. Seriously though, combining two – or three, depending on your opinion – of the best games on the PlayStation 3 into one neat package, The Nathan Drake Collection is an absolute must if you haven't already travelled the world with Naughty Dog's daredevil treasure hunter.

It isn't just a great bundle of top notch titles, though, as port masters Bluepoint Games managed to tweak and enhance all three games, making them play better than they ever have. "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is probably the best PS4 remaster thus far – and the system's had more than enough of them to give that statement weight," wrote editor Sammy Barker. Describing the collection as "30 or so hours of solid gold", the package received a 9/10 in our review. It looks like Nate's finally got his hands on a worthwhile treasure: our Game of the Month award.

And that's it for another month of great PlayStation gaming, now safely secured in our Game of the Month archives. But did we get it right? What was your favourite game of October? Vote in our poll, and let us know in the comments section below.

What was your Game of the Month for October 2015? (57 votes)

  1. Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition%
  2. Dragon Quest Heroes%
  3. Tales from the Borderlands: Season 1%
  4. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection%
  5. Other%

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