Ever wanted to play Rocket League in slow-motion with a bouncing cube? Well, now you can, as the game's previously promised match mutators are available now as part of a free PlayStation 4 patch. You can mix and match these as you see fit in private or exhibition games, while a new Mutator Mashup option has been added to the Unranked Playlist menu.
We had a little play with these earlier this evening and we have to say that they prove the old adage true yet again: the original is always best. But if you're goofing around with friends, there's definitely fun to be had here – playing with a tiny ball on fast settings is a fun alternative that makes the action way more frantic than it already is.
This patch also brings with it a bunch of free antennas inspired by games such as DriveClub, Oddworld, and, of course, Fallout. If you fancy driving around with a Vault Boy attached to your ride, you'll simply need to play a handful of matches until it unlocks. Apparently, all vault dwellers enjoy a spot of Rocket League when they're not shooting molerats and poking fun at the appearance of ghouls.
[source rocketleague.psyonix.com]
Comments 10
Excellent! Looking forward to giving this a whirl later on.
Really looking forward to these, for me they sound like they'll mix things up to make the games even more crazy! Such a good idea bringing these to the game...and for free too!
Rocket League players are all good nowadays. Hopefully some of these mutators make the game a bit different to even the odds.
Looking forward to trying these out. Sounds like great fun.
Wow, more free antennas?! Can I unlock them offline?
@themcnoisy My skill level seems to fluctuate so much. Yesterday I was playing a few 2v2 matches and I was dominating for 90% of the time, yet a few days ago I was actually asked to leave a 3v3 match because I was playing so badly!
@Quintumply my skill level recently has varied between awful and embarrassing.
@themcnoisy I don't think we've played together yet? We should do that I'll send you an invite if I see you online!
@Quintumply nice, thanks man that's definitely a good idea. We are playing a lot of Fifa on Wednesday night and depending on how those games go will be well happy to play Rocket League for the following week. I'm always on after 10pm for at least an hour
@themcnoisy Ok cool. I'm not into FIFA myself but I'll definitely try to join in with Rocket League next week (can't guarantee I'm free!)
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