Over the weekend, we reported that Final Fantasy XV had suffered a two month delay after leaked documentation advised retailers to cover up the original 30th September release date with a new one. And today Square Enix has confirmed that the delay is indeed real: Final Fantasy XV has been pushed back to 29th November.
In a statement made on YouTube, the publisher states the reason for the delay is to "allow the development teams time to further polish and conduct quality testing so that the reality of the game can match the expectations of both the fans and the creative teams".
As well as this, game director Hajime Tabata states that the game actually went gold a few days ago and this was the version they planned to release late next month, but they have decided to delay the release so that they can include an extensive day one patch in the completed version. This original version will be playable at Gamescom, and a 30 minute gameplay video will be released tomorrow to showcase this version of the game.
Do you think this is a good enough reason to delay Final Fantasy XV to the end of November? Have at it in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 42
"As well as this, game director Hajime Tabata states that the game actually went gold a few days ago and this was the version they planned to release late next month, but they have decided to delay the release so that they can include an extensive day one patch in the completed version."
If it's already gone gold, I would've thought another month and a half would have been plenty of time to iron out the kinks. The fact that they need an additional two months on top of that suggests more to me – almost certainly in relation to Neo.
@Jake3103 I think so. We'll find out next month, but maybe Sony's done a deal with them which will make Final Fantasy XV one of the marquee games for the platform. Might have been an offer they couldn't refuse.
What worries me is this may force theem to dela6 kingdom hearts 2.8. Else it'll suffer in sales. Gravity rush 2 may also be hurted by this releasing a wrek earlier
@DualWielding It's definitely unfortunate for Gravity Rush 2, but they're different enough games that they should both be able to do fine. At the end of the day, GR2 was never going to be a big seller anyway, sadly.
@get2sammyb Yeah, it makes sense. As someone who will absolutely be buying a Neo when it launches, it doesn't bother me at all – in fact, I'd be happy with it. But I suspect those who are ambivalent towards the notion of the Neo will be quite upset by this if it's true.
If it is down to the impending Neo announcement, and if Neo will offer benefits to games beyond 4k upscaling (I'm talking better frame rates in particular) then this is great news for me.
I've had this pre ordered for months, but I'll probably cancel it and get the Attack On Titan game instead. If this game is coming out at the end of November, I might as well wait until Christmas when I get more money, or just get the game as a present instead of dropping sixty bucks on it.
Now thas is a dissapointment I, Daniel Blake should keep me ticking over.
Delayed again.
Did Not See That Coming.
Probably be pants anyway.
This game really isn't shaping up well at all.
Neo could of course be part of the reason but wasn't FFxv shown off at MS during E3. Its no secret that it has been 'struggling' with frame rate issues on the 'current' (Neo hasn't released yet) hardware and as the Neo is certainly not going to be the 'main' platform as far as sales go, this could seriously backfire for Sony. If the 'only' decent place to play FFxv is on 'Neo' then what message is that sending out to all the 'PS4' owners - you have to upgrade to play games, to get the best experience?
@get2sammyb a bit like Mafia 3 then.
I'm disappointed, but I would also be extremely disappointed if the game isn't good. It has now moved from anniversary present to birthday present, so not the end of the world.
I appreciate Tabata doing a video, at least.
Another day ,another delay
@BAMozzy That's exactly what I was thinking. If this really is the reason for the delay I see it backfiring pretty hard on Sony.
This game seems visuals only the more I read about it! I'm going to keep hating the game until I see something much more interesting combat gameplay wise
Wow, just wow. I'm not sure even I expected this one to be delayed, and I expect everything to be delayed.
What he said makes sense, but still, 4 days after Black Friday? They couldn't delay it 7 weeks instead of 8 and have it come out the Tuesday before BF? That part is kind of baffling. It's like something Nintendo would do - see XCX early Dec last year.
Oh well.
Do, do all those people who already pre-paid $25 for the season pass get that DLC before the game?
So @JaxonH do you think if I went back to all of our announcement comments in March I'd find myself saying - "this won't come out until 2017" - and you saying - "no, a date is a date". Just wondering. Now you know why I am the way I am. You too @Sinalefa Uncharted 4 and now this. We'll at least R&C released on time. Wait no, I think that was delayed too. No wonder I don't own a PS4 yet, my purchase keeps getting delayed.
Actually they want day one patch on the disk so people without internet can access the full version. As it stands the day one patch is available but only with those with an internet connection. That's the reason for the delay
@Punished_Boss_84 Greatness waits.
@Gamer83 It's like Deja vu all over again. At least it's coming out before the holidays this time or that would be 4 years in a row.
@BAMozzy I understand where you are coming from, but if it doesn't play well on the PS4, then it most certainly won't play well on the Xbox One, and the WiiU isn't even a consideration. So there really is no harm to Sony specifically on this one. It would all be on Square's shoulders, which is why a "only runs good on Neo/Scorpio" is not likely a solution that Square would even consider. Not on XV, not on a title that is supposed to breathe new life into the franchise.
Ugh... Was cautiously excited for this game but haven't played a ff game yet. Should I get it?
Ok, been thinking about it more, mostly their reasoning/excuse for the delay, and I'm not happy.
They delayed the game so people without Internet can get the patch to get the updated game, which is nice of them, but they made the game have 5 or 6 pieces of DLC in the season pass, so those people still aren't going to be able to play the whole game.
If they are going to delay the game 2 whole months for the patch, then just delay it until all the DLC is done and on the disc, make it part of the game, and don't charge extra for it.
If they delay it for 1 reason, they should delay it for the other as well. Because they just blew a huge whole in DLC after the game releases if they can delay the entire game 2 months for a patch, just delay it for the DLC as well, release a complete game.
Personally, I can live with the delay, it just means I'll get a PS4 for Christmas rather then end of September so I have more time for my backlog, and I should be able to take advantage of a good BF sale, though not a FFXV bundle as i had hoped, and who knows, by Christmas they may have a 2nd patch out.
But delaying a game for a patch, after you announced a season pass, that's too contradictory for me. And why announce the delay AFTER sending stuff to Gamestop, how about telling your fans first, let Gamestop watch the YouTube video like the rest of us. Ok, for business reasons I know that can't work, but I spent my whole weekend looking for an official announcement b/c of that leak.
The whole thing stinks. After 10 years a huge event in March to announce a date they can't keep, morons.
Fun Fact: When Square Enix first announced this game, Myspace was the #1 social networking platform, and Twitter didn't exist.
10 years of delays, is the equivalent to:
I want to be surprised, but I'm ten years beyond the point where it's lost all meaning.
If that truly is the suspected reason for the delay, I welcome the incoming backlash. That's one of the most stupidest reasons to delay a game since Rise Of The Tomb Raider.
Fun Fact #2: There have been over fifteen Assassin's Creed games released since this game was first announced.
@get2sammyb "the team’s objective is to deliver “a Final Fantasy of the highest possible quality to every single person who buys the game,” sounds like Xbox One version still wasn't running well enough.
I'm glad for the delay if it means the game will received ps4 neo support. I hope gravity rush 2 will be okay, maybe it's better to delay it to more empty month like january or february.
@thedevilsjester As a PS4 owner, do you care how well it runs on XB1? What you care about is the games running well on PS4! If games run poorly on the PS4 but well on the Neo, that's like saying if you want the game, the best experiences, then upgrade! You know very well that games will be scrutinised by people and results posted on youtube.
Sony may want you to upgrade to Neo to play this game but they shouldn't make it feel compulsory just to have a game worth playing - especially as the game will cost the same regardless.
Decent reason for the delay but an extra two months to fix bugs and the like seems a bit long. Either the game is a mess or its something to do with the Neo.
Welcome to Duke nukem forever territory, squeenix. No game that's been delayed, scrapped, reworked, and talked about this much will ever live up to the expectations from the fans. Some people that are dumb enough just to buy a system for this game are going to be spending months on here writing long winded paragraphs with emojis trying to justify their purchase by defending every turd that comes out like this.
@get2sammyb Here's a head start for when we get the poll article later on today I'm sure you're working on now.
FFXV delays means:
1. was day 1, still day 1
2. I was never going to buy it, still won't
3. Was waiting for a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal, now I'll um, uh...
4. Was day 1, now it's a Christmas gift
5. I'm waiting on the Complete Ed w/ all DLC
I'm sure there's more, that's just off the top of my head.
If we get the best version possible then great, however if there is a day 1 patch after this eyebrows will be raised.
@BAMozzy No, but you are missing the point. If the game has poor performance, its going to have poor performance on all platforms. All things being equal this would mean an equal share of "hate" against Sony and Microsoft, which would not really amount to anything or disrupt the "balance".
Fortunately all things would not be equal, and Sony would have a console out capable of playing the game, and one that ran poorly, while Microsoft would only have one out that ran poorly. While this would result in a knee jerk reaction of additional hate against Sony in the form of "they are doing this just so we upgrade", that hate would be (relatively) short lived. Even more so since its not a Sony only title, or a heavily funded by Sony title, etc... The end result would be that people see a game they want, and Microsoft does not have a console capable of playing it, but Sony does. This would fuel Neo sales, that would more than make up for the original hate.
All this to say that worst case, Sony is in no worse shape than Microsoft about the XV release, and best case they sell more Neo's. That loud vocal complaining you hear on the internet, as passionate as it may be, rarely means anything to the bottom line.
This was more or less confirmed the moment we heard the rumour unfortunately but like I said,means I get to start World Of Final Fantasy first...um,that one hasn't been delayed too has it?
@thedevilsjester And you are missing the point too! People already expect the PS4 version to be 'better' than the XB1 version as has been the case with virtually every multi-platform game so far. The difference here though is that Sony are not marketing the 'Neo' as a 'replacement' console. If it runs badly on XB1 it will be equally as bad as the XB1s version too. People are already concerned that games will be bad, that developers won't bother with the PS4 version so much, feeling like their PS4 is virtually obsolete because of the Neo. The Neo is expected to be a PS4 - albeit with a bit more power - not the replacement. Owners of a PS4 couldn't care less how a game runs on XB1 but they don't want to feel that Sony are effectively replacing their PS4, don't want to be second class gamers etc. Its not just FFxv, but that then has a knock on effect for all games - inc VR too. People are already concerned that the Neo is going to be the 'only' way to play VR - yes games may 'work' on PS4 but doesn't mean the experience will be 'fun'. We know MS are replacing the XB1 next year (confirmed they are making software for it - regardless of what they say, it is more than 'just' a 4k XB1) but its not like the 'slim' plays games the XB1 just about runs.
Nintendo never sold XCX based on hype, nor they marketed to 60+ million people, so its release date is not surprising.
Funny thing is I still have the feeling that X will end up being the better game of the two.
Also, they cant delay till DLC is ready cause the whole point of DLC is to make more $ out of a product and keep selling it after launch. Squeenix will milk the Chocobo drier than a desert full of Cactuars. Preorder the Mystery Season Pass now!
Oh well......to the backlog! .......or maybe new Deus Ex.
@wiiware February isn't empty. If anything, that would be even tougher sales territory, considering both Persona 5 (which I think will be a modest hit, and most likely the bestselling game in the series thus far due to all of the increased awareness and publicity in the West) and Horizon: Zero Dawn (which I expect to sell VERY well) are releasing then.
Sony has neglected to show off GR2 when it could have received maximum publicity, and it will likely sell poorly as a result. Sony will use this as an excuse to abandon further entries in the series, and another promising franchise will go down the toilet. Doesn't matter what month it releases, honestly.
@sinalefa "the whole point of DLC is to make more $ out of a product"
Well we know that, but it puts the DLC in a negative light if they can hold the game for the update but not the DLC. It makes their comment seem dishonest.
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