Hundreds of Japanese gamers lined up to buy PlayStation VR in Japan today. As we're sure you know, the headset launched last year in the region, but similarly to the rest of the world, it's been out of stock for months now. Sony's done such an awful job meeting demand that many people waited outside major retailers overnight for a chance to buy the device – a purchase wasn't even guaranteed.
At chains like Bic Camera and Sofmap, raffles were drawn early in the morning to decide who could and couldn't purchase the peripheral. Those lucky enough to have their tickets drawn were given until 16:00 local time to snag the futuristic facemask.
The word on social media is that the all of the new stock is now gone, though many lining up for the headset expressed interest in flipping the product online for a profit. Of course, this reinforces the notion that any failure PlayStation VR may face in the short-term can be attributed directly to Sony's sluggish supply chain; the product simply isn't sticking around in stores long enough to be deemed a flop yet.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 11
That photo reminds me of the good old days smoking outside weather spoons.
With queuing like that in Japan Summer Lesson must be due out. Dont forget your box of kleenex on the way home.
@themcnoisy Haha, there's Summer Lesson DLC and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 VR patch out this week. Coincidence, I think not!
I wonder if PS VR is such a complicated device to mass produce that they aren't meeting demand.
It's Softmap, y'all
They are in for a disappointment. Sony keeps selling the hardware but failed to impress with software so far. Haven't played RE7 in VR yet to enjoy the game once with good graphics. I was much more optimistic about psvr when in bought it, but at the moment it doesn't feel like it's going to stick. Maybe if they come up with more sensors to attach to limbs. Playing stuff with a controller in VR just isn't that much fun.
I've been debating this on a seperate forum thread but I think this further reinforces the notion that supply is clearly an issue for Sony. Still not sure of the reason why and I still have concerns on what part software and a lack of news is having.
Sony just needs to make & get more fully fledge AAA titles like Resi 7 onto the headset, i can image all it'll take is one game that cannot be played without VR for it to really start getting headlines. Obviously Sony wasn't expecting the demand for VR so didn't have much manufactured, i can imagine each time new stock is manufactured is just goes for that region.
I don't get it... PlayStation vr is so easy to find in lisbon 😐 maybe this is a bad sign
Sony really needs to get it's act together.
I must say I actually just saw PSVR once in stores (excluding demo units) so it must be selling. Sony is pulling a Nintendo on this and the Pro: there used to be never near enough (sc)amiibos to meet the demand, don't even mention Pokemon GO plus, the NES mini and so on
@Rudy_Manchego @adf86
It's rumored that is a quality issue; there are retailers that had the headsets recalled and the shortages during the most important time of year are telling. This small batch of headsets is nothing more than a sign of good will towards Capcom, who just launched the biggest VR title to date.
What the widespread problem could be is unclear, but the drifting issue keeps on coming back in lots of reports. Ultimately you get just one shot at convincing people that VR is the future and if the technology fails, VR fails.
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