This is our favourite sales pitch: if you want Game X then you must buy Game Y. It’s a teensy bit shady, but the fact is that it holds water: publishers are much more likely to fund games if there’s tangible proof that a market exists, so when Vicarious Visions suggests that Crash Team Racing could come to the PlayStation 4 if the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy does well, it’s not really lying.
Of course the chances of the upcoming remaster flopping at this point are slim to none: the release date is right, the price is right, and the product appears to be right. We reckon it’s going to be a huge hit this summer, and we hope to see all the cast returning to the speedway in the not too distant future.
[source metro.co.uk]
Comments 22
Well I was going to buy it anyway. so alright.
I knew they were going to say this and I hope they back it up if the N. Sane Trilogy sells really well.
Well, if the Trilogy sells as well as it should, I could see a CTR Remaster being a PlayStation Experience announcement in December.
It would help if they gave us a bottom line sales number they need to reach before it'll be made. Makes too much sense though, scrap it!
I wasn't the biggest crash fan, but one of my earliest ps1 memories is hitting a crate and a Mexican mask thing jump out shouting hudagibar to a little drum beat. I said that word for at least a month.
That is in crash bandicoot right?
@themcnoisy Yea, it is.
Already preordered as soon as I was able to
Ok, I'll buy this remaster
I am buying N. Sane but not because of CTR, which should be in there anyway as that would cover all ND Crash games. Feels like the Nathan Drake Collection missing Golden Abyss.
And well, I am still waiting for the other Disney remasters that Capcom promised if Ducktales sold well. Guess the Afternoon Collection counts or something.
I didn't grow up with Crash at all (PS1 was solely an RPG machine for me), and frankly when I tried the platformers much later they didn't impress me much so I will be giving this collection a miss.
Crash Team Racing was super fun though and I was surprised how competent kart racer it was, every bit Mario Karts equal, maybe even better. I would absolutely buy a remake of that one.
YES!! MARIO KART on ps4! 😍
Amazon knocked the price down during E3 so I went for it.
CTR was great, but I honestly would be disappointed if N.Sane Trilogy would result in a CTR remake instead of a new Crash platformer.
Can't say I want Crash or Tag Team Racing. I played these back when and the racing with my kids when they were little but not interested in them now.
I can't see it 'failing' but how much of a success its got to be for CTR, I don't know. Considering the numbers of games like Infamous, Bloodborne sold, I hope for the fans, VV haven't set a 5m+ target...
I hope they go a bit further with it than they have with the Trilogy, give us new content in addition to the remastered content.
Ctr was literally my childhood game, I spent SO many hours on it. All I want from a remaster is updated graphics, the exact same physics!, 2 new cups/maybe new characters. But most importantly online play, I wanna be able to kick people's asses all over the world for the first time ever! It got very boring beating my friends over and over lol.
I do and I will + 'Crash Bash' would be Awesome to So FUNNY that game with 3 other real people(remember them) in the same room as you.
This may be true but I've also seen it go the other way many times. A company makes a promise based on sales, it does well, and we still don't see the promises.
I'm not buying Crash. I thought it was a mediocre game back in the day and it doesn't look improved enough to warrant the price IMO.
Well we all know the game is going to sell like hot cakes, just announce it at PSX.
I know it borders on heresy to fans of the game, but if they were going to remaster/remake anything there are so many games I'd rather see.
@booshy89 Good call on the value. I can appreciate that!
I just remember back in the mid/late 90's playing Crash at a friend's house after they said how great it was, only to play it and feel that it wasn't that great. Maybe I'll give this a second try. I now have two sons and the youngest may like it.
I will buy the trilogy no matter what. Does this mean I automatically get CTR? Preferably hand-delivered to my door by a dev.
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