You didn't think that the gorgeous golden Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection cover was going to last, did you? Perhaps realising that the original box art didn't quite capture the "SUCH VALUE! MUCH QUALITY!" nature of the compilation, SCEE has re-packaged the title in Europe with a garbage front flaunting the fact that you get three games in one.
It's a good job Drake's going to be fed to the earthworms soon, because he'd surely have something witty to say about this if he didn't have more pressing matters on his mind. This cover's a couple of Game of the Year stickers away from making us projectile vomit.
Comments 34
I agree! So Glad I got mine day one!!
It's ranks!
It's rank!
That's the kind of cover you see when you dig through the Walmart bargain bin with copies of every Pauly Shore movie.
Oh dear, oh dear. This really is truly horrid. Ouch!
I did see this in a store the other day & thought it it was a dummy/display cover! The more you know..
Im getting this for Xmas, i hope i get the original, better cover art.
This makes me wish that only first run copies had the gold cover.
Then at least they'd be something of a collector's item.
I much prefer the original cover but didn't think that was 'great'. Glad I bought that cover version never the less
So... I have a confession to make... I just recently played Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 followed by Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (actually played TR between 2 and 3) as sort of an action-adventure game binge and... TR made the biggest impression on me, by far. Like after playing it, the level design and gun mechanics in UC3 just seemed... I dunno, really horrible to be honest. The UC games have great cutscenes and decent characters, but can someone tell me why they're as beloved as they are? (For what it's worth, I didn't care for The Last of Us either. Maybe I just wasn't born to be a fan of these games, but I want to love them like everyone else so badly).
@TeslaChippie Sounds like the games just aren't for you. Nothing to be ashamed of, haha. There are plenty of popular games I myself don't like - it's just human nature to enjoy different things.
We always get the crap covers, like when the first Uncharted came out, Japan had Drake looking badass with a shotgun across his shoulders and then we got him hoping over a log 😐
well that sucks, didn't get my copy yet because it's on the bottom of my list. But if the Disc is still the same and not redesigned like the cover then it wouldn't bother me since i just throw away the covers anyways
But sir it's only wafer thin!
Hope my Christmas version the wife has ordered me isn't this one
Why the tear effect? So clearly the collection hasn't sold as well as they'd hope but surely this will only help with those filthy clueless casuals that buy games from a retail store based on its cover. It can't be a big market.
Because that's not confusing for all the buyers! Why change the cover art now? I suppose most people buying this for Christmas would have already done so, and probably got the original cover...
However, if someone sees an advert online or on TV featuring the Nathan Drake Collection, they're going to see the first cover and then be confused when they go to buy it as a gift and can't find it. A very odd and stupid move in my opinion.
Also yeah, the new cover art is awful.
Have many other games dramatically changed cover art within a few months of release?
i must be one of the few people who couldn't give a rats a** about video games cover art
after all the game sits on my shelf where the only thing you see is the spine and when i want the game i take it out of the case and put it back on the shelf
i look at the box only when i open and close it
after all i buy a game to play the game not look at the box for hours on end
One more "great deal" package for a great video game package. Not the first, not the last.
Maybe the change in the cover art coincides with the fact that the Uncharted 4 beta is finished and therefore no longer available?
@TeslaChippie Uncharted was one of the games I fell in love with last gen because of the characters and their interaction. Granted the basic premise and actual game-play mechanics were not that original and maybe other games were a bit tighter on the gun-play, combat elements but not many games had characters that felt as realistic. I don't mean their in game action and re-gen health ability but the way they interacted and their personality. Tomb Raider (reboot) came out after all 3 of these and gave Lara a much more human and realistic personality but only after Naughty Dog had released all 3 of its Uncharted games. Don't forget the first was released over 8 years ago and its been more than 4 years since Uncharted 3 released. Uncharted made Tomb Raider seem very old and dated - at least until the reboot. Nathan Drake felt much more 'human' compared to the almost 'super-human' Lara.
Uncharted also has some of the best set-pieces in gaming and unlike many others you actually get to play these rather than watch them as cut-scenes or at most interact with a QTE. The game looked and played like many of the big block-buster action movies.
I know graphics aren't 'everything' but at the time of release, the Uncharted games each were incredibly good looking too and the sense of scale of some of the places was immense. Even if the path was very linear, you got an impression of the size and beauty of the places that Drake was in. During my first playthroughs, I often just stopped to take in all the detail in the view - not just on the big, maybe more open places but also the more closed places too. I still maintain Uncharted 3 was the best looking game of last gen.
@TeslaChippie You've got to remember that the Uncharted games did that style of game before Tomb Raider came on the scene, too. Crystal Dynamics were working from Naughty Dog's blueprint.
Bad cover art.It looks like some bad Wii game cover art.the person who made this needs the (boot in the end)fired.
@TeslaChippie Did you play the versions in the collection or the original PS3 versions? They changed the controls quite a lot for the collection. I say what I'm about to say from the point of view of someone who hadn't played UC until the collection came out, and who played the 2013 TR when it came out and enjoyed it.
As Sammy says above, Uncharted 1 came out 6 years before the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, Uncharted 2 was 4 years prior, Uncharted 3 came out 2 years before. To put that into context, as much time passed between UC1 and TR as passed between Wolfenstein 3D and Half-Life, or Sonic 2 and MGS1. Therefore when people saw TR, it was a game copying a 6 year old template. It seemed very derivative. Add into the mix that it lost a lot of what made the original TRs what they were (e.g. tombs (though the re-release did add quite a few more), Lara being incredibly confident and capable rather than being panicky and confused, complex puzzles spanning entire levels) and it just felt like a mod of UC, or like Drake with breasts - and wheezing onto the scene 6 years after Drake made his début.
I think some of the things I think UC does better than the TR reboot is that the areas feel like actual places and less like platforming game areas (this is less true of the first UC, though). Too often in TR, it felt like I was in a videogame level rather than an actual place. It also has the increasingly maligned presence of open world elements like endless types of collectibles and lots of backtracking. Yet it does all that while still being incredibly linear so you get the bad part of open world without the good part. It's an odd mix. UC is linear but uses that to its advantage to make a more focused and well-paced experience. The enemy AI and reactivity seems a lot better in UC, as well. TR can feel like a shooting gallery most of the time, in UC those enemy guards are always flushing you out of cover or outflanking you. There's a lot more variety in the types of engagement, TR just seems to have you in a narrow area with guards standing ahead of you, waiting to die.
Also, maybe Crystal Dynamics are just being coy with their trailers but UC4 looks absolutely stunning and exciting as hell whereas RotTR has Lara climbing up a snowy cliff (something done far more interestingly 6 years ago in UC2's train crash scene, incidentally). Looking forward to both, though.
Guess this cover makes it obvious that Golden Abyss is not included, thus negating the Nathan Drake Collection moniker.
Happy the NA copy didn't change, cause that's horrible looking!
Who greenlighted this terrible cover.....
Im glad I have the steelcase cover.
@FullbringIchigo Same here man. I hardly ever bother to look at the cover art, I'm mostly playing the games lol.
The games are still the same I do not have an issue with it. I stack my games and so really only see the spine of the game for 99% of the time. If gamers are really bothered by it just buy the older version problem solved.
@Matroska I'm judging against the Nathan Drake collection here, but even so I feel like Tomb Raider CREAMS any of the Uncharted games in terms of visuals, control and performance. The game is just phenomenal looking and playing. I'll give you that enemy AI in Tomb Raider is hilariously bland (but I don't think it was earth-shattering in Uncharted, either). I actually PREFERRED the encapsulated level design you're referring to. Took me right back to the old N64 platformers I grew up on where every area has set collectibles and goals.
Say what you will about Tomb Raider, but the recent Rise of the Tomb Raider was easily one of the year's best, and for Uncharted 4 to top it would be quite an accomplishment. Not that I think it won't, but at the same time, I think people aren't giving this recent entry the credit it deserves.
Lemme see the back.
One cover is simple and a bit too sandy and the other is just cheap and a bit too blue...
By the way, how many discs?
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