With mod support still yet to come to Fallout 4's PS4 edition, a new game in the series is probably on the bottom of many people's wishlists. Yet that could be what Bethesda is planning, as a logo for Fallout: New Orleans (discovered by NeoGAF user ekim) has been trademarked in Europe, leading many people to believe that this could be Obsidian's next instalment in the franchise.
At first glance, it does seem quite reliable; Obsidian has developed a Fallout game before, and everything on the trademark checks out - though it's currently under examination, so it could yet be fake. Then again, the logo looks like it was whipped up in a minute by someone on MS Paint, so this could either be a phoney or a very early mock-up. It's worth remembering, however, that Fallout: New Vegas did release relatively quickly after the success of Fallout 3. Could this be a similar situation?
What do you think? Would you like a Fallout game set in New Orleans, or would you prefer another city? Try not to get too excited in the comments below.
[source euipo.europa.eu, via neogaf.com]
Comments 16
I'm shocked with myself, usually after I've played Fallout I'm going crazy for another entry, same with ES but this time, I dunno, I mean I'm really peed off with Bethesda atm due to the crappy performance of fallout, the ripoff that was the expansion pass (my own stupidity for buying it though, you'd think I'd learn by now) meh, just have to wait and see what's next, no doubt in a fit off anticipation and excitement I'll rush out and get their next buggy mess.
For the love of all that is sweet, please let this be true. I have no interest in playing Fallout 4 but I would absolutely snatch up an Obsidian entry. Please Video Game Gods, bless us with this most welcome boon! For all those interested, I will be hosting a praying ceremony this week to sway the gods.
@Rsco6969 If this is true it will be an Obsidian game. Bethesda have always been buggy in comparison to Obsidian, so there's honestly no reason to think this would be a mess.
Sadly Bethesda have eroded a lot of my good will towards them on Playstation platforms over the years, we've always got the poopy end of the stick, so what would have been genuine excitement (as it was for New Vegas) has been downgraded to a "Oh, that might be ok".
Though surely the title would be "New New Orleans" or "Newer Orleans" unless the game is set in France?
@RPE83 The buggy PS releases have been limited to Bethesda games though right? Skyrim is the worst offender I can think of. Was New Vegas that bad?
I really don't get Fallout 4. Its a game you do almost nothing in. Also, it was released with tons of bugs, glitches and technical issues and frame rate stutters. It's as if the game literally doesn't work. Yet whenever Ubisoft does it they get beaten almost to death for it. But it's fine when Bethesda publishes broken games? Yet they even have the nerve to release season passess and spin-off games to both milk the franchise and rip-off their own customers? Bethesda have to be the worst video game publisher of all time in my personal opinion.
Agreed; I seem to recall the PS3 version of Oblivion crashing worse then the 360, the PS3 version of Fallout 3 being "worse", Skyrim was an mess, but New Vegas was the exception.
@PorllM New Vegas still suffered the increasing file size issue that afflicted Elder Scrolls/Fallout on PS3. Basically, the longer you played, the longer it would take to load..until the file size would squeeze out the PS3 itself and eat you.
@PorllM yeah your right there, OK, I've upgraded from meh I may get, too yeah, I'm getting this ✌🏻️
@RPE83 @PorllM @Shellcore From what I remember, New Vegas ran like garbage on PS3 until it was patched multiple times. It had all the same crashing and frame rate issues that Fallout 3 had, but I think Obsidian actually did a better job of patching the issues than Bethesda did with Fallout 3.
Maybe I've just become so desensitised to Bethesda's shenanigans, it was the best of a bad bunch, which is why I don't really recall it being that bad.
@ShadowofSparta Same here. Until Obsidian makes their own entry in the franchise, there's no new-gen Fallout title as far as I'm concerned.
Fallout vegas had to be the worst game for me. That game constantly froze. I mean I can withstand a few bugs and glitches but sheesh that one wanted me to smash the controller against the wal, take it out back and put it out of my misery, then bury it and dance on its grave! Fallout 3 rarely crashed and I had blast with it. Skyrim had planty of setbacks but still more playable then FO:V. Fallout 4 hasn't really given me any trouble at all the game only froze up once coming out of an elevator while aiming my gun, when that happens though its only for about 10 seconds then gets its crap back together. Idk I think they are slowly getting better then they were before so cut them slack. Then again maybe I just have better luck with Bethesda then everyone else lol.
Wow, lots of Fallout 4 haters in here
I'd absolutely buy another FO made by Obsidian. Gimme dat amber, I've been green for so long
@TeslaChippie Haha I think the majority of people most excited for an Obsidian Fallout are those who don't necessarily like Bethesda's main entries (for a variety of reasons). Makes sense you'd find us in here
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