There was no date at the end of Detroit: Become Human’s gameplay demo at E3 2017, but the title is slated for release next year. Speaking with GameSpot, auteur David Cage revealed: “It’ll be next year.” Sony’s being a bit weird with dates: it confirmed any titles with a 2018 target during its press conference are due in the first half of the year, while it would appear those without are looking towards Holiday 2018. Of course it’s not announcing any of this because it doesn’t want to disappoint.
Even as huge Quantic Dreams fans, we’re still not sold on Detroit: Become Human to be brutally honest. The idea of android apartheids has been explored a million times before, and while we do enjoy the Parisian developer’s take on choice-driven narratives, the jury’s still out on this one for us.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 18
Considering there are lot of different option on how each encounters will play out it'll be interesting to seeing if its honestly that deep,i'm hoping it turns out good.
Still waiting for a Binary Domain sequel after the post credit ending set one up.
This game looks awsome how can you not be sold on this Pushsqaure. 😲😨
I want it now. 😀
I thought the rooftop teaser more interesting than the E3 trailer/gameplay footage. I will hold off until reviews are out. It's not a must buy like RDR 2.
@get2sammyb Maybe Sony is one of the few studios now trying to get release dates when the product is good; not create a release date in the hopes the game will be finished in time. I'm all for studios getting the release dates accurate. No Mans Sky, ME:A are a couple that seemed to suffer from early release dates. Seems Sony got it right with HZD.
@starhops Hope you're right. Nothing's worse than buying a game on release day, only to discover it won't be finished until patch 10, 8 months later.
I must admit, I thought it looked different than the last time I saw it. I'm still excited for the game, though.
I am not sold on this game either. The game-play they showed at their Daily recap also really dragged and put me off - investigating a room in a 'detective' style, showing 'replays of what happened, increasing the chance of a 'better' outcome before engaging the 'kidnapper' and having some 'dialogue' choices which affected the chances of success just ended up dragging and dragging and dragging on...
I know some may love the idea, like the 'concept' and really enjoy the Quantic Dreams/David Cage games but this is currently on my 'leave' list and 'unlikely' to move up to a 'maybe' or 'wanted' list. Will still keep my eye on it, just in case but right now its a 'leave'...
@rjejr Yep. I would love a Binary Domain sequel. I doubt it will ever happen tho.
I'm not sold either, but that's because I don't really like David Cage's games. That's the most generous I can get with this topic.
Despite that, I do want to see if this can turn out well.
Oh boy, moar delays !
Moar hype !
@KitsuneNight But... It hasn't been delayed?
I'm still wanting to get this. I'll eventually get it even if it scores a 5 or 6 because I like these kinds of games. Didn't love beyond but I really enjoyed heavy rain when it came out.
I want the choice to fight against them. I don't believe in human rights for machines. They keep talking about their purpose in life, well that was to make life easier for humans, not burden this already crowded planet with their own robot lives. I don't want my vacuum cleaner asking for a raise, or my toaster going on holiday.
@Splat It will never happen, but I'll keep waiting just in case. I always felt like they needed a 3rd game to somehow turn BD and Vanquish into a trilogy. I always felt an affinity between those 2 even if they were very different.
@BAMozzy "The game-play they showed at their Daily recap also really dragged and put me off - investigating a room in a 'detective' style, showing 'replays of what happened, increasing the chance of a 'better' outcome before engaging the 'kidnapper' and having some 'dialogue' choices which affected the chances of success just ended up dragging and dragging and dragging on..."
That sounds exactly like the 90 minutes I spent playing Life is strange before giving up.
@JoeBlogs Whilst I do think some games can actually change your opinion with the controller in hand, I think these are the more 'arcade' type games - things like the Housmarque games or example. Watching these it can seem a bit 'deja vu' but once you have that controller and blasting things at 60fps, it can be a lot of fun.
Games like this though are more about the concept, the story, the theme etc. It doesn't matter so much about how it 'feels' with a controller - you expect a certain 'performance' for example but get a good idea of the the context, the way the game works, a snap-shot of the what to expect. I can't imagine that the 'investigations' would be greatly different - the only difference would be whether you get bored of looking around for clues sooner or later - give up at 60% or try and push through to get a 'better' success rate. Spend time going back and forth in case you missed something...
I can see that a game like this working on Twitch with audience participation. Playing through and your watchers voting on the decisions and you taking the 'majority' vote. Seems a better fit than the 'linear' game-play that doesn't change much on each play-through but your viewers could feel more 'included', more involved rather than 'just' sat their watching it play out virtually the same way every single video.
I played through the Witcher 3 again recently (PS4 version this time) and the ONLY real different decision I made was in terms of my 'Romance' choice. Its the same with games like Mass Effect. I feel I make the decisions I would or in the case of 'B&W' decisions, to get the 'best' outcome rather than the decisions I would make. To a degree, this feels like that, say the wrong thing and your chances drop so the next thing you say is the things you feel you have to say to get a successful resolution - similar to picking 'Paragon' regardless of what the options are because you are going for that outcome.
Therefore its probably going to be a better 'Twitch' game where you are at the mercy of your viewers to decide the way the game plays out.
Thematically and from what I have seen so far of the game-play, it wouldn't be in my games list. I didn't like Heavy Rain, Fahrenheit or Beyond: Two Souls myself so I can't see this grabbing my attention either. More 'interactive dramas' than games and reminded me of 'Dragon's Lair' at times - scripted events that require the right input at the right time.
I say this a lot but Each to their own. So far nothing has enticed me to put this on my Maybe list. There are, and will be games I am much more interested in that I haven't yet bought when this comes out - all those wanted/maybe games I haven't bought. Even if this was the only game releasing that month, that Quarter, I would be much more likely to buy games on those lists, than spend £40+ on this. At the moment, its in my 'Leave' list so wouldn't get bought at all BUT still has time to convince me its worth getting - whether that happens pre or post launch (although most likely if post launch doesn't convince me, it never will) - as long as I still have a PS4, it 'could' move up...
@JoeBlogs I have 'ZERO' interest in a Twitch stream of this (or any other game for that matter). However from the perspective of both streamer and viewer, where interaction etc may well be 'important', games like this offer much more than a 'linear' play through. It seems that streaming sites such as Mixer are looking to bring more social interaction and audience participation and what better than a game with countless multiple choice.
Gaming is far too personal to me to ever watch someone else play or let someone else watch but that's me. I never watch 'lets play' video's either let alone a live stream of someone playing a game I could be playing myself but its obviously popular and I think these type of games would really bridge that gap between viewer and streamer. Its much more difficult to involve your audience in games that are linear and have the same scripted events, same outcome etc every time.
Just because you and I have no interest, it seems perfect for those interactive livestreaming platforms and gamers that are wanting more interaction, more involvement with their Audience. Giving their viewers the 'story' they want - well the majority wanted and the fact it could play out differently every time may well give the streamers multiple reasons to keep playing through without their audiences getting 'bored'.
@JoeBlogs The point I was making is that if you watch games, especially ones with little no interaction, it can get boring or repetitive. If you can engage with your audience, make them feel a part of the experience, and not by pausing every few seconds to type out a response or the occasional shot out, that surely has to be better for the audience.
Games like this - not 'specifically' Detroit - offers up a much more interactive experience for both the audience and streamer. Its better than someone saying use 'x' character/weapon etc in your 'next' match. Its a way to make your audience feel more like its 'their' game too, that they are not just a 'spectator' but a participant in the experience and a way to keep your audience engaged and invested for a longer time.
As I said, it doesn't appeal to me - either from a viewer or as a streamer (not that I want to stream) but I can see the attraction and more 'randomised' experience for both sides. The gamer and viewer will not now what will happen next or where things may go. You watch one person's playthrough of a 'linear' game, you have basically seen everything, know what's happening next. To a degree you get that from fighting or online MP matches too. If they are 'kicking ass' consistently you know the next few matches will play out similarly too but in a game like this, the journey through will be different.
I can see that making these type of games more fun for both sides even if its not something I want myself...
Hidden Agenda looks a ton more fun than this honestly. Maybe I'll get my wife to participate since she loves the ID Channel.
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