The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited doesn't look bad on PlayStation 4, but it doesn't look fantastic, either - as you'd probably expect from such a colossal MMO running on console hardware. However, developer Zenimax Online Studios has confirmed that the title will take advantage of the newly announced PlayStation 4 Pro, releasing a pretty 4K trailer as evidence.
The big news here, though, is that, according to the video's description, Tamriel Unlimited will run at native 4K on Sony's upcoming machine. That's quite the visual boost.
Are you still playing The Elder Scrolls Online? Are you interested in higher resolution adventures through Tamriel? Pick out your Khajiit's individual hairs in the comments section below.
Comments 25
Like you said its not the best looking game but for how huge the maps are and the story content I think it does a great job. Glad this game will benefit from 4k although I do not have or will get a Pro. This is still a great game and one of the few games I am still playing nearly every day after a year of buying it.
I wonder how big of a patch it takes to upgrade a game to 4K?
If that involves all new textures and models, it would be huge...
Or are we just talking about scaling the game up to 4K, because any 4K TV is already doing that.
I have a hard time believing this is 'native' 4k...thought the specs required that everything be very cleverly upscaled?
@SegaBlueSky The official social media accounts for the game and the video description all say "native 4K", so it must be, otherwise it'd be straight up false advertising as far as I'm aware.
Wow so ps4 pro can play native 4k, nice. I hope that power can be used to play old game at 1080p and 60 fps, bloodborne 60 fps here I come
@GamerDad66 Generally, games are already made in 4k with all the assets and textures built in. Its why a lot of these games are so big. What developers tend to do for console is to adjust the settings to run on the console. On PC (for example), gamers have the options to optimise for their system but as PS4's (and soon to be PS4 Pro) have a set spec, the developers optimise the games according to the hardware. A game like Doom for example has a similar file size on PS4 (at 1080/60) to the PC version that can be played at 4k with 'ultra' settings - much higher textures, lighting, shadows etc
This is why 'old', already released games can be updated relatively easily to play at higher resolutions and/or better visual effects.
All a developer needs to do is patch in a different set of values if the game is played on a PS4 Pro and connected to a 4K HDR TV. For example, IF PS4, output to 1080p, reflections medium, shadows low, lighting medium, particle effects medium etc IF PS4 Pro and connected to a 4K HDR TV, output to 1800p, reflections medium, shadows medium, lighting high, particle effects medium etc and upscale to 2160p. They don't have to send a 'huge' patch with all the upgraded resolution and textures. Some games may have been built in 1080p so the resolution may not be increased but they may be able to raise the visual settings...
If PS4 Pro was coming with a 2TB internal I'd get this game again... Pretty solid MMO, but it just takes up wayyyyy too much hard drive space.
Those Digital Foundry folk must be jumping for joy b/c none of these vids the past 2 days mean anything to me w/o a side by side comparisons.
Of course I watch everything on a 1400x900 monitor, so it's not like I can see anything anyway. Though Hyrule Warriors Legends was very obvious, but that's like 280p or something.
But bring on the compasion videos, show us what's what.
I think Sony left out the ultra blu-ray drive so nobody noticed the $399 X1S has 2TB but the $399 PS4 Pro has only 1TB. Hardly anybody talking about that now. While I await news of my 32GB NX.
It takes up 75gb for me thats fine as its a game I play often. It would be better I think if you could just download the core game which would probably be around 50gb. The if you want to play the expansions then download the rest. But at the moment you need to dowload everything to play the game which makes it less attractive for casual gamers. But handy if you suddenly think yeah I want to play the game.
@BAMozzy I agree with what you are saying it depends how the game was built in the first place. Some it will be literally just adjusting settings others it will require extra work.
@wiiware Oh yeah!
Bloodborne & Dark Soul as well
native 4K?. where's my sceptical face?. much better spec PCs struggle to run this at native 4K/30fps. it may produce a native 4K image to the frame-buffer, but no way can it brute force render that natively - it's probably using the new hardware components for temporal/spatial AA and a checkerboard technique that allows a 4K framebuffer to be constructed from half the number of pixels.
I think from this console on, the term "native 4K" is going to be stretched a bit. The tech that's probably going to be used to get the 4K image isn't true upscaling, but it isn't what I would call "native 4K" either. It's the same discussion as you can have with PSVR that is "natively" pushing out 120fps, which is just as true as saying it are actually 60 frames that are each copied and appear to the eye as 120fps. The algorithms they use to produce the 4K image are insanely smart, but devs don't have to aim for true 4K to get the "4K" image.
In my book it doesn't really matter as long as we as consumers have the feeling we are watching 4K. Combine this with HDR, which is the true gamechanger, and I think we can finally speak of true "next gen" gaming.
@Neolit haha!
Bethesda can't get optimisation on anything they develop. Publishing is okay though. I can't see native 4k. Not a shot in hell and that's not just me being me, but the problem specs and Bethesda being Bethesda, I can't see it happening.
Hateven mail in 3...2...1...why do I bother
I don't think I will buy PS4 Pro it seams like I've bought my PS4 just yesturday
@Grawlog Oh it's outsourced to a good group? Fair play then. Still think 4k is a stretch but if it's a team that optimises and uses hardware efficiently, then no problem I guess but I'll need to see it first.
As for Bethesda as developers...can we just stop them doing that? Their best stuff isn't made by them it's made for them. -.-
@Grawlog if it gets a new engine then great XD Bout time really. ES is running on legacy now.
As for those performances yeah that's great optimisation for eso then. My new pc coming soon with its beef will be no problem then XD
Only played ESO only once and never touched it again but I never thought the graphics were that bad.
ESO runs fine on the PS4. Sometimes after the new DLC comes out there are issues for a few weeks but it runs smoothly. For the size and scope of the games its impressive.
@BAMozzy Can you help me out here. Are 4K Blu-rays any different from native 4K games? How can it support one, but not the other?
@Octane Its to do with the player and what it is capable of reading. If the Bluray player can't read 4k and/or HDR (which I believe are much higher capacity blurays) then you don't get a 4k Bluray player. I know Blurays look similar but a 4k Disc is actually different from a standard Bluray disc. Think of it like CD's, DVD's and Standard Blurays. The most basic of these is the CD which is why CD players only play CD's. A bluray layer though can play CD's, DVD's and Blurays. A 4k HDR Bluray player can play all these too. What the PS4 Pro has though is a 'standard' Bluray player and therefore can only play up to a Bluray disc - not 4k+
Blurays have a certain capacity for digital storage which is more than adequate for a game to be stored on it. A hard drive is often like a stack of 'bluray' discs. You don't actually play the game from 'disc' as such but load it up into the hardware as data. Its not the Bluray player that determines the resolution but the games engine and its this engine that outputs the game to the TV. You don't need a 4k Bluray player to play 4k games on PC - just the right output to handle the bandwidth of the information.
Does that make sense?
What Sony have done is put in a standard Bluray player which is more than adequate for the storage of games but the player itself can't read the high capacity discs needed for 4k HDR movies.
@BAMozzy I see, thanks, makes perfect sense. I read somewhere that the Pro should be able to read 4K Blu-ray films, because it also plays games at native 4K from discs. But it makes sense now.
@Octane The Bluray drive is nothing but a form of 'storage' where games are concerned. Its no different in essence from a hard drive. You don't need a 4k Bluray drive to stream in 4k either.
The games engine is basically what determines the resolution of games. Current PS4 games could be set to 4k now but the amount of processing power required would cause the games to be virtually unplayable - the GPU/CPU would be spending far too long drawing the picture with all the extra pixel information. It could be output to TV though but no more than 24fps - the limit of HDMI 1.4. HDMI 2.0 has a much larger bandwidth to transfer all that information much quicker.
This is great news, I really enjoy my time in Tamil, especially with the dark brotherhood.
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