Microsoft stopped reporting Xbox One hardware sales recently, suggesting that its Monthly Active Users metric is more important than its flagship format's install base. Fortunately, an EA investor report and a bit of math has enabled us to, for the first time in a long while, see how the Redmond firm's box is performing in comparison to the PlayStation 4.
Now we know what you're thinking: this is fanboy fuel. Except, we reckon that it's pretty interesting seeing how each system is faring – and we're not casting any aspersions as to the quality of said consoles. So wind your neck in before you trot on down to the comments section, and let's take an objective look at the numbers that we have.
So, according to an EA estimation there were approximately 55 million new-gen consoles in peoples' homes by the end of 2015. And we already know that, as of 3rd January, the PS4 accounted for 35.9 million of those. Which means that the Xbox One is likely somewhere in the region of 19 million units sold. A not too shabby figure, for sure.
If we may add a little commentary for a moment: that's a decent number for Microsoft – it's above the Xbox 360 at the same point in its life – but the worry is that it's becoming increasingly irrelevant outside of key territories like the UK, USA, and Canada. That must be a concern. Either way, a combined install base of 55 million is above EA's expectations, which is good for console gaming in general.
So yeah, now we have a clearer picture of where things stand. To be honest, unless something crazy happens, we expect the gap between the two consoles to grow through 2016. The simple fact is that the PS4's lineup is far too strong this year for it to slow down, and while the Xbox One has a good slate too, it's going to struggle to keep pace with Sony's eclectic selection.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 52
in a unrelated note I just got an email stating they updated the street fighter v beta I didn't even realize I was in it and the I go on this web site called psn beta and realized I had codes for the tomorrow children witch I cant use because its ended and one for street fighter I didn't even realize this website existed did anyone else?
A d we can assume that Wii U is likely somewhere between 13mil-14mil. This looks like shades of 6th gen.
@WebHead Wii U is at 10.73 million as of 30th September. That's a shipped number so, yeah, I imagine you're correct.
Agreed, as someone who plays "any/all" when it comes to games, I always felt that PSN and general value for money in being a PS3 owner was better when MS had avantage over Sony as I felt Sony were trying to "win you over".
Haven't got a XB1 yet, but I bet with a turn of the tables and now Microsoft trying to catch up this generation, you are in a good position the other way as a consumer.
As I feel the PS4 joypad is slightly better this gen, the Xbox pad is slightly worse and the games seem closer than ever in performance, I haven't yet seen any reason for me to get one, unlike last time, with initially the entire ME trilogy, and Fallout 3, New Vegas, Oblivion and Skyrim running much better on 360 with a prefferable joypad.
Pa4 is going to run away in 2016
As someone with both the XB1 and PS4, I have no allegiance to either brand specifically - I think both have their strengths and weaknesses. I don't know if EA are counting the Wii U either as I don't know that they are making games for it or where they are getting that 55m figure from. I can imagine though that they can make an 'estimate' based on sales of their games and online server usage.They recently announced the 'split' in sales for their SW:BF game and by applying some basic maths, you could come up with a figure.
It is possible as well as likely that the PS4 will continue to increase that gap in 2016, although I must admit the XB1 games line-up for 2016 has far more games that interest me (Gears 4, ReCore, Quantum Break, Crackdown, Halo Wars, Sea of Thieves and Scalebound next year compared to Uncharted 4 and Horizon: Zero Dawn). Backwards Compatibility could also prove a bigger factor if/when more games get added to it and as every GwG XB360 game is also BC, then that may encourage more sales. Even though it looks impossible and its VERY unlikely at the moment, its still possible that MS could catch up and overtake. We are not even half way through the life cycle and with many more years of sales, it could still catch up IF MS come-up with 'something(s)' that are a must have and maybe IF Sony get too complacent or VR doesn't go the way they hope/expect. Like I said, at the moment, it does seem incredibly unlikely and I don't see it happening but its still 'possible'
I doubt the XB1 will 'win' in terms of sales, but its hardly a loser. As this article has pointed out, its already sold more than its predecessor as well as the Wii U. For those of us that own an XB1, we are 'benefiting' from MS's desire to try and close that gap - investing in exclusives, adding Backwards Compatibility with NO charge to play the games I already own, generally better (or more games that appeal to me) GwG with all 4 playable on XB1 etc etc.
If this figure is accurate though, 55m in just over 2 years, then that is a win for console gamers. It's certainly going to encourage more investment and game development and securing the 'near' future for us console gamers! I get as much enjoyment from BOTH consoles and I will admit that certain aspects frustrate me with BOTH consoles too. I am looking forward to gaming on BOTH in 2016 and the years that follow.
I still can't believe some 'gamers' are sticking with the Xbox brand after Microsoft tried to DRM their Loyal Fans? Maybe they(the Fans) will regret it next-gen I guess. Well done anyway the other gamers for supporting SONY's PS4 this Gen
I also have no allegiance to either brand having owned the first 2 xbox's, however I will say that MS's business practices during the launch of the Xbone seriously fecked me off to the point I am kind of happy they are being put in place by Sony!
Heh, karma doing its thing!
Xbox owners should be grateful for PS4's dominance this gen. Look at all the consumer friendly changes Microsoft has made, beginning with the PS3's resurgence with PS Plus "free" games. Microsoft's measures were Draconian before that point.
A positive for PS4 owners is that a 2:1 ratio should dissuade any more timed exclusives like Rise of the Tomb Raider...while encouraging more for the PS4. And westernizations. So many Japanese westernizations.
@Carl-G Whilst the DRM issue annoyed the hell out of me, it's not an issue for the XB1. It was NEVER a feature that made it into the console so I really don't know why people still go on about it. It is 'rumoured' that the PS4 was going to implement it too but because of the backlash at MS's conference, Sony opted not to mention it during theirs and removed it before launch too.
As someone with NO allegiance to either brand - both consoles are the device required to play the games I want in a way that suits me (as opposed to PC), I don't think Sony are necessarily 'better' with their business practices either and have done things that I don't agree with either.
Its clear that both have borrowed off of each other in some ways too - some of which has benefited gamers - some not so much...
It's clear that Sony's in the lead, but I dont think EA is a good source for info in general, least of all on Microsoft's console sales. Either way, I play games and there are good ones on all three of my consoles so I'm happy.
I will be honest that I don't support any one brand, I believe in the product. I was an xbox 360 owner, because at the time I felt that system was the best for me. However, this generation the PS4 felt like it was marketed better towards me as a gamer and that there was more of an ecosystem (one of the reasons I also purchased a PS Vita). They key thing for me is that this generation is selling well which can only be a good thing. The last thing anyone wants is a premature kick off for the next gen race (I suppose we'll see if Nintendo try but they have tended to almost be a 1.5 version of existing gens in terms of hardware imo). If PSVR takes off then it might drive PS4 further ahead or it could be a debacle. 2016 is shaping up to be rather interesting...
The big thing to take from this is that consoles aren't going anywhere, though I do wonder if Xbox sales will slow because last year they had a Gears, Halo, Forza and Tomb Raider to sell off the back of, this year all I can see doing good numbers for them is Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 3, maybe Crackdown 3 if it's coming this year.
Dang, almost 2:1. I'm glad the PS4 is dominating as that means good things for developer support and the market size for Sony's exclusives, but MS still has decent numbers to keep things competive.
"new gen" as in "new gen, except Nintendo"?
@BAMozzy Not to be pedantic but it did make it out to all users when the console launched. There was a day on patch that "fixed" things, so for many it effectively didn't exist, but if you didn't have a good internet connection (or one you could use at all) to download the patch, you were SOL. On the flip side, Sonys day one patch, they offered on a physical shipped disc (free).
You say that neither company has better practices, but the main reason I choose Sony over MS is because this is untrue. When Sony has issues (like say, the overheating battery in a few laptops, literally just a few, not 1% not %0.1, just a few) they issue recalls, recalling millions of laptops (replacing the battery) costing many millions of dollars. When MS has an issue, like, lets say a FOURTY FOUR PERCENT failure rate on the 360...they do nothing, and then nothing, and then nothing, and then eventually they...what? Extend the warranty? What about all the thousands that voided their warranty by trying unofficial methods to fix it? They don't get that extension. What about the people that went through two, three, or more Xbox 360's (not warranty replacements), do they get refunds for the original ones they bought? No? Not much of a solution then, was it?
I don't claim Sony is a perfect company (I will never forget what they did to Bleem!, and that security breach was pretty nasty, though no real harm came from it, other than PSN being down for a month), but comparing them to Microsoft, they are practically saints. My loyalty can be won and lost, its not a blind fanaticism. And I absolutely recognize the great job that Microsoft has been doing with the Xbox One to turn it around (its been one smart move after another), but it would take many years of this type of behavior to make up for the things they have done in the past. To show us (me) that they have actually learned their lesson as a company, not just one leader that has his head on straight.
@Octane It's EA, so that's kind of a given Nintnedo isn't in it's frame of reference. "Unprecedented partnership" doesn't mean what EA thinks it means.
It's been 2 years, total numbers are nice, but I'd really rather see trends. Or just the Oct-Dec 2015 numbers. PS4 had such a huge lead out of the gate, it's possible their sales slow, even w/ a great 2016-17 games line-up, b/c people already own it, and X1 could improve.
Also, and admittedly this is biased, I'd like to see the NA and EU - including UK - sales separate. PS4 outsells X1 25k per week in Japan, that's 100,000 more sales every month, just in Japan. MS cold probably keep X1 going just on US sales alone if they are high enough. If US falters X1 falters.
@rjejr Well we get regular PS4 numbers (and not guesses or estimations), so its pretty clear that their numbers haven't slowed down. The inertia is high, and barring some catastrophic event for Sony, its not likely to change much. The thing with console sales (and products in general) is that its a self feeding cycle. The more they sell, the more people have them, the more people hear about them, the more their friends have, the more people talk about them, the more games they get, the more deals they have, all leading back to more sales, which feeds itself again.
@lacerz personally I'd like to see more parity with the systems and NO timed or "console" exclusives, like what happened with the new Tomb Raider or Street Fighter V. Heck, even all the timed DLC rubs me the wrong way. But I doubt that will ever end.
@Sir_JBizzle I couldn't agree more. I would rather have the companies compete on making the best hardware and ecosystem, rather than see who can buy or produce the most/best games that the other half of the console users can't play. Unfortunately there is a loud minority (I am convinced that its a minority) that claims that exclusives are everything and they only buy a console based on exclusives and no exclusives would give them no reason to buy it.
Unless NX really throws a wrinkle into the equation I'm expecting PS4 will at this point keep running and hiding from the competition, especially since it's done so well without any truly great exclusives aside from inFamous and Bloodborne. At this point as an Xbox fan as well, I'm just hoping X1 keeps tracking ahead of the 360. The console market is stronger than I thought it would be so that's great news. I still think Sony and MS will move onto something much different by 2019, 2020 though.
I support both brands. Some of us just like to play games regardless of console and it's not like Sony is the most angelic company out there.
@thedevilsjester So true. I feel like Ninteod sold the Wii simply on word of mouth of Wii Sports so they didn't have to spend a lot on advertising. (Also helped A LOT by the $250 price compared to $500 PS3 and Xbox360.) So then when they launched Wii U they didn't bother to advertise, but nobody wanted to talk about Ntinedo Land b/c nobody could understnad, pronounce or type "asymmetrical gameplay".
And you are right about PS4 sales, they seem to be well charted, I was talking more about the elusive Xbox One sales. Can't compare one w/o the other.
@KratosMD that's very true, doesn't change my overall stance about parity. I wasn't giving an opinion to what was fair or not, as it doesn't impact my decision to purchase SFV, nor did it impact my decision to by RotR.
I suppose part of me believes that SFV wasn't in that dire of straits before Sony threw cash their way. Of course I felt that way about Rise of the Tomb Raider, except that MS probably knew they'd get more backlash than what they're getting now about the whole thing. Is my theory asinine? Most likely.
Apparently, neither could Nintendo...
@Neolit I bet they will. Leaving cash on the table.
It wouldn't be shocking at all if one of the big E3 or PS Experience announcements this year is that of PlayStation 'elite' controller. Makes too much sense. I'm actually a little surprised we didn't get an announcement at the last PS Experience.
@Sir_JBizzle A large reason that SFV skipped Xbox One is that Microsoft have this bizarre thing of not allowing crossplay. Xbox players would be in their own little zone while PC and PS4 players would be playing each other. It's the same reason FFXIV isn't on Xbone. Rocket League on PS4 shares servers with PC while Xbone is on its own little thing. Then factor in the fact that SFIV sold way more on PS3 than 360, even in the US, and that Sony was willing to work on infrastructure things like tournaments with Capcom.
Also, just to bring up a point I've made before, people do seem to be acting like this exclusivity thing is recent. Street Fighter III was originally only on the Dreamcast. Street Fighter II skipped the Mega Drive in favour of the SNES - the initial version, that is. I think it was just Street Fighter IV that came out on two consoles at once, and even that skipped the Wii.
It's crazy how the PS4 will hit 50+ million this year, just goes to show how quickly the video games market has grown
@Matroska I realize the exclusivity isn't new, I'm pro-pairity and I was giving an (albeit bad) example of said exclusivity. Also, yeah IV skipped the Wii, but Nintendo got a pretty solid 3DS version, so there's that. Though I do realize we were talking about home consoles.
But that's a pretty interesting take on why V skipped the XBox, I mean outside of the fact that Sony fronted development costs.
@Anchorsam_9 and here we have folks saying the home console market is dying (or dead depending on who you talk to)
@Sir_JBizzle I'm not sure what's funnier, your comment or the bear.
I'm always tempted to get a second console to have in my bedroom. I did have a second PS4 in there after getting the 1tb Star Wars console but have since sold my extra one. I had a Wii U for a while too but hated Nintendo's insistence on using Wii controllers for multiplayer on many games and there big hitters been few and far between. I keep considering getting another as there are a few very good games I've yet to play and Zelda may eventually be released, but it's far too expensive for what it is. As for the Xbox I have thought about getting one a few times but there really aren't a great deal of games for it that interest me, Rare replay, dead rising 3 that's all I can think and bc holds no interest for me.
I deffinetly have loyalty to Sony and it would take a lot to make me buy another system over a PlayStation as my goto gaming machine. That said I've nothing against other consoles and would (and have) purchased secondary machines as and when games have appealed to me, but I don't have an endless amount of time for gaming so it just makes sense to do it all on one machine if I can.
Timed exclusive has not so much to do with sales, it's all about the money.
The only reason that CoD has something more to offer on PS4 is the big bag of money they got from Sony.
Wow last time I looked at x1 sales it was at like 8 million so they're doing better than I thought for sure.
Xbox One is on track to sell about 35-40 million lifetime, a MAJOR decline from the Xbox 360.
You're probably thinking "But the XB1 is outpacing the 360, so how can that be?" Easy - the 360's pace was certainly not a constant quantity. It sold somewhat slowly at first then picked up big time.
As said in the article, outside of the US and the UK the Xbox brand is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Doesn't help that MS called several European countries "2nd tier countries."
Basically, while not a failure, the Xbox One is definitely selling poorer than Microsoft would have you believe.
To make matters worse, the Halo series, Microsoft's flagship franchise, has seen an almost 60% drop off in sales when comparing Halo 5 to Halo 3 and Halo 4.
I'd say the Xbox brand has an uncertain future.
I love seeing X1 collecting dust on shelves here in Canada
Poor Xbox, I don't like to see a company struggle even though I love my PS4. I chose the PS4 because I like the option of playing rpgs available to me when i want a break from mainstream games, and the Xbox one controller hurts my hands because of how far it sticks out at the bottom, it digs in the area between my thumb and pointer finger.
@Anchorsam_9 To be fair there is almost 7 billion people on the planet, console gaming still hasn't been taken up by eskimos or Isis.
@Link41x take a picture next time so us here in the UK can laugh along with you.
@IceClimbers Yeah they really need to do a 360 back to 2006.
I readily admit I have no love of Microsoft as a company, and I do take some pleasure in seeing them 'fail' (not that it's really a failure). It's nothing to do with the Xbox, just their history as a company.
That said, I bought an original Xbox at launch, and I did briefly have a 360 late in the day. But I doubt very much that I'll ever get an Xbox One. Why? Well, outside of Forza, their exclusives just don't interest me - and since the multi-platform games are almost without fail better on the PS4, there's no reason - for me personally - to own one.
The Wii U took almost 3 years to match the sales of the ill-fated Dreamcast. By the time its successor launches this year, it will still probably be under 12 million.
i didnt think Sony would own the Xbox one like this ever .if it was a boxing match the ref would of stopped it.
@themcnoisy I laughed so hard when I read your comment about eskimos and Isis.
I own a PS4...love it. Had a Wii U but kept on setting it aside too much to keep it, ended up getting rid of it to get more for PS4. I was thinking about an Xbone, but (not including Kinect titles), there was only Rare Replay that I would want for it, so not worth it down the road (as I still own many of those games for Super NES and N64). I'm still thinking about getting the system, but with nintendo talking about their next console, it may have to wait until it's almost completely dead in the water...which then I'll buy one and get some of the games for it.
@BAMozzy u make me laugh mate!! U haven't got an allegiance? What??? I can see that u have. The console u seem to prefer,,, or it's because that is the only console u own. U named about 6 games that are coming out exclusive to the xbox and was it 2 for the PS. Well try looking a little harder online for games that are exclusive to PS because there are quite a few more than 2. I have always been loyal to PS but when xbox 360 came out before PS3 I thought I'll give it a go. Now don't get me wrong I did like a few games that were exclusive like gears but I still sold up and got the PS3 as soon as it was on sale. I suppose my point I'm making is Sony have been around quite a while longer and then u get this big American company ( Microsoft) who just think they can muscle in and take over. Well if u ask me they bit off more than they can chew when they thought of wrestling with a well established giant (with many more yrs experience in the console world I might ad) like Sony and it's starting to show now. It's took a while but now the cracks are starting to show. I think it will be good bye and farewell to xbox in the not so distant future.
Language -Tasuki-
@Lloydeeee No need to get offensive!!! As people here that have played with me on my PS4 will tell you, I do own and regularly play it.
I know I named more XB1 exclusives than PS4, but like I said, I have more XB1 games coming out in 2016 that interest ME. It was not a list of games coming out in total!! I have NO interest in games like Final Fantasy, Ni No Kuni, Gravity Rush, Last Guardian, No Mans Sky etc etc and therefore didn't mention them.
There is more chance that Nintendo could quit the home console (not handheld) market than Microsoft as in a far shorter time, the XB1 has sold nearly twice as many units than the Wii U.
I am not American myself, but I am sure that they could find your comment offensive and insulting!
I think I will stop there before I say something offensive myself!!!
@Lloydeeee Take the fanboy stuff elseware please. Also watch the language and the racial sterotyping. You have been warned.
@Tasuki what have I said that is so racist?? I haven't said anything out of order. All I said is the things that I believe!! What's wrong with that??????? Freedom of speech. Yea I am a fanman,,,,, So Wat if I am. Ain't I supposed to put my point across?? Isn't that what makes life so interesting, u know, The differences and the debates on them differences. I haven't been racist at all. What are u warning me?? What if I write what I think u will kick me out of this site. Well that is entirely up to u. What's the point of being on a site where u have to watch Wat u say anyways. If people got offended from Wat I wrote then sorry! Im sorry that people are so easily offended. Take a chill pill and relax.😀
kudos for ps4 lets hope this translates to more exclusives as it has a bigger seller base.
@Lloydeeee We don't mind freedom of speech but racial sterotyping is against the rules here as we try to promote a respectful welcoming place for gamers regardless of age, race sex etc. I don't understand where it's stated that you can say whatever you please but if it goes against the community rules, then it is not allowed here. If you need to discuss further you can use the contact form below.
Thanks for understanding.
And then there's the Wii U... the little system that couldn't.
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