Count on Capcom to ensure a game starring Spider-Man, Captain America, and Chris Redfield underperforms. Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite launched last week – although you’d be forgiven for forgetting – and entered the UK sales charts in 12th place. It’s a disappointing performance for what is, frankly, a disappointing game.
Project CARS 2 was the biggest new launch in Britain last week, entering the charts in second place. Pole position went, of course, to Destiny 2 – although NBA 2K18 and PES 2018: Pro Evolution Soccer hung around in third and fourth respectively. Surely the goal is left open for FIFA 18 now, though, which we strongly believe will score the largest launch of the year so far when it drops this week.
UK Sales Charts: Week Ending 23rd September, 2017
- Destiny 2
- Project CARS 2
- NBA 2K18
- PES 2018: Pro Evolution Soccer
- Pokken Tournament DX
- Grand Theft Auto V
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Forza Horizon 3
- LEGO Worlds
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 36
Apparently this was a terrible week for UK games industry. Project CARS 2 is down 74% compared to the original, too.
Not especially surprising really. I think I've owned and loved every single 'Vs' game Capcom have ever released, and I have absolutely no interest in MvC Infinite whatsoever.
I'd say everybody's paying off holiday debts, I know I did!
About MvC Infinite, I think is unfair to blame only Capcom. Marvel tied Capcom hands, by not allowing to add X-Men and FF characters to the roster.
I am not surprised between the poor day 1 version of SFV, the lack of X-Men and FF characters, the underwhelming graphics, and simplifying the combat for more casuals. It all culminated in rather dismal buzz about it. At least we can likely look forward to a price cut relatively soon.
The problem with mvci is the artwork is really bland, it's weird seeing realistic ryu fighting alongside realistic megaman, I think 2D art (or 3D but looks like 2D like dbz/guilty gear) will serve this game way better than this realistic 3D art.
I imagine people are weary of what happened last year- I know I am. So many big game releases dropping in price so quickly after launch. Black Friday is also on the horizon (where has the year gone?!).
The only games that I'm planning to pick up from now till the end of the year will be South Park The Fracture But Whole & GT Sport. Everything else releasing this year will be discount buys.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Last year Dishonored 2 dropped to about £20 in just a few weeks, so did Infinite Warfare. Why buy full price now when Black Friday sales will be happening soon.
@Fight_Teza_Fight That doesn't help, I agree. And a lot of publishers are going to suffer again.
I played the demo of MvC and didn't like it much. Also as was already mentioned, the art style isn't my cup of tea either. MegaMan and the likes look so out of place.
Forgot the X-Men characters and Capcom wonders why people forgot to buy it...
@Cassetticons Yeah theres no chance I'm buying Evil Within 2 at launch. Not after last year & especially not after Fallout 4, Doom & Dishonored 2 where all going for £10 last month.
@get2sammyb I'm glad that some developers/publishers have wised up. Early 2018 will be another great release window for JRPGs.
@get2sammyb Digital sales counted?
@JonnyMack No.
It seems like it's not going to do very well, but I get the impression that this is partly due to the genre not being as popular as it used to be.
(not counting Ninty games that Ninty fans buy anyway)
I'll buy it eventually.
Perhaps not as disappointing as it seems then
Well the roster was rather disappointing and the business model is irritating and ya know Japan don't like fighting games all that much so the sales lie on the US and other countries... I think it'll still sell 1 Million+ copies but this is yet ANOTHER flop for Capcom...
Backlog fatigue for me - might get it waaay later just for Jedah
While it's unfortunate, hype built up around a release is the thing that will sell games before any other consideration. Though I wouldn't say this is in any way an extensive study into proving this point, I would say that if you search Push Square for news on MvC or Project Cars you will find both titles are several degrees lower in coverage than Destiny 2. Most games that do well will have already set themselves up to be in that position before anyone even sees the final product.
Βut ... but they're just functions!!!
Guess folk were still salty about SF V.
Man, even Mass Effect Andromeda didn't sucked this hard.
..it's also bad timing coming out the week after Destiny 2 - I bought MVCI last week, completed the story mode (cheesy but okay) - but it's now on the back-burner whilst I get to level 290 and beyond! it'll be one I return to before the new XB1X arrives! (and then it'll probably be part-exed for something new!)
What's the European market as a whole look like this year? It's a shame if sales have been down big time in the UK, but is it as bad everywhere else?
As far as MvC goes... Not surprised. The demo was good, but not great, some people probably still feel burned by Street Fighter V and of course Capcom's history of releasing Ultimate Editions of games also probably factored in. Injustice 2 is also a better superhero fighting game.
@Gamer83 I actually don't know so can't really answer I'm afraid. To be clear, there have been a lot of positive performers in the UK as well this year, and like I say in the article, I wouldn't be surprised if FIFA 18 has one of the biggest launches in the franchise's history given how much hype there is for it.
I can put up with the art style, but Cap could have done so much better with that roster. Not enough brand new characters to the series at launch. Only X and Jedah on the Capcom side. Also a lot of characters are in the game that nobody wanted like Spencer and Firebrand. It's a shame cause the gameplay is really good.
I agree with alot of the folks here, it's getting close.to tell holiday season so I sure people.are waiting for Black Friday and other holiday sales. I know the only game I am buying right now on release is CoD WWII. However I want to play others like Destiny 2, AC Origins and Shadows of War when they come out but I will wait for Black Friday to pick them up.
The reason why MCVI it isn't doing well is down to two things.
1. Timing. Releasing it amongst Destiny 2 and big sports titles doesn't help and 2. Marketing, not enough people know the game's out and it just doesn't have anywhere near the marketing push as Injustice 2 did.
Why did it flop?
Lack of X-men
MK XL, Tekken 7, Injustice 2 all out this year
Dragon Ball FighterZ on the Horizon
The inevitable feeling it's going to be 20$ in 3 months
It's not a good game.
I can't help but feel that this game looks pretty poor in comparison to Injustice 2 and Capcom have done a lot of damage with the debacle that was Street Fighter V. If they'd treat their flagship fighting series like that then many will worry how they'll treat this
@Cassetticons I think Black Friday is hurting a lot of sales. Now i know why Sony does no big releases in this period. If you release your big and expensive product and your no madden, FIFA, NBA or big shooter you are screwed.
For me fightinggames are best bought later because of the massive cutouts of characters its kind of insulting. Maybe start at €30/35 and then come with a seasonpass..... And release a complete edition for €60/65 less of a kick in the balls for early adopters.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah reall true. I think that's why we saw the SUmmer drought not happen this year, dev are relasing their games early to avoid the black friday slump.
Guess the " performance" is well deserved then.
Next time make a better fighting game, Capcom. I'll be fair, at least it has an alright selection of modes. Is Street Fighter V at 2 million yet?
Decent debut for Pokken.
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