Looks like Sony really is going to go hard at Paris Games Week – despite it taking place just a few weeks prior to PlayStation Experience in December. A new PlayStation Blog post notes that the platform holder will be making “big new game announcements and updates” in the French capital later this month.
It sounds like it has hours of streaming planned: “On 30th October, starting at 3:00PM GMT/4:00PM CET, PlayStation Live From Paris Games Week will kick off with a slew of updates and announcements before moving straight into the Paris Games Week 2017 Media Showcase, where you’ll get a look at some spectacular new games coming to PS4 and PlayStation VR.”
This sounds similar to the schedule at E3 2017, where it hosted a very busy pre-show before heading into the press conference itself. And there’s more: “Stick around after the Showcase – we’ll have further details and info to share in our post-show debrief.” Of course, you’ll be able to watch everything live here at Push Square.
Comments 65
Interesting they mentioned PSVR. I wonder what else we can expect?
Knack 3: Knack Off?
I always thought this would be a show for PlayStation VR reveals to be honest. The usual suspects will whine, of course, but personally that's what I want to see out of this conference.
Save the "traditional" games for PSX, let's see indies, wacky stuff, and VR at this one.
@Rudy_Manchego I was thinking more Knack 3: The Knacker's Yard
Hope Sony don't actually over do it in Paris, they need to be saving stuff for PSX.
@zazzy Or simply because they have things they want to talk about and Paris Games Week represents a good opportunity to do so?
I'd almost totally forgotten about Paris Games Week. Looking forward to it!
Not interested in PSVR but at least they are showing support unlike PSV.
I hope they show the Horizon DLC.
@adf86 Knack team racing with VR functionality
I actually wouldn't be surprised if Crash Team Racing got announced at this.
Most likely just a bunch of announcements for announcements for games to come in late 2018 and 19.
At this point all I care about is Media Molecule Dreams and WiLD by Michel Ancel. If they are once again no show I'm going to be extremely disappointed.
@GarySan I think we'll definitely be seeing Dreams.
Dragon dogma 2
sly Cooper 5
@KitsuneNight and what's your point.at least they not cancelled like x box games.word up son
Cause the PlayStation never ever had cancelled games huh.
I am not overly interested in PSVR at this point in time - although they could announce the revisions to the West and some new VR games. I can't see them having too many 'new' games to announce as we know what most of their studio's are working on currently. I doubt GG for example would be willing to announce their 'next' project - I can't imagine they are ALL working on just DLC for H:ZD and could have made a start on its sequel (or another project - but I expect H:ZD2).
The only outstanding Developer I can think of who has been quiet for too long now is Sucker-Punch. They were 'expected' to reveal their next project at E3. Of course that's not including any 3rd Party developer - like FromSoftware - who could be working on a PS4 exclusive like Bloodborne 2.
They may also have some exclusivity/marketing deals with some publishers and be showing off some new game-play - like RDR2 or CoD:WW2 Zombies - and/or have some big new reveal that's multi-platform.
Dreams and Wild have been very quiet for a long time now so maybe we will see some big news/announcements from these 2. I don't know if they will show Days Gone, Detroit, God of War, Spider-Man etc - well maybe not more than a minute or two. I wouldn't be surprised if the last 2 of these appear at PSX with some clearer idea of a release window. Maybe 1 might get a release date at Paris though.
I am more interested in Paris and PSX than the TGS so looking forward to seeing what they have lined up. I would be a little disappointed if Sony do opt to show a similar line-up to E3 2016/17. Not that these games don't interest me but the fact these have formed the basis of the last 2 E3's and I would prefer to see something 'different'. I know these games are coming so hoping to see what else I can expect...
@KitsuneNight nope PlayStation is the best console ever
Guarentee that there will be a pspro/ps4 price drop announcement in time for xbox x launch. There will be a focus on the imminent gran turismo sport, and dreams, detroit and wild will get shown.
Anyway I hope it's true! Wish it would be in october
Maybe you should stop drinking the fanboy kool aid,
cause these lists seem to suggest otherwise.
I count 280 cancelled games.
OMG, PS4 Pro X announcement @ Paris Games Week, now with 6.5 tflops of compute power and 12GB DDR5 RAM....
No? Right, I'll see myself out then...
@get2sammyb yea I always have said I wish they would have a press conference just for cool indie stuff. Then leave the big reveals for PSX and E3.
@KitsuneNight that's a lot of games! Word up son!
Real talk tho, just announce Bloodborne 2 already. It's the only title that would have me drop Destiny 2.
im mostly interested in shenmue III
and a HD shenmue collection
or a ps one mini
bet that wont happen though
@KitsuneNight yeah I love kool aid.strawberry yes.PlayStation is the best ever.since 1995 been a fan. day 1.word up son hahaha
@Johnnycide that's my line word up son.hahaha😁.what games do you want to see.me sly Cooper 5.sucker punch new game
Please can we get more info on WiLD. They have been quiet for almost 2 years now but Ancel said it's still under development.
Looking forward to Playstation VR stuff.
Dreams could be half decent with a full VR mode.
Yakuza Kiwami 3-5 + kenzan and ishin Kiwami!!!
I hope something is coming up. Sony's past 2 conference have been lackluster.
@Rudy_Manchego lol no
It's Knack 3: Knobbly Knackers
Ratchet 2 and Sly 5 please Sony
@Rob_230 yes please PS4 pro $299.99!
@Dodoo Ha ha, yeah nothing more nobly than Knack's!
@KitsuneNight word up son! I dont even know what kool aid is but I see that word branded around alot. Is it a real drink?
Got kinda infamous after the jonestown massacre.
@KitsuneNight wow thats pretty deep.
Theres no way I would drink kool aid now! Im all about nesquick.
Hot or cold ?
I always find it's better hot.
@themcnoisy 😱 you kidding me.hahaha.you don't know what is kool aid.word up son
Where did they mentioned "big new game announcements and updates"?
I just see "a slew of updates and announcements".
@playstation1995 never ever seen it. Other than in comments sections.
@KitsuneNight you can drink nesquick hot?
Omg I havent lived.
Hmm. Building up hype for a few reveals, or a genuine blowout coming?
@Rudy_Manchego Knack 3: Knack-knack-knackin' on Heaven's Door.
Meh, probably more non-exclusives will be announced. After Nioh being announced on PC, it's a fact that Sony doesn't care anymore about exclusives on their platform. Sony supports PC more than Vita, for crying out loud. After what happened with Vita, i'm really not interested on PSVR.
Congratulations Sony, you really want consoles to disappear by releasing the majority of your games on PC, it will be irrelevant just like the Xbone.
@PS_Nation Nope, still not buying a game pc ever, as long as I get my games on ps i couldn't care less
@Bioth Sony thinks the same, i will not be surprised anymore if games like Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, Persona 5, God of War will be released on PC. Just release it already and stop lying about exclusives.
@PS_Nation Funny coz you actually might be right about Sony supporting PC more than the Vita. And I while I agree PS Now on PC is a bit silly, Nioh wasn't published by Sony so as far as I know it's out of their control.
@Octane Ha or Knack 3: Knacker Lacquer. Very polished game that.
@PS_Nation games like Nioh, persona 5 and yakuza have nothing to do with sony, sony doesnt own them or fund them. They can and most likely will go to other platforms.
@ThroughTheIris56 But Sony published Nioh, it appears the message "Sony Interactive Entertainment presents" on the game.
Sony lied again. Xbox is not selling well because it doesn't have exclusives anymore and Sony wants to do the same thing.
@Amppari Nioh is developed by Koei, but Sony published the game...
Sony is paying a developer to also release a game on PC, what a great way to support your fanbase. /s
It's a fact that Persona 5, Yakuza, Crash Bandicoot and Death Stranding will be released on PC, i wonder what's the point to have a PS4.
@PS_Nation nope, sony published the ps4 version, koei is publishing steam version. Sony did not help fund this game.
I bought a ps4 because of sonys first party games, not because of third party timed exclusives, which are nice too.
@PS_Nation After some research it appears you are indeed correct, I always thought Koei Tecmo published it, my bad
I'm with @wordupson..i mean @playstation1995 I'd love a new Sly game announcement or anything by Suckerpunch.
A load of new vr games I'd be happy with too.Not too bothered though,seriously can't keep up with games I've got let alone having time for new ones.
@themcnoisy a friend I used to have in West Virginia gave me a big box full of Kool Aid satchets back in 97...Foul tasting stuff...a bit like our squash drinks if they could go off..and with a heart attack inducing amount of sugar.You aren't missing much lol
@Varitt Direct quote from the PlayStation Blog strapline: "Tune in on 30th October for big new game announcements and updates"
@PS_Nation Like, who cares? If you want to wait a year to see if these games get a PC port, then go and do that.
Start living now ;p
@PS_Nation As others have mentioned the game was only published by Sony outside of Japan. I'm approaching 200 hours on it. By the time the 'complete' edition hits on BOTH PC & PS4 I'll be at 250-300 hours. I'm hardly going to get salty about a game I got so much enjoyment out of going to another platform a year after it's launch. Does Sony pay for timed exclusivity? Yes- just like every other platform holder. However, often a game is exclusive to a certain platform because the developer/publishers wishes it to be, due to economic reasons or otherwise. 2 of the examples you mentioned: Yakuza and Persona are exclusive to PlayStation only because Sega/Atlus wants them to be (Shin Megami Tensai is exclusive to Nintendo).
Things can change just like how Monster Hunter World will not be on Nintendo.
Let's just chose to play the games at the platform we care to support.
Also as a fan of Nioh I want the game to be as successful as possible.
As for games i'd like to see:
-Until Dawn 2 announcement (would be timely)
-Sly Cooper (Remake, Remaster or new game)
-Dreams story mode
-3/4 BIG PSVR game reveals
@get2sammyb Huh, somehow I missed the huge blue text
Thanks mate!
i just want some Final Fantasy VII Remake news
@playstation1995 it certainly is, and it always raises a smile. You do you fella!
@themcnoisy you can literally use Kool Aid to dye your hair. Remember when Kurt Cobain had bright red hair for a while? Kool Aid.
I wouldn't recommend drinking it.
@Johnnycide @Wazeddie22 sounds horrendous. Gonna get some on impor! Fanta lemon ftw.
Come ooooooooooon PSASBR2!
Dear Sony,
Please show Dreams in VR.
Yours sincerely,
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