This whole PlayStation 4K lark has been like a bullet train: we're already sick of writing about it and you've expressed your dissatisfaction regarding our regular posts about it. But it's kinda come out of nowhere, right? Well, we've been thinking about the hypothetical hardware half-step for a few days now – obvs – and we've finally put our finger on a niggle: the console's been under our nose all along.
Yes sir, we reported on off-the-cuff comments made by Netflix chief Neil Hunt all the way back in February 2015, where he said that Sony had "promised" his company a 4K capable PS4 eons ago. In fact, other parts of the press picked up on the slip and went one further, claiming that the refreshed system would arrive in the fall of that same year. Obviously that didn't happen, but it sounds like this has been in the pipeline for a while.

In fact, if you really do some digging, the platform holder's even mentioned it in interviews. Late last year, Sony suit Masayasu Ito said that an enhanced system could happen – but he stopped short of delving into any specific details. As this author's been saying for a while, the platform holder's been anything but reactionary this generation, so if it's going ahead with the PS4K, it'll have been part of the plan all along.
The big challenge now, of course, may be convincing everyone else to get on board with the idea…
Comments 32
In defense of all this, I do remember though during e3 sony stating that 4k video support would be coming down the road in a ps4 update. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I remember both sony and ms refering to 4k video support for the current consoles. Still, both sony and ms have my money when/if they decide to go this route.
No Thank you,
I would need to buy a new TV, start buying 4K movies (which most likely cost more) and most likely other things. For that, I would build a PC instead.
I've been watching 4k on my ps4 for months!! YouTube and hdmi 1.4 ... my tv switches resolution and confirms it.... dunno what all the fuss is about!
4k aint that impressive tbh
This is probably the best coverage of the alleged PS4 4K model this far. First article on the web that is backed up by facts
@Beefy01 Youtube does 4k now? Anything worth watching?
No need convincing me, I'm all in!
For all y'all haters that still don't get it: by the time the base PS4 won't be able to run the latest software, your precious 5 years of consolelife will be long over and you can buy the second revision. Do you honestly think that, maybe 1 Sony exclusive and 3 or 4 indies aside, publishers are gonna abandon the 50million+ userbase? Of course they won't! Games will be forward and backward compatible, else they'll never make money.
And for people who joined the PS4 club just recently and won't get their 5 years of console life: till you bought a PS4 the PS3 was all you got, why are you complaining?? If you don't have a problem not having cutting edge tech, which is shown by you not adopting the console within the first months, you can't keep on crying foul. And the fun part is that you'll probably get more comparible games on your base console with an upgrade every 3 years after 6 years, than if the PS5 drops after the PS4 has been 5 years on the market... Just think about it!
The PS360 gen was an anomaly and only happened because the hardware they launched with was so expensive that they had to make the money back somehow; normal console cycles won't last that long. With a PC like structure you'll have far more compatible games on your "old" PS4 5 years from now because lots of games won't need hardware with a different architecture: in the end the people who don't need cutting edge tech AND people who can't afford it win!
I don't mind if its just upscaling 1080p to 4K but if its like the New 3D where some games will simply run like crud in the older model then I'll be very mad
@DualWielding Mind your language, please - TheMightyPunram
@Pink_Floyd And its still going to cost more. Only the ultra high end PC's can game at 4K. The graphics card and monitor alone are going to cost 1500-2000. Then you would need to decide to either go with AMD or the expensive,but better Intell i5 or i7.
The new PS4k supposedly upscales, so you wouldn't have to replace all of you Blue Rays. You can pick up a good 4k TV for around £500 the new PS4K is £350 but you can trade in your old PS4 and maybe some old games.
Still works out at around £1000 cheaper, if not more.
@Bazza78 4K games looks amazing! Check out Battlefront in 4K.
People didn't understand that Wii U was a new console. This will confuse the. Even more!!!
It's all about sheer greed.👺👺👺👺
Sony proving that PlayStation is only for the payers!!!!!
Maybe I will get one when I eventually get a 4k tv but for now I'm just fine with what I have got
@Fath slow-mo guys
@Fath keyboard cat is rumored to be 4k soon.
@Boerewors Exactly my friend. I tell em get on board or get out the way
@WARDIE Whilst a PC rig and Monitor can set you back £2000+ to play 4K games, the PS4 is running AMD technology which is cheaper than the intel/nvidia route. The PS4 has an AMD custom 8core (basically 2x4core) 1.6ghz Jaguar processor and a custom AMD GPU (equivalent to the 7000 series). AMD has been working on Polaris (due out this year) which out-performs the GTX970/R9 290 (the minimum spec listed for Oculus VR) and targeting a price of under $350. That is consumer price so Sony would get a big discount on bulk buy - Something else you have to consider. If Sony went with the Titan GPU, it certainly wouldn't be paying $1000. The R9 290 runs Oculus at a higher than 1080p (2k) resolution and 90fps and costs the general public around $350. Polaris is faster and more efficient with 4K capability. Its due to replace the R9 fury and R9 390 GPU's. It has double the TFLOPs of the current PS4 GPU too.
When the PS3 launched, its processor was 90nm. By the time the last PS3 launched this was halved to 45nm. The PS4's processor is 28nm and Polaris is 14nm. 14nm FinFET gives GPU design engineers nearly double transistors to play with in the same area as 28nm technology, which is the foundation of AMD’s Fury series and 300 series as well as Nvidia’s GTX 900 series. Additionally, 14nm FinFET transistors innately feature considerably faster switching speeds. Which in turn means chips designed on the process be it GPUs or otherwise can reach much higher higher clock speeds versus 28nm. 14nm FinFET transistors are also drastically more power efficient than 28nm. Resulting in chips that are not only faster but also consume a lot less power than before.
From AMD
AMD’s Polaris architecture-based 14nm FinFET GPUs deliver a remarkable generational jump in power efficiency. Polaris-based GPUs are designed for fluid frame rates in graphics, gaming, VR and multimedia applications running on compelling small form-factor thin and light computer designs.
This makes the Polaris 'ideal' for consoles - low power consumption, small form actor to fit in a 'relatively' small and thin build.
"The Polaris architecture features AMD’s 4th generation Graphics Core Next (GCN) architecture, a next-generation display engine with support for HDMI® 2.0a and DisplayPort 1.3, and next-generation multimedia features including 4K h.265 encoding and decoding"
Whilst I do think it will struggle to deliver '4k' in a lot of games, its certainly capable of handling up to 4k resolution. Games are more than just 'visuals' though, with a lot more going on than just drawing the images on screen.
This fits in with all the 'rumours' about the 'spec' of the PS4k - having a GPU that's at least double the current one. If AMD do manage to bring this out for $350 or less to the public, Sony are not likely to be paying that. An upgraded AMD CPU based on the 14nm will also allow faster clock speeds and maybe a bit more RAM (12GB) and its entirely possible this could be built and sold for the $400 price point. Games we see at 1080/30 now could be run at 1440/30 (maybe more with the better clock speeds and less Data waste). Whilst not 'native' 4k, It will look a LOT sharper than 1080p does on a 4K TV. Its possible that some games 'could' run at 4k - maybe not 60fps. Uncharted collection is 1080/60. double that (assuming the GPU is twice as powerful) and we get 1440/60, this could 'theoretically' run at 4k/30...
So much non-info in this post.
@Scollurio well, it's hard to report on something that there isn't a whole lot of info about.
Yup.. I'll be a day 1 adopter 😃 along wuth my PSVR
Yes, but we can't go a day without PS4K talk so...
But isn't the current sexy PS4 already capable of 4K output for pictures and video? (According to wiki.) So I don't understand why the rumours are "marketing" it as 4K, even if everyone knows its highly unlikely to render games in native 4K resolution?
It's one thing to buy a $169 handheld where you know beforehand that there's going to be iterations, as there has been for generations.
It's another to buy a console thinking the only thing that may come is a slim model, only to find out you blew half a thousand dollars on hardware that will be out of date 3 later. After all, most people buy consoles specifically because there is no upgrading.
@WARDIE Hello,
The TV that I have had my eye on is a 55'' smart TV winch costs $999.99 and that is on sale, regally $1,399.99. All said and done it costs you $1,400.00 . To me that is quite a big chunk just to play upscald games at 30FPS. Plus as far as I'm aware, no TV stations come in 4K.
@Fath there's quite a lot of content. There's some amazing footage of jungle animals that I've watched a few times now just for the detail! Just search 4k and you'll find loads!
@Neolit agreed bud
@GraveLordXD Well said. I too feel this is just Sony milking the PS brand. The PS4 is a huge success and it has sold a shed load of hardware. Hmmmmm this thing sells like hot cakes, I know lets make all these Lemmings now have to go out and buy a new more powerful PS4 as the PS4 is the only bit of kit making us money. Well I wont be a Lemming I can live with my current PS4, same thing to MS if they decide to follow suit, I will stick with what i have.
What is more annoying is that it seems they are waiting until October to announce it. That gives 1st PS4 buyers next to no time to ingrate because basically what is being said is that without PSVR will be crap.
What people are also forgetting is that all this means is that if you want to upgrade you need to buy a new telly. The cost is massive to just get better graphics although that seems to be all that PS4 is compared to PS3.
Sony are simply taking the piss.
I'm fine with Sony releasing an upgraded PS4 I think. Had my plasma for a few years now and figured I'd wait until 4k actually had a point to it before I'd upgrade. So it's a nice excuse to get started with all that, especially if it supports 4K Blu-Ray, or whatever he next format is called. The only niggle is that it puts me off buying PSVR for a while, which is a bit of a shame.
@SegaBlueSky My real problem is I moved away form PC as my main game platform as I was upgrading too much and I had to have the latest and greatest Graphics Card all the time, I am on good money with my job but still you have to get serious about money at some point in your life. A console is supposed to last a generation, or if you want buy a slim version of a launch machine if that floats your boat. I want PSVR, will the new PS4K (god awful acronym) have the VR processor built in ? see this is the sort of "insert expletive here" that is winding me up. Sony just need to sort their "oh man I need another expletive hare" out, and let people know what is going to happen. Then people will be able to move on and either buy the possibly soon to be OLD PS4 or wait and get the 4K enabled machine. BUT Sony only seem to be interested in Hardware Cash so I wont hold my breath. Oh Well, at least Uncharted 4 will be out soon.
@RustyBullet Yeah, totally get that. I don't even make 'good' money exactly - but luckily I'm not at the point of having kids. Otherwise I wouldn't have a hope in hell of affording stuff like this, but then I'd also be happy to just have the basic PS4 as I probably wouldn't have the time to play much more than that anyway.
I think what it boils down to is - we don't know the facts. It's an unannounced product and there's still a lot of unanswered questions. Sony will be aware of this - like they were with the original PS4 launch, so I expect they'll be trying their best to get the message right. There's a lot of speuclation right now and if the internet proves anything it's that speculation stresses you out. So I'm not doing that - quite happy to chill and see what they announce.
@SegaBlueSky True, I have kids, I call them kids but my eldest is married and has her own son, my youngest is almost 18 (both Girls) I have been a gamer since I was around 6, I am in my 40's but still game with a passion. I will just have to wait and hope for some proper facts at E3.
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