Well we all knew it was coming, but now we have confirmation. Assassin's Creed Origins does indeed have microtransactions, despite being a single player title. Helix Credits, an in-game currency that you can purchase with real money, are making a return in the Egyptian adventure. It's more than likely that you'll be able spend them on loot boxes, which were revealed not too long ago.
According to a GameStop page that has all the different Helix Credits packages posted, you can spend up to $49.99 on the things.
And so the microtransaction conversation rumbles on. What do you make of this? Try not to open your wallet in the comments section below.
[Thanks Ponds908 for the tip ]
[source m.gamestop.com]
Comments 53
I'm shocked and appalled by this surprise news of optional microtransactions.
I wasn't going to bother with it anyway, but this at least gives me a decent excuse.
cancels pre-order
I will just ignore them.
Fair enough. South Park demo is a go today by the way, for anyone interested. 1 hour timed.
@Gamer83 The game design changed to accommodate lootbox and micro-transaction, we're past the "it's optional" phase.
@kyleforrester87 Cheers Kyle I am interested.
I've never spent any money on credits in AC games, or those shark cards in GTA or any other microtransactions that people constantly whine and complain about. Unless there's a certain point in the game where I'm forced to spend some extra money to beat the final boss or whatever, I'm not going to get all up in arms over this.
It seems MT originated in Ancient Egypt.
If I had the means to make it (and the lack of integrity as well) I would make a F2P game called Loot Box Simulator, it would be a cookie clicker style game where you open the boxes to get glittery gems of various colours that you need to unlock different loot box skins. But of course you could always buy the gems yourself from 1.99 to 99.99 cos after all microtransactions don't have to be small despite the name.
I guess it isn’t really a huge problem if they aren’t intrusive and you can play everything without paying any extra. That’s when I’d take issue.
and another game packed with boring grind to reach endgame, no thanks. Glad I cancelled my pre-order. gutted though, had been looking forward to this one!
I like how the name is Origins even though Assassins Guild Was Created in Masyiaf Syria a real guild.
Ubisoft is Srsly taking the Assassin out of creed because looking at it now Assassins and Templars don't have anything to with the games anymore like they used too.
Is anyone really buying this over Mario?
Well at least Wolfenstein and Mario are complete games coming out this week.
thats another title going on the 'wait to cheap sale' stockpile
Plenty of more interesting games that aren't built around this rubbish so I can quite happily avoid this altogether.
i really don't care about Microtranasction because it don't bother me alot while playing games for fun.. it is just god damn optional.. it won't force people to buy loot boxes if they don't want to pay
This is EXACTLY what people are afraid of. That developers will tweak the game so that you feel forced to buy these extra items in order to progress/beat the game.
To be fair in ancient Egypt they did have lootboxes and microtransactions. How else could they afford to build the pyramids?
@porhawj2016 Long live Ubisoft, long live microtransactions, eh? Welcome to Pushsquare btw.
I recently played through A.C syndicate, completed the game, got platinum trophy all without ever knowing there were microtransactions. I only realized there were when i heard on one of the podcasts i listen to, then i went back to check n there they were. My whole point is. As long as it doesn't interfere with my fun and they don't do sum stupid tedious grind too finish game i could care less if they there or not. U guys might hate me for saying this but i don't blame the devs for doing so if ppl continue to spend money on it, why not? Gotta do what they gotta do to make more money and give us more games
It's ok! It doesn't matter if they don't 1- involve multiplayer components (Aka pay to win) 2- don't force you to grind an absurd amount to get the content without spending money. 3- make the content exclusive to microtransations
Fear not friends. It has been confirmed that no micro-transactions are exclusive. Everything in the game is available with or without extra money spent. Hope this helps 😀😀😀
Yup not unexpected. I don't like it; but in previous games I have never felt like I need to buy one (and I never will). My bigger issue with this title is that sadly, it looks like like just another ac game which will be filled with the same rinse and repeat missions and open world padding /grind. And after syndicate I realised that I'm just really really tired of it (tbh franchise fatigue set in with revelations).
@Ravisp12 Welcome to Pushsquare!! Wow, a lot of new users joining the site for this topic today, how exciting.
will be waiting to see how much this currency effects the game now, was originally going to pick this up on release day as my first assassin creed game as it looks great on the surface, but not anymore
Cheeky sods, £50 to buy the game and then micro transactions thereafter! The games industry has gotten greedy. Assassins Creed is just regurgitated nonsense these days anyway. It's the FIFA of open world games, new version brought out each year which is effectively the same game with one or two minor updates. Time to bring back Prince of Persia in my opinion.
@LieutenantFatman Yeah that is..suspiciously odd lol
I have the Gold version pre-ordered and will not spend a penny more on this game. I am sure I can craft, grind, loot all the stuff and gear I want in this game.
The ONLY way to ensure this practice dies is to not buy ANY Loot boxes but I will be buying the game. I think though next year, I wil NOT pre-order any game with Loot boxes and just wait until I can pick them up a LOT cheaper. If they are going to continue to try and bleed us dry, then I will wait until the games are low in price so they don't get the best revenue from sales - and still won't buy loot crates.
As many have said, if they don't affect the game, then no problem, but if the idea of Loot Boxes /microtransactions / virtual currency not only continues, but actually thrives, then the next logical step for devs will be to make the core experience a massive grind, which will suck the joy out of most IP's... Dead Space 3 anyone?
Hopefully it doesn't get that far, but I guess the main cause for concern isnt so much the loot boxes / Microtransactions / virtual currency themselves, but the ruining of perfectly working games that have no need to be messed with in this way...
The only good thing happening with this regard, is that already most have woken to the potential practices these companies have started to use and dont give it a second look and simply ignore it..
but...Give them an inch, they will take several miles etc..
Meh - they never seem to bother me in AC games. Totally unnecessary for game progress (so far) and I don't think that will be any different this time around. I mean, the game has difficulty settings for the first time. If it's too hard - dial it back and don't buy your way through. How tough is that? Besides - when was the last time an AC game was hard or required late game grinding to complete the story? Oh yeah - never.
All they really need is one person with more money than common sense to drop $1000 on these, and it will have paid for the assets and sound effects made for the lootboxes themselves. The rest is just profit.
@porhawj2016 you don't really know how games are made nowdays, do you?
They say it's optional, but the game is made around the microtrasactions, everything is made to "encourage" people to buy, and by "encourage" i mean that the game is purposely unbalanced to make you buy what they are selling.
You gotta be totally naive to think that a multi million company will be playing to lose.
@Gamer83 I don't know about shark card since I play single player only in gta, there's no micro-transaction there.
But in assassin creed they're the center of experience, now assassin creed is a loot game like diablo 3, but unlike diablo 3 the loot system is micro-transaction based, the good loot will be hard to get (I'm sure it will be a grind like orc in shadow of war) because ubisoft want you to buy it, not earn it in-game.
Good single player game (or with multiplayer) can sell, look at gta series and ubisoft own ghost recon wildland, there's no need to add micro-transaction to single player portion of the game.
@VRDart Yup, developers/publishers not "adding" micro-transaction, they balanced the games around it. Now the game designed not to "how to make players experience fun", but "how to make player spend money on this game". It's shady as f.
Oh no... What two other games could I buy if not for Assassin's Creed Origins? I really wish two other huge games were coming out that same day! Wow! This will put a huge mega ultimate catastrophic damper on my weekend! What ever shall I do?
Three highly anticipated games release on the same day. All full price. One is filled with Microtransactions and loot boxes, the other two are the complete game . The DLC for Wolfenstein actually sounds like DLC and not cut content as well, letting you play as other characters in new locations in the US. I'm going for the complete games. Sorry Ubisoft, no money for you. Now to decide if I want Wolfenstein on Friday or wait for the Switch version.
@VRDart I think you'll find that account has been created for one reason only.
@wiiware do you have proof of that because Jim sterling who is the biggest stickler for mts as said they are a complete non factor
@BarFooToo what you just said isn't true though
@Kai_ I'm sure plenty of people are
@Brasilkilla exactly they've literally been in every ac game since the beloved black flag but now that hating on lootboxes is the cool thing to do we get all this fake outrage
@Rob_230 I'm sorry this game looks plenty different from the previous ac games. I mean of course the DNA of an ac game is there because why wouldn't it be but plenty as changed
@VRDart dude thats not true for every game at all. Here's a news flash for you ac games have had mts in every game since the fan favorite black flag and I've played every one and not one time did the games feel like they were pushing me to spend money on mts not once.
@dark_knightmare2 You played it? I have yet so see micro transactions in a single player game that did not add grind. But you vote with your wallet and I'll vote with mine. To many games, to little time so I feel no inclination to take a risk with artificial grind.
@dark_knightmare2 I haven't watch jim sterling preview yet, it's good if the micro-transaction is a non-factor. Still, micro-transaction in single player game give the game "wait until it's discounted" for me.
grrrrr won't be buying
So everyone who has made comments about hating mircrotransactions will make a stand and not buy this game. The sales figures should be interesting. With all the people boycotting the game.
The sales figures will surprise me, can't fathom why anyone would purchase AC Origins for £50. You can pick up Syndicate, Unity or Black Flag for peanuts these days. And you still get to climb buildings, dive off towers into carts full of hay, stab people with swords and knives, run round pushing people out of the way and ride horses. Why invest £50 into a game you've played a million times before. It's not even like the story arc of these games are all that different either. Ubisoft Montreal really do need to move on from this washed out series in my opinion.
@Wunters as long as people keep buying, they don't care.
I really want to play this game, but I also want to continue my boycott against all full retail priced games that include any of this loot box stupidity that needs to stay limited to F2P gamble with grind or money games.
Is there any difference between the AC-Origins "optional" crap-transactions and crap-boxes vs the implementation of similar in other recent games I decided not to get (Mordor, Star Wars, etc)
@VRDart Absolutely, they must be making a packet out of it. They've used the same game engine, same physics engine, same Animus story, same basic gameplay elements, same mission types etc...they have basically bolted a few minor rinky dinks in each instalment...if I worked at Ubi Montreal, I'd be so bored, I'd be moving on for a new challenge. 🤣
@kidfried Oh absolutely, don't get me wrong, each to their own, I'm sure there will be people out there such as yourself who will purchase and enjoy the new instalment. But from my stand point, I just don't get it. I loved the Prince of Persia franchise, Ubi Montreal used to push the boundries in gaming, I purchased the original Assassins Creed (which had many flaws) but was the basis of a true open world 'POP like' game. AC2 fixed many of the flaws and was a great game, so was Brotherhood although very samey. I bought AC3 and chucked it in the cupboard after an hour or two...was bored outta my tree, SSDD. I got Black Flag and enjoyed it for 5-6 hours, I admit the new Pirate theme and sea elements added a slight new dynamic, which soon became monotonous. From that point, the series has gone backwards in my opinion, won't buy another one until I see Ubi try and push the boundaries of gaming again. Im in for a long wait methinks! 😁
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