As rumoured, Battlefield 1 will whisk you away to World War I – a return to the historical action of yore before the entire industry moved into the modern military space. The title will apparently take you on a tour of combat bowls across the globe, from "a besieged French city to the heavily defended mountain forts in the Italian Alps to frantic skirmishes in the deserts of Arabia". There'll be a single player campaign which will put you into the trench boots of various different soldiers, as well as 64-player multiplayer. Battlefield Insider members will get early access to a beta.
The game will release on 21st October globally – not 18th October, like originally reported. However, if you pre-order the Early Enlister Edition – which includes the Red Baron Pack and the Lawrence of Arabia Pack – you'll get it three days earlier. Also, whichever edition of the game you pre-order, you'll also get the Hellfighter Pack, which includes some bonus weapons and an exclusive insignia. The press release says that you'll also get seven days early access to an unnamed map, too – developer DICE sure does enjoy splitting its fanbase.
The WWI setting obviously means that you'll be commandeering a wealth of different vehicles, including tanks, bomber planes, bi-planes, and… Yes, horses! Gas masks will add a new strategic element to the gameplay, while brutal melee weapons will complement the roster of historically accurate pistols, machine guns, shotguns, rifles, and flamethrowers. And yes, the Swedish studio's promising some outrageous destruction to add a little spectacle to the skirmishes. We'll see more during publisher EA's pre-E3 event next month.
Happy with this? Disappointed? How do you think that it compares to Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare? Check out the assets, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Battlefield 1's Collector's Edition will cost you a pretty penny at $219.99 from Amazon, but does come with a bunch of bonuses, including a deck of playing cards, a statue, a cloth poster, a patch, a steelbook case, and a messenger pigeon tube with a DLC code inside.
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Comments 38
tyrese. is that you on the battlefield ps4 box art hahaha.
Can't wait for this now just hope the maps aren't scaled down like Hardline or Battlefront... But surely by the looks of it, It's going to be full scale war!
Oh well, have to look to another FPS franchise I guess. Haven't bothered with CoD since the original Modern Warfare, and I've no interest in 'old' wars any more.
Does Pushsquare really need half a dozen Battlefield articles on their front page?
Is there a PlayStation site that focuses on indie games and other actually INTERESTING PlayStation releases, instead of just regurgitating EA's marketing?
Language -Tasuki-
How much for that edition with all the tat? Who on earth, apart from 40 year old virgins, buys that crap?
It's this one finally going to be current-gen only?
@Mahe You mean like the interview we have with the team behind Aragami and the Table Top Racing review we also have on our homepage? Sorry you don't like Battlefield 1, but a lot of people are excited about it and there's been a lot to cover today.
I think I'll get this one, near-future FPS's are feeling as tired as WW2 FPS's circa 2006. Picking WW1 as the setting is a pretty risky move for the likes of EA, or anybody really,....but I like it.
I just hope that they overplay the role of the US during WW1, why? Because we deserve it........
@SkanetWasTaken Thanks!
@sub12 I'm confident they'll overplay the role of USA! USA! USA! Can't sell in 'Murica without lots of 'Murica.
(All this time I've been responding to you assuming you're from the UK! Learning something new every day.)
I have no idea what's going on in the trailer.
Interesting, looks like that one WW1 shooter Verdun (available on Steam) may have set a trend.
Yeah! And I ll got the alpine front! Can t wait dor this game to come out
@Mahe Do you call up every news channel and whine that they are all covering the top news of the day?
Wouldn't be WW1 without poison gas! Finally, they're giving players what they want! Even though I just realized that, despite boycotting this series for its track record of unplayable ghastliness, I actually own every Battlefield since BC2... -_-
This blew COD's trailer away IMO.
Looks pretty good.
Language -Tasuki-
What do I think? Well after seeing the massive dislike campaign vs the new COD trailer I have to say that DICE must be some kind of fortune teller or something! The majority of comments I saw in COD trailer were asking to return to WW2 or actual fights that happened...and now Battlefield comes like the God Almighty and slaps COD right in the face xD
Better sell that MW remastered separate if you want to catch up Activision
I really feel like they missed an opportunity to go the stupid name extra mile but not making it exclusive to xbox one.
DICE has always been great with destructible objects and environments. Love those planes! Now if those planes can sit two players I hope it's possible for us to do this.
@Dan_ozzzy189 completely agree. Was thinking to myself...."does that price include a ps4 too??" Utterly ridiculous
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I'll bite....."what is it good for...."
@sonicmeerkat Rumor has it there's a handheld companion entry called The New Battlefield.
So if this is WW1, will it be sitting in trenches day after day, digging tunnels to get under the opposition defences because its too dangerous to look over the top let alone get out of the trenches. Will matches be static and not move - after all in the First World War the front lines barely moved. Can I be a General and order my troops to 'walk' towards the enemy with their gun over their head to stop them getting wet and not working (first day 'Battle of the Somme')? At Christmas will the game convert to Fifa for a football match? Will the battlefields all look 'barren' where shelling has destroyed and flattened the entire landscape?
I really would have preferred a much more modern era but I wouldn't have minded an alternative history version. I think that could have opened up more creative weapon designs, vehicles etc and made for an interesting story too. I can't say I am excited by Battlefields campaigns - the last one that was any good was Bad Company 2. Both BF3 and 4's campaign were certainly 'poor' with QTE's and on-rails missions. Granted the Frostbite engine looks good but I would rather have an enjoyable campaign than one that just looks good. BF4 also took 'months' to actually be playable online - especially on console and I wasn't overly impressed by SW:BF.
I can't say I am excited by BF1. I don't particularly like the era its set in and I doubt we will see any 'radical' changes to the battlefield formula in its MP that has been in the game since the series launched. I certainly won't be pre-ordering but may well pick it up after Christmas (I don't like Fifa either )
I'm going to be that guy but I don't really like the use of WW1 as a setting for an action FPS game, particularly if it is not an alternate history version.
That war was pretty ghastly, and as @BAMozzy mentioned, static and grim. Planes didn't fly like that, zeppelins were useless and more soldier died from disease then action. It was a huge waste of life and using it as a setting for a game seems like ignoring a history lesson.
Being hypocritical I guess in some ways - I didn't have the same feeling about the WW2 craze a few years back. I guess I feel different about it - that was a war against enemies who, at the time, had an abhorrent idealology. WW1 was just innocent conscripted armies being forced to fight each other every day until they were bled out. Sensationalising that in a game where there are loads of cool things blowing up etc. seems wrong somehow.
Old man grumble over. I don't bregrudge anyone liking or playing it or anything.
You had my attention, now you have my curiosity. So far this looks really promising, and the idea of going to different locations in World War 1 sounds intriguing. It looks as though they may feature the lesser known battles involving Africa, the Ottoman Empire and Mesopotamia.
I'll need to see gameplay, but I'm definitely interested in this.
@BAMozzy @Rudy_Manchego The image of the trenches was only one part of what happened on the Western Front, let alone the whole war. On the Western Front alone, you had the race to the sea, capturing naval bases, fighting in towns and cities (Verdun being a famous one), naval battles like Jutland and air raids on British soil. That's before you consider the fighting in other places like Turkey, Mesopotamia, the Balkans and Africa (due to the colonies the larger powers owned).
Also, World War 1 wasn't conscripted to begin with. Because of the imperialist attitude of the time, British conscription didn't start until 1916 as everyone signed up thinking they would be heroes and didn't know any better.
Yes, it was an unimaginably horrible war fought for frankly stupid reasons. I have many personal attachments to it, but I feel that a game like this won't have a negative impact. There is far too much information out there. And besides, we haven't seen it yet. Of course, if you disagree, that's fine. These are just a few points I thought I'd put forward.
I know WW1 was more than just the 'trenches'. I have never been a 'fan' of games set with the back drop of an actual, real life conflict. I really think the belittles and trivialises the actual lives that were lost, the hardships they endured and the impact these had on the world - not just the soldiers, the society, the families, the landscape etc.
When I thought this was actually going to be an 'alternative' history game, I was genuinely looking forward to it but knowing its actually a WW1 game, my interest dropped. A fictitious setting - such as an alternative timeline, has more scope for creative licence and doesn't belittle the events of history.
Conscription may not have started until 1916 but as a result of the massive casualties, this was the only way to keep 'enough' troops on the battlefield to be slaughtered. The game is obviously set in the latter part of the war based on the vehicles used anyway.
Is there any kind of war that wasn't pointless, cruel and a total waste of live's? I can't wait for this game I hope when I shoot the horse's in the head I get to see a bit of brain matter flying aroound or I might just shoot em in the leg's and leave em squeeling on the ground, i've not decided. Bring on the tommy gun's and zep's!!!! Canny wait to drive some tank's into war again and fill those trench's full of blood and limb's of the young men tricked into this bloodthirsty mess!! I've not been hyped for a game like this for a long while. I've got 800+ hour's on bf4 and this look's like the war game i've been waiting for, I just hope it's not a mess on launch but i'm pretty sure it will be fine they learnt their lesson with bf4's launch I hope.
@Churchy Sure, and of course, you are right and I haven't seen the game so always premature to write something off. Conscription in Britain begain in 1916 but don't forget, almost all Europen countries had forced military service which is where the millions of men who were mobilised in 1914 came from. They were not necessarily professional standing armies in their entirety.
Also accept that the Western Front was not the only theatre of war, huge battles in Eastern Europe, Northern Italy, the Balkans, Palestine and the Middle East, Africa and East Asia. I did a thesis on Gallipoli which was another kind of hell (my thesis was on whether Mel Gibson was actually there, but turns out no, he wasn't and it was a film... it did not get good marks). The war wasn't just static - there was lots of movement. Us Brits invented the tactics of Blitzkrieg in 1918 though that backfired in 1940.
Anyway, my feelings are just that without going down the alternative history route, it is turning the war into something it wasn't. Millions did die in misery and not many of them looked cool in long jackets doing it.
As said, I am being hypocritical. I have just spent 13 odd hours gunning down Nazi's in Wolfenstein and didn't bat an eyelid.
Yay, an Fps where I'm not using double jump, wall running, shooting lasers, teleporting or having some special ability to see through walls, fps's need to go back to simpler ways and get rid of all the extra rubbish.
Unless the developers find a way to make Battlefield fun (honestly every entry has been a chore to play, imo) then no amounts of 'Murica, f**k yea!' will be enough for me. Not that I buy into that pretentious bull anyway.
COD nearly got me to buy another game with the remaster of Modern Warfare but now I will give COD a miss and buy Battlefield. Been after a WW1 shooter for a while now and this fits like a glove.
I think DICE have listened to what people wanted and this is the result.
@Rudy_Manchego It's cool to know that you have a lot of knowledge about the Great War, and interesting that you did your thesis on Gallipoli - that campaign was horrible for all those involved (and one of Winston Churchill's organisational failings that often goes unremembered). Also, the Mel Gibson question is one we all have to ask at sometime.
Also, I think your point is interesting as it did make me think and you're clearly level headed about which is great. From my standpoint I feel that it's not really a game's job to do that (which is of course up for debate) and I feel that educational institutions are more suited to that... and perhaps Blackadder Goes Forth...
Either way, I'm interested to see what direction it goes in. Although I have a feeling Valiant Hearts will be the more informative and contemplative of the two!
Well, USA did play an important role in WW2 so I can understand that, but WW1 is another story altogether. But you're right- the biggest market is here in America (here- where I'm at) so they will almost certainly tell the story from an American perspective. Although if they're smart they'll have you switch around the Ally powers and get to experience a little bit from all sides.
To share an example of how much developers try to appeal to this country- in the JRPG Xenoblade Chronicles X, Nintendo slapped an American flag on the space ship/city in Mira and called it "New Los Angeles", no doubt because they knew it would help appeal to the American audience. I found it rather out of place tbh, but then again it kinda feels out of place playing games in Tokyo with all Japanese characters too.
@get2sammyb actually the campaign is about different people from different countries, not just about America. Harlem Hellfighters are one of them, Lawrence of Arabia is in there too but i'm not too sure
@get2sammyb actually the campaign is about different people from different countries, not just about America. Harlem Hellfighters are one of them, Lawrence of Arabia is in there too but i'm not too sure
For me personally this is the biggest most exciting gaming news of the last few years , been playing since the original 1942 on PC and love the franchise more than any other but Hardline was the first BF game I haven't bought , perhaps DICE realised it was time for a return to the older Wars to get veterans like me to return , this will be one of the very very very few games I'll pre-order and pay full whack for.
@Churchy Cheers man. I played Valiant Hearts to the end when it was on Plus (ok game with some flaws). That had a really interesting approach with a sort of steam punk vibe and crazy villains etc. so not accurate in that respect but it also revolved around real events and really got across the senslesness of the war and its impact on the combatants. So though the game was put there in terms of imagery, it portrayed the war well.
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