PlayStation 4 firmware update v3.55 is available now, but it probably doesn't do much. While we don't have access to the patch notes just yet – we'll add any information we can get hold of to the bottom of this post – it's assumed that this 300MB download is merely designed for stability. Perhaps it may pave the way for the eventual release of PS4 firmware update v4.00?
There's not much to get excited about for now, then, but your gaming shouldn't be interrupted if you stick your system in Rest Mode. It took us about 10 minutes total to download and install the update on a very average Internet connection, so there's nothing much to complain about here.
Update (13:00PM BST): The patch notes are out, and as expected they're not especially long. "Improves the quality of the system performance," is the only bullet point. Enjoy.
Comments 18
Main features of version 3.55:
Improves the quality of the system performance.
Source: http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/PS4-Support/PS4-System-Software-Update-v3-55-21-06-16/m-p/24353177
Doesant do anything at all that you would notice but yeah,oh well.Only took less than five minutes to download and install anyway
@Devotion Thanks, will add.
It seems that 3ds stability is coming to ps4
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Light drizzle and sleet but no fog.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I heard a light mist is coming to ps4k. Fog is reserved for PS5...or PS1 😉
@ztpayne7 Silent Hill knew a thing or two about fog.
I guess we won't be getting external HDD support once again, or anytime soon.... Hopefully PS4K ships with a 2TB internal and has external as an option if you somehow fill that up. Sony isn't doing too good at making decent firmware updates right now.
Can anyone confirm if this update sets the deep black setting back on? My TV loses hdmi signal when it's on so it's off on my tv. My son had the flickering issue today on his tv and I can't really explain it to him over the phone on what to check, he's too young to understand. Anyone?
@THEundying27 All the update is for is stability.
Actually dev's used to use fog in games to hide draw distance stuff like that, so for Bethesda's in house dev's to blame fog for an unstable frame-rate is quite unbelievable really. But Bethesda have always given PlayStation the sort end of the stick, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Still waiting for them to fix the mess that is the games library.
I know I'm just repeating previous posts but this kind of thing is usually to block advancements in opening up the PS4 for piracy. In a sense, the exploit that hackers use to make that possible is "system instability", so this is shoring that up.
@THEundying27 Hey man,don't know if will help but here goes - I have a Lg monitor and on the default picture setting the screen will turn off when the picture gets quite dark..Beyond annoying,Its some type of power saving "feature" thats makes the dynamic contrast ratio spec look better on paper and is "good" for Climate change or some nonsense like that (i.e Agenda 21, Eugenics ect)..i Digress,i found changing the picture mode to "Text mode" fixed the issue without messing up the picture to much -Then i adjusted the colour/brightness/contrast ect made the picture better than default..Fiddidly but the default settings at least on my monitor is just unbearably enraging when your playing a survival horror for example and your screen turns off.As for tv's,maybe dig around in the options a bit.some sets will have a simple option to fix the issue.As a last resort,one option is to google about getting into the factory settings -Just make sure you know how to return to default settings,big trouble if you get stuck with some weirdy changed up settings.its just i've had many diff problems with tv's and monitors before,so just trying to help.well maybe sony wll fix the issue hopefully anyway,sorry if i missed the point -sleepy time now.
It made my "500gb" ps4 a 309gb ps4... Seems to be bout all it did... Right after installing this update I got a "under 1gb" error and had to uninstall games just so it would go away. Idk wth happened but I'm not happy.
hey i'm always happy for a update that improves stability of my console
I can't wait for PS4K because maybe that could run/include 'Custom Folders' God I still can't believe that SONY can't even make Custom Folders for the PS4 after all these years. Oh well + I don't mind these updates even tho my PS4 seems perfect and runs well
@banacheck Bethesda was using Volumetric fog which can have severe performance issues when overused. I think they just toned it down in the patch. It's very different from the fog you use to hide draw distance.
It might be a coincidence, but since I downloaded this update Spotify now lags really bad. I found that people have had this problem before but I never had it lag before at all and now it stutters and stops as if buffering any time I use it in the past two days.
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