Little Nightmares, the gritty puzzle platformer from LittleBigPlanet Vita developer Tarsier Studios, has turned in a dream performance, with reviews universally recommending the harrowing release. We've yet to get our hands on pre-release code, but you can expect plenty of coverage here over the coming days. In the meantime, here are some choice quotes from around the web based on the PC version.
Eurogamer - Recommended
Media Molecule protégé Tarsier turns in a masterpiece of meat and malice, swiftly consumed but with a lingering aftertaste.
Video Gamer - 9/10
Little Nightmares is frightening, in a way that gets under your skin. A way that whispers in your ear that you won't sleep well tonight. Little Nightmares takes things you were afraid of when you were a kid, and reminds you you're still afraid now.
Polygon - 8.5/10
Little Nightmares worked its way into my dreams because it's just bright enough, just safe enough to make me let my guard down. The game isn't always successful at balancing some game design fundamentals. But when the lights went out, it left me remembering that, really, I'm just a small thing in a dangerous world myself.
Destructoid - 8.5/10
Little Nightmares could use better pacing, perhaps more build-up in the first chapter, but even in its calmer moments it retains your interest with its macabre world and simple yet goosebumps-inducing gameplay. You constantly feel like a crippled gazelle limping around a lion's den. I'm excited to watch others play and panic the way I did.
Will you be running scared from this one, or are you eager to wander underwater? Slip on your anorak in the comments section below.
Comments 36
Dammit, not more awesome games this year. I had just persuaded myself to get Nier and now this looks good to. It has been on my interested list for some time.
Can't wait to play this, had my eye on it for a while now. Looks great and the reviews are really getting me hyped!
I still haven't buy wonder boy yet, there's too many good games..
@Rudy_Manchego Nier automata is great, you'll definitely get your money worth
It's cheaper on Amazon (in UK with Prime) than a PS Store digital copy, so get it there and let's start a boycott of overpriced digital licenses.
Please do not discuss things against Sony's user agreement here. Thanks -Tasuki-
I love how metacritic's PS4 page lists out the highest rated games of 2017 with Persona 5, Horizon, Night in the Woods, Nioh, Nier, Zero Escape, RE 7, Kingdom Hearts, Yakuza 0, and The Show.
Looking at another brand, all multiplats except Thimbleweed Park, with the highest rated being RE 7.
Please don't discuss things against Sony's user agreement here. Thanks -Tasuki-
Nice! Can't wait to get this. I've had the version with the little figurine on preorder since the day it was announced!
@lacerz @TrueAssassin86x 2017 is a monster of a year for games so far, no matter what platform you prefer
Getting back to Little Nightmares - I'm really glad it's reviewing well. The demo at EGX was very cool. Tempted to buy it, despite my usual distaste for horror.
@TrueAssassin86x It's a great year for gamers regardless of platform it seems!
Nice one. Been really looking forward to this
@stevejcrow I was actually hell-bent on going full-digital on the PS4, but money talks (and my apartment is getting full).
@TrueAssassin86x Tone it down or you'll be getting a ban, too. There's no need to be so provocative all the time — particularly when people are being polite in response.
@TrueAssassin86x PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, psvita. Gameboy, Gameboy Color, SNES, Gamecube, Wii.
Just realized there's an ignore button. Neat.
As for the game, I'm definitely buying it... at some point.
You were asked once before not to discuss things that goes against Sony's user agreement. Don't do it again. -Tasuki-
@stevejcrow For new game releases, sure. For example, Crash Bandicoot preorder is £39.99 on PS store & £27.99 on Amazon U.K.- which is ridiculous.
But digital can be far more aggressively discounted. Been waiting months for a price drop on KOFXIV, which still goes for ~£40 on Amazon. Picked it up in the latest sale for just over £13.
This brings me to Little Nightmares, which will be a digital purchase for me. Happy it's reviewing well, but I can wait for a couple of price drops.
@Fight_Teza_Fight The exception does not prove the rule. I very rarely buy digital old or new unless it's dirt cheap and most cases I can still find it cheaper in physical if I look or wait, and I make less impulse purchases that way, which is good for the wallet.
I'm all for a healthy online store, just feel the pricing is a bit wrong and I refuse to pay pre-order upfront, so thanks Sony for saving me money that way too!
@stevejcrow I agree the pricing is off. Less overhead, so in theory the savings should be passed on to the consumer. But Sony/MS don't, because they don't want to upset the guys selling their hardware.
IMO though the PS store sales have been fantastic, especially with PS+ this gen.
For the record I'm a physical media guy.
Cannot wait to play this but my backlog is so out of control right now.
I am only 45 hours into Persona 5, I bought Gravity Rush 2 and Nier Automata because I was worried they might become difficult to find in a month or two. I have Dishonoured 2, Last Gaurdian, and Yakuza 0 already on the shelf too and the likes of Puyo Puyo Tetris, Crash Bandicoot and Wipeout preordered.
I might pick this up to sneak in a shorter experience as a palate cleanser before starting Gravity Rush 2. I honestly cannot remember a better period to be a gamer, it's been insane since October last year.
CANT WAIT!!!! Looks like a cross between Inside and Unravel!!!
I was looking forward to this so that's pleasing.
@naruball I know I keep forgetting about it. Considering the last couple I might just use now
@Fight_Teza_Fight I tend to put stuff in my wishlist and check it every week, if there's any that are reduced I then do a quick physical price comparison before pouncing. And yes, I'm a lot of fun at parties.
The reviews I've read made me fear that this is all style and little substance. It does look great, but the gameplay seems far too simplistic to me. I was never a fan of those platformers that rely heavily on mood instead of fluid gameplay, so this may sadly be a pass for me.
Ok guys I had to clean up the section here and give a few warnings. Just a reminder discussing things that go against Sony's User agreement is not allowed here, this includes discussing how to get mutiple copies of a single copy of a game, pirating games, emulation etc. Next person that brings it up will get a vacation from the site.
Thanks for understanding.
If you notice the terms are for one system not mutiple systems. You can look it up where people have got their accounts banned for sharing games in such a way by Sony. Anyway this is not up for debate. If you further wish to discuss doing this you will have to go elseware, I am afraid. I apologize but this is the last time I will speak of this. -Tasuki-
I'm at 99.9% full digital. I did buy Robinson for PSVR in physical form since I was able to get it for $21.99 on Amazon at launch as opposed to $59.99 on the PlayStation store.
@lacerz Please see my edit above.
Nintendo and Sony, paired with PC, are AWESOME! Glad you agree that they're the systems to own!
I am pretty sure "sharing" games in that way is not allowed as per Sony. Now you need to drop it the matter is close, this is your final warning. If you have anymore to say in this matter please use a contact form below. Thanks for understanding -Tasuki-
I would love to play this at some point but I'm sinking all my spare time into nier and a replay of ff 10.will give push squares review a good read when it's out.
How are you liking Nier? I'm on my second play through and am loving it!
I read in a review that Little Nightmares was great, but that it only lasted 7 hours. This is fine though - I remember buying Resident Evil (original) on the original Playstation. It was about $60 and took me about 7 hours to leisurely go through it. Looking forward to this one - something different is always great!
Loving nier too.The game's got everything it's a shooter a hack and slash and role playing, graphics are beautiful and music's top notch.
Really been looking forward to this! Glad its turned out as awesome as it appeared to be!
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