Now that Final Fantasy XV's been out for over a month, it's probably time for Square Enix to shed some light on what we can expect from the project going forward. At this point, all we know is that the title's getting several slices of downloadable content as part of its season pass, supposedly focusing on the individual members of Noctis' entourage. The developer also stated last month that it's looking into expanding and improving the game's story through free updates.
Basically, it's always sounded like Square Enix is keen to keep building upon the release, and now it's announced that it'll be hosting an Active Time Report - that's a developer livestream for those unfamiliar with the term - sometime soon. This "New Year Special" will hopefully dish out some juicy details on the team's future plans.
Are you eager to hear what's in store for Final Fantasy XV? Get back with the boys in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 8
When are we getting this 60fps PS4 Pro patch?
All I want is a 60fps pro patch/
Have this on my hard drive sat waiting for patches, I have a pro but the frame pacing seems off, or is that just me.
@Bobbycuckoo some are affected more than others by it, I don't notice it so I'm lucky, however if you put the graphics in literature mode it's completely eliminated.
I can't wait to see what we're getting, I've finished the story and working my way through the 8 end game dungeons but holding off on New game plus for the story updates and or Pro performance update.
I started playing this yesterday and omg its amazing! Quick question-what is the difference between the crownsguard and the kingsglaive?
I thought it was general knowledge at this point that the game they shipped was incomplete but they couldn't delay it anymore, and these "updates" are actually steps towards completing the game? Hey I'm not complaining, it's already doing things better than MGSV in that department
One: Love your handle.
Two: It's easier to understand if you watch the movie & anime, but basically the Crown's Guard are the King's royal guards. They're the protectors of the King royal family, palace, and take on personal missions from His Majesty. IE: Personal guards, headed up by the Amicitia Patriarch, IE: Glad's Dad, as I understand it. As opposed to the Lucian military. (Some have suggested they are the Lucian military, but I'm not sure. They seem to be much more specifically based on focusing on the Lucis family).
So. Bear with me. The King's Glaive is a group specifically founded by His Majesty, King Regis, made up of predominantly refugees from outlying Lucian territories whose homes had been taken over by Niflheim. The King's Glaive are literally meant to be the King's Glaive --- his personal weapon against the Nifs. He granted them his magic, much the same way Noctis grants his friends use of his. Seeing as how King Regis is older, has the ring, and is much more powerful, he is able to imbue far more people with his abilities, and give them access to a great deal of power. However, this power is dependant on genetic factors. Not everyone can receive the King's Glaive blessing. The Glaives are literally meant to be an espionage and assault group designed to launch against Niflheim in strategic missions of great import and to stand on the front lines against the Nifs in a way the King himself can not, as he must keep up the wall around Insomnia.
IE: CG are the guardians of the King / Royal family. KG: The living embodiment of the might of the King.
Hope this helped. Registered just to reply to this, lol. Again, LOVE the name.
@Matdredalia Thank you so so much thats really cleared things up i was so confused 😂😂😂. Ahaha cheers im such a big ace attorney fan
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