Ubisoft stated last week that Tom Clancy's The Division's servers would go live later today, but it looks like they're already up and running if various reports around the 'net are to be believed. Some early players claim that they've been enjoying the release since this morning, while others are busy streaming the title as we write this very article.
With the game launching tomorrow, on the 8th March, Ubisoft's latest is unsurprisingly getting plenty of attention, but it's worth mentioning that you'll have to wait until the title's out in the wild before reading any reviews. That said, if you really want an indication of how the release is looking, you could always jump on Twitch and watch one of the current livestreams – there are quite a few to choose from.
Needless to say, we'll have our own review published as soon as possible, but until then, let us know if you've managed to get your hands on an early copy in the comments section below.
Comments 14
@Reverandjames been live since 9am :in the uk
I haven't been lucky enough to get a game early since the Amazon shipping fiasco with mw2 where I had the game accidentally shipped to me 2 whole weeks prior to launch. One of the downfalls of digital, there's no way to unlock the game prior to its unlock time. Another downfall to digital is no secondary market to sell licenses but maybe someday relatively soon that will change. After all of a digital Marketplace is the future, developers have got to realize until selling, trading in licenses is a reality brick and mortar will always exist.
@Reverandjames get your priorities straight.
Just waiting for my edition to arrive until then killing some Zombies in Dying Light
@Comrade44 said:"i played it,the shooter it rubbish,graphics is severely downgraded"
The last patch added graphical fixes.
Fixed several lights that did not cast global illumination
Fixed missing volumetric lights on traffic lights
Illuminated signs now cast actual light
Improved atmospheric haze in several time and weather combinations
Improved night time lighting and contrast
Adjusted exaggerated rim light shader on characters
Improved car window reflections
Improved Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) to be more pronounced
I'm playing it. I was looking forward to creating a decent character but I'm afraid to say it's an extremely basic creator. Only 8 preset faces to choose from.
No big deal really, I just love creating characters in games.
@Reverandjames To be honest I always play as females when given the choice. The males look good in this game but all the female presets either look like dudes or have massive unattractive heads. The 'hairstyles' are questionable too. No wonder Ubi always have male protagonists.
This game makes Superman 64 look like a gaming classic.
People hating on Ubisoft like they do on EA I wonder what company will be next.
Is anyone else having an issue with the hazmat preorder code , my code seams to be 4 digits short.
I was hoping my copy would get here a day early like Megadimesnion Neptunia VII did, alas, no such luck. Oh well, I've gotten back into MGSV pretty hard lately and have been trying to S rank everything. Siege and IA/VT Colorful have also been keeping me busy as ever.
@Reverandjames agreed. Despite the ubihate. Looks great and gunplay is fantastic, is not easy at all. Also gameplay is very tactical.
@ApostateMage Same here, I love creating characters in games as well. Which is why I'm hoping PS4 gets Black Desert Online sometime in the future. It's the game that has the best character creation system I've seen so far.
Managed to download the beta but never had a chance to try it so looking forwards to the reviews , seems a bit mixed here but then I loved Driveclub ,Battlefield and Battlefront from day one and everyone hated on them too. Might just take a chance ,I reckon it'll score a lot of sevens a bit like Destiny.
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