It was inevitable, we suppose. Just two weeks ahead of Sony's E3 2016 press conference, No Man's Sky appears to have been hit with another delay. The information comes straight from the game's media page on playstation.com, so we'd say that it's pretty much official. You can probably expect some sort of statement from Sony or developer Hello Games next week.
A couple of days ago, a rumour sprung up suggesting that a delay was on the cards, and here we are. According to the aforementioned webpage, No Man's Sky is now slated for release on the 9th August - it's unclear whether that's a worldwide date or if it only applies to North America.
Are you disappointed with this new date, or are you prepared to wait? Climb out of your ship and trudge back into the comments section below.
Update: Founder of Hello Games Sean Murray has taken to the PlayStation Blog to confirm that No Man's Sky has indeed been delayed into August. According to Murray, the delay will ensure that "key moments" will be polished and brought to expected standards.
What's more, we've now been given defined release dates for each region. North America will be getting it on the 9th August - as mentioned above - Europe will get it on the 10th August, and the UK will have to wait until the 12th August. Bit of a bummer, that.
"For all our sakes though, we get one shot to make this game and we can't mess it up," Murray's post concludes. Honestly, we don't envy Hello Games right now - the pressure must be immense.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 43
I can't see this game living up on the hype at all.
Well, look on the positive side, at least Sean Murray gets to pop up at another E3 press conference.
"Erm. Wow. Hi everyone. Um. So... I can't believe I'm doing this. Anyway, I'm Sean Murray and I wanted to show you this crazy game we're making..."
@get2sammyb what else can they show besides what is at the center of the universe. I hope they don't show for e3. Don't get me wrong this is my number one game this year for me, but I have seen enough. Sean just hunker down and get this thing polished.
@Elodin Haha, yeah, I think they'll just show a new trailer to be honest. It'll definitely be there, but I'd be surprised if there was a stage demo.
Yawn, scratch, yawn. Is the Far Harbor patch out out yet?
I quite liked Sean's post on the PlayStation Blog. Seemed very honest - they seem to know expectations are sky high, and they're not shying away from that.
While it's disappointing, I'm glad they're taking the extra time!
I haven't been able to understand the hype surrounding this game at all. Just seems entirely uninteresting. I also believe if it wasn't exclusive most here wouldn't give a flip about it either.
@Gamer83 For me it has the potential to be the ultimate space game. I've always wanted a game where I can go from a huge planet get in my ship, into space and then onto another planet and explore it without any loading screens interrupting the immersion. Others have sort if tried before but something always holds it them back either through technology, or bad game design. Clearly I ain't the only one who feels like that judging by the hype levels for it. Even if people such as yourself can't get excited for it then maybe look at it this way, providing the tech of procedurally generating huge environments on the fly is rock solid. Imagine it been used by much bigger studios with bigger budgets for their open world games where they could well blur the line between rendered environments and the procedural ones linking them together without breaking away from the action.
@get2sammyb So which game has gotten more event coverage now, NMS or TLG?
A 6 week delay isn't really a big deal. The game was due out a week after E3 anyway so I guarantee they were going to show it at E3, nothing changes there. What I really don't like is the 3 week notice. Surely they must have known before now it wasn't going to make it, it isn't gold yet.
And please let that line about - we only have 1 shot at this - die already. What game doesn't have a day 1 patch these days? Witcher 3 has been out an entire year and it's getting a patch that fixes and improves so many things. I bet this game still has a patch after release, even with the 6 week delay.
Take all the time u need Sean, we are expecting greatness. I am highly dissapointed because I was pumped for the ps4 limited edition and I hope these rumors aren't true. If they are true that is ok, it is an ambitious game and getting it right is much more important than releasing a couple weeks. Honestly this sounds like it has more to do with distribution issues than anything with the game. We are talking about less than 6 week delay, not really enough time to make major improvements or changes to the game. No, I think Sony is getting many more physical copies made because this is going to be a huge seller and millions of people worldwide are anxiously awaiting that physical disc.
The delay is only about a month and a bit anyway, no big deal to be honest. I feel sorry for everyone who took time off work to play the game, though :/
Upsetting, but it will ultimately lead to a better game. Glad I have my limited edition copy preordered through Amazon! Can't wait for this game!
You don't "get one shot to make a game" nowadays, you get to release it broken and patch it later. Literally every game studio does this, and i can guarantee that when it launches in august, it will be broken in some way.
Expected really, if a big game release doesn’t experience multiple delays these days, I would ask, why not? And glare suspiciously.
In all honesty, I'm still hyped and excited for the game. I like Sean Murray and the scale of what they're trying to do is insane, so take the time you need guys. My excitement level is still up in the rafters so I'm good!
Plus this gives me time to finish Dark Souls 3!
Sean Murray's statement on the PS Blog was really good. I can't imagine this was an easy decision, what with the release date being so close, and expectations being so high.
Hasn't damaged my excitement for the game at all. Take all the time you need, Hello Games.
Who cares? It's not like we've not waited ages already and there's nothing else to play. There's sh*t loads right now on PS4. The total opposite to my poor Nintendo consoles in fact sitting their with an inch of dust on.
Better they release it later than early as a buggy mess...
@rjejr But a day one patch ruins people's perception of a game almost immediately. For instance, if you go back about a week on the push square to find the article on homefront's day one patch, no one in the comment section is happy about it at all, and quite rightfully too.
Also, games such as Assassin's Creed: Unity had tons of bugs and glitches when it was launched, and whilst they were all patched and sorted a couple of months after release, Unity's name was scarred, and it really damaged the reputation of the franchise as a whole.
Developers want to avoid having to release these patches as much as they can, since whilst they may all fix everything in the end, it gives the impression that the game wasn't ready when it was released, which immediately puts the game in a negative light. Hello games are just trying to avoid this, and I commend them for that.
Wow, this shiz better be good.
@SkanetWasTaken yeah it was a reminder how messed up some people are... Death threats over news about the delay...like, where do these mentally unstable creeps live? I hope as far away from me as possible
I have no problem with delays. As long as problems are fixed, they can take all the time they want. In fact, more developers should delay their games and avoid all those patches.
I'll wait patiently and quietly. I know I'm going to love this game because it's the tye of game I've been waiting for since the original Elite.
I think that some beta testers finally got to the centre of the universe and found out it was just Sean Murray doing a thumbs up then you have to start again but far harder.
It is not a big delay though not sure how much can be fixed/changed in 2 months. Concerning that it has got so close to release date to do this. However, I was always on the fence on this one and will wait fo reviews.
All will be forgiven if the game is good, we don't want another street fighter 5, a good game that published too soon.
a) it's had one release date so you guys can delete the "again" part of this article.
b) here's a small sampling of games that have been delayed in the last 2 years: Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Division, Battlefield Hardline, ESO, GTA5, Dying Light, Quantum Break, Batman: Arkham Knight.
@Debris44 dang good point there sir
@BranJ0 Well my point wasn't to put out a crappy game at launch, but lots of games are good at launch and then get better w/ updates, like the Witcher 3. It was only a few months ago that they announced the June 21st date. The game soudl hav eben mostly done by then for them to announce a date. ANything being added since then sould be to make the game better, nto fixing issues. Dont' announce a date if you have gma ebreakig nissues you can't repair on time. But if you can put out a good game ontime then you can make it even better with updates. Guacamelee SCE made it better. Shovel Knight update made it better.
Release a good game on time, make it better with updates. Don't announce a date with a broken game you can't have out on time.
@Rudy_Manchego I think distribution is the issue as well, a lot of people are wanting the limited edition version so maybe their needing to make more copies etc.
Funnily enough, I'm sort of glad about this delay. The last couple months have seen a string of great games coming out and this will give my wallet a little breather
I do not mind delays but its the timing of the delay. Is the company serisouly saying they did not know 4 weeks before it is due for release that they were not going to meet the deadline they must have known months ago and so should have set a realistic date at that stage not just adding a few more months to the original release date. I do not think it will launch on the new date they have set and think it will be more like October.
Y'know what would be funny?
In July we discover irrefutable evidence that the growing flat earther movement is actually correct and NASA has been lying to us. Then what happens to this game!?
Dont care about this one so a delay doesnt hurt me.
August has Project Diva X and KOFXIV so I am set. I want to thank @sub12 for the continuous coverage of the latter
@get2sammyb this delay activates MY alarms.. No preorder for me.. I'll wait for the review
Unless there are a lot of secrets they haven't revealed this game just looks aimless, I feel the hype will ruin it.
No problem. The more time they spend on the game, the better it is.
Gutted !!! One the must have titles this year too.... let's hope it does actually release in August because its not that far away !
@seanobi You get lot of good stuff we don't get in the Netherlands so please. And it is 2 days why even waste your energy on that.
@BranJ0 I miss the good old days of the SNES when just put in the game and it works. But then again little patches with some classic games would have even made them more fantastic to play. I just hate day 1 patches i would love to see a game work straight out of the box without any patches. I think Homefront 2 could have been a good game with so delays.
@dryrain I totally agree on that and if the are done early then everyone gets happy straight away less stress and happy gamers.
will this game be playable on the Playstation VR?
I'm actually glad it's been delayed since I was having to choose to not buy either Atelier Sophie, One Piece Burning Blood or No Man's Sky. Then after that, Star Ocean 5 is coming out which just congested the lineup even more as well as adding another space game to the mix.
That said, there have been signs and rumours that they're struggling to get this game running properly on PS4 thanks to its subpar processor. This seems to be related to that, like they projected that the problems would take X weeks to sort out but it's not going well and it's going to take even longer. It's not like they're doing a plot rewrite, redesigning some puzzles or levels. This is going to be performance related.
I actually have quite low expectations for this game in the end, though I hate to say it. I think I said this before on this site, but it's like it started out as this little indie game like Proteus but with the ability to effectively re-generate the world you're on (by changing planets) but has now been built up to be something akin to Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous which is clearly silly since you can't even customise your ship.
Meh.... I'll just play Blood and Wine until it's ready. I do have plenty of games to keep me busy.
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