RiME will release on the PlayStation 4 in 2017 – though it will no longer be an exclusive, following Sony's decision to drop the anticipated title from its first-party portfolio. The title, in development at Spanish studio Tequila Works, has been the subject of intrigue since it was revealed many years ago – but its protracted production cycle has hinted at cracks.
Earlier this year, it was revealed that the Japanese giant had ditched the project, and that the developer had reacquired the rights to the franchise. It'll now be published by Grey Box and Six Foot – two tech companies that we've honestly never heard of – on "gaming platforms" in 2017, with more details to be deployed in the New Year.
"We've always wanted RiME to captivate players' imaginations, capturing that feeling of being a child and experiencing the wonders of a bedtime story for the first time," said Raúl Rubio Munárriz, CEO and creative director of Tequila Works. "We're so excited to find in Grey Box and Six Foot partners just as eager as we are to make that vision for such a personal project a reality."
The title's described as a "single-player puzzle adventure game about a young boy shipwrecked on a mysterious island after a torrential storm" in the press release. "Players must use their wits to decipher the challenges and secrets of an expansive world strewn with rugged terrain, wild creatures, and the crumbling ruins of a long-forgotten civilization," the blurb adds.
It certainly sounds promising – but then it always has. Of course, Sony's not in the habit of shedding promising looking projects – how long has The Last Guardian taken to complete? – so we're still sceptical about this. There were some rumours a while back that the game wasn't progressing at all and was quite literally just a concept video, but maybe they were wrong.
Hopefully we'll find out for sure soon.
Comments 10
Looks interesting, hope the project comes to fruition. Not bothered about whether it's an exclusive or not, just glad to see it hasn't been completely abandoned!
We'll see, but ever since Sony dropped it I've began to lose interest.
PS4, Xbox One and PC. I just answered one question for you
@BLPs Might come to NX, you never know.
@get2sammyb You know that for once I have zero optimism for a console from them right? There is nothing about it I like. If it happens then sure whatever but I've got a far superior box that has more games on it historically as a brand.
That's if this game is even good.
@SanderEvers I just can't. All the comments from third parties may be empty as history has shown, the persistent rumours aren't helping. I just can't get behind it as is and that's a problem so unless the reveal is a 180 on what has been said. .I'm out.
I'm excited! Glad to hear them committing to releasing next year. I don't care whether it's exclusive or not.
pretty sure this game will never see the light of day and if it does it'll suck
If Sony dropped it, it's probably for good reason.
If you're looking for an all-in-one console then you definitely better get out now because you're never going to get that with a Nintendo console. Ever.
But you're not going to get that with the Sony and Microsoft console either. So really it comes down to buying a console if it has games you like, as opposed to not buying a console for not having games you like. I don't know about you but I love Nintendo games and I refuse to go without. I don't care what third parties do- I own a PS4 and X1, as I would assume you do. I certainly don't plan on buying games twice- one for each platform, and I'm not sure why you would want to either. If you've already got access to those games than what does it matter if they come to that console or not. Only benefit it can bring you is games that you can't currently play, that you want to play. Those are the ones you should care about and make a decision based off of.
But I probably actually would buy games twice if they came to NX, simply because I could be able to play them with modern graphics on the go, something I cannot do with my PS4 and X1. They just don't fit into my pocket well, and I get tired of toting my television on a dolly cart.
Well, I guess we'll see what happens. If it reviews well, I'll definitely pick it up, as I love the art style.
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