PlayStation VR turns one today! Yay! This time last year, the internet was watching closely as Sony unleashed its virtual reality headset upon the industry. Undercutting its rivals and launching with solid support, PlayStation VR quickly jumped ahead of the competition. The platform hasn't quite taken the world by storm, but Sony's more than happy to call it a success, and it's allowed the company to form an early grip on the format -- especially when it comes to gaming.

Our own Sammy Barker has written a kind of one year review of PlayStation VR, so be sure to give that a read if you're not quite sure where the headset currently stands.

As always, though, we want to know what you lot think. One year later, do you feel like PlayStation VR has been a success? Do you own a headset? Vote in our polls, and then enter a whole new reality in the comments section below.

Do you own a PlayStation VR headset? (162 votes)

  1. Yes, I've owned one since launch30%
  2. Yeah, I have one10%
  3. Nope, but I may buy one at some point35%
  4. No, and I have no interest in buying one26%

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How often to you use PlayStation VR? (160 votes)

  1. At least once a day  0.6%
  2. Once every few days7%
  3. At least once a week13%
  4. Once a month, maybe14%
  5. I haven't used it in a long time5%
  6. I don't own a PlayStation VR headset61%

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Is PlayStation VR in a good state right now? (158 votes)

  1. Yes, it's currently a fantastic platform9%
  2. Yeah, I think it's doing well32%
  3. Hmmm, it could be better, but it could be worse32%
  4. PlayStation VR is weak right now16%
  5. It's in a terrible state, Sony needs to step it up3%
  6. It's in a terrible state, Sony should scrap it7%

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How do you think the future looks for PlayStation VR? (158 votes)

  1. The platform has a very bright future17%
  2. It's looking quite promising28%
  3. I don't really know, we'll have to see what comes next41%
  4. The future's looking pretty bleak3%
  5. I don't think it has a future11%

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