With the announcement of Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4, we thought that we were looking at some kind of CG trailer. But no! Insomniac Games has confirmed that what you saw was PlayStation 4 gameplay – albeit with some scenes presumably captured from non-gameplay camera angles in order to give things a more cinematic feel.
"I'm begging you, Insomniac – make the actual game look this 'Amazing'," one fan on Twitter punned. The developer responded: "That is the game." In disbelief, another fan queried whether it was gameplay. "Yup," the studio responded. Apparently this one's been in production for some time, so it may not be a million years away.
Who wants to bet that it'll be out in time for Spider-Man Homecoming next summer?
[source twitter.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 32
No... Way?
It looked like game-play to me and having seen breakdown video's looking for 'easter eggs' its clear that a lot of it was game-play. Look at the car damage and destruction of what must be 'Oscorp' sign - its certainly NOT CGi!
That's not to say it doesn't look good but its no better or worse than God of War, Horizon or Days Gone...
Holy F... Amazing just amazing.
Amazing, spectacular, superior!
I think it will be good depending on how much time and effort they put in. Like, if they rush the game out to tie in with the new film next July, then it won't be very good, but, if they put a lot of work into the game to give it a later September 2017/October 2017 release then it will be good, as it has the potential to be as successful as the Arkham games.
Well, if that was a cinematic trailer id hate to know what the gameplay actually looked like
Wait people though it was CG?
I'm really looking forward to this, as long as they make the webslinging fun but with a tad of realism I'll be happy. As nice as the graphics were I don't mind them toning it down a tad if it means awesome game play. Frame rate is kind of important in games like this.
@SKC_Diamond my thoughts exactly!
The scene were spidey was running through a building and ended up jumping through the window was probably the clearest example of it being gameplay.
I never thought it was CG to be honest - pre-rendered but not CG. Looks great all the same.
I will definitely pre-order thus one. As I said before, insomniac is the perfect fit for this. High hopes.
I genuinely didn't think this was gameplay. Seems maybe I was in the minority.
Either way, good to have confirmation.
I sure hope it's the wise-cracking Parker like in Capt. America: Civil War. Now that would add some personality.
I knew it wasn't CG but I thought it was kinda of a pitch trailer showing Insomniac's vision but if it's most of the Sunset Overdrive team making it then the game has been in development for over a year. The only thing I hope it that they aren't pressured into releasing it for Spiderman Homecoming's cinema or blu ray launch because this could well be this gen's Arkham.
HYPE! Please give it to me!
Wait, people actually thought it was CG? Wow, I always assumed it was gameplay and that's why I've been so curious why people didn't talk about it more. It was easily one of the most impressive games shown off this E3.
I thought spidey's graphics looked amazing and on a hunch thought it was gameplay Everytime I boot up a ps4 game I feel blessed. They simply work and look stunning!
Doesn't CG stand for computer generated? This font is CG 😇
if it's open world and you can do all that you want with a ton of content, I'm game.
Rewatching it, it looks even better isolated from the E3 presentation where it was just one of many amazing games. Looks amazing!
Of course it's gameplay, from about 30 seconds in it becomes blatantly obvious
@kyleforrester87 Wow, that's impressive. Hey look I did it too!
@belmont Underrated post
I never played any Spiderman game. It looks like I will.
@sr_388 we should be in game development!
Assumed it was gameplay from the start to be honest, as well as a few kinda scripted bits etc. Or at least running on the in-game engine. But yeah, it looks friggin' incredible. Probably the biggest 'surprise hit' for me this year - it came out of nowhere and absolutely can't wait to play it!
@SkanetWasTaken That seems about right, but I thought infamouse looked pretty damn awesome. of course I'm not to picky when it comes to graphics, certainly not a graphics whore, but I do want a game to have decent graphics. This is much better that just decent.
I want it!
Were there people who thought otherwise?
O-kay ...
@ShogunRok I also thought it was gameplay.
Only part that made me question it was thewhen he jumps out the window, what kinda slick, environment aware gameplay is that???
Insomniac is about that life.
@ShogunRok I also thought it was gameplay.
Only part that made me question it was thewhen he jumps out the window, what kinda slick, environment aware gameplay is that???
Insomniac is about that life.
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