At the rate that Grand Theft Auto V still sells, this news was inevitable. Rockstar's open world tale of crime and crazies is now the best selling game of all time, moving 85 million copies both physically and digitally. In other words, the title has finally leapfrogged Wii Sports, which sits at around 83 million copies.
Take-Two was no doubt more than happy to report the numbers at its latest earnings call, but the impressive news doesn't stop there. According to the publisher, Grand Theft Auto V actually enjoyed its most profitable quarter yet, which just goes to show how insanely popular the game continues to be.
Can anything stop Grand Theft Auto V? How high do you think its sales figures can go? Feel free to look bemused in the comments section below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 39
Difference is Wii sport was exclusive to one system but how many is GTAV on, 5 or 6?
so it still more impressive Wii Sports sold what it did
Tetris and Minecraft sold better than Wii Sports. Just Wii Sports still is the best selling game sold on a single console.
Or, you could put it that GTV sold 85 million copies across multiple platforms, pretty much a full price
versus 83 million copies that largely came bundled with a successful console, whether people wanted it or not?
You're telling me that the game that's always in the top 10 chart for a thousand years straight only now beat the number 1 spot? Bull
Personally I couldn’t get into it. Felt like a poor man’s Splatoon.
@BLP_Software Wii Sports came with nearly every single Wii. For a long time you couldn't even buy a Wii without buying Wii Sports too. If it wasn't bundled with the system, it never would've sold 80+ million copies.
Not surprised at all. Let’s get on that sequel to Bully, Rockstar.
Too many Nintendo Lifers on this site at the mo. Get out!
Well thank god for that
Congrats to Rockstar for the insane success.
For the people trying to discredit this, it may be on multiple formats but Wii Sports was bundled with every console outside of Japan.
@BLP_Software But let's conveniently forget to mention the fact that Wii Sports was a bundled game with one of the best selling consoles of all time.
Bought it for PS3, never played it.
Bought it for PS4, still haven't played it.
If my PS4 breaks just like my PS3 did, I'll probably buy it again for the PS5...and still never play it!
@Fight_Teza_Fight I've got to the submarine mission twice and stopped.
@BLP_Software Everything has caveats, but let's imagine if Grand Theft Auto V had been bundled with 67 million PS4s.
@get2sammyb That's probably further then I'll ever get!
Well if it's 85m it can't be the 'best selling game' ever, i'm pretty sure that Minecraft has done over 100m and Tetris is at a ridiculous higher amount. albeit a lot of mobile sales i'd wager. Even so it's a stupid amount of sales for a game to achieve and still going strong.
The King is dead, Long live the King!
@BLP_Software It's over, just accept it
The original source says ' "all-time best-selling video game" ever in the US, based on revenue and units sold' so maybe that headline should be adjusted to reflect what they were actually saying.
Just came here to point out that Wii Sports was bundled but like twelve people already did so I guess this post will now just be dedicated to this .gif of Jeff Goldblum dancing.
@johncalmc yeah but that gif was a good enough reason anyway
I bought GTA V during the release week for PS3 and only played it for a couple of hours. Seriously dunno why I stopped playing. I still wonder from time to time and tell myself that it's still part of my backlog
Sony and MS should just pre-install GTA with every console!
@BLP_Software The early years of 7th console generation (xbox 360) is great, with gears, tales, bayonetta, and others games, its just too bad a couple of years later the market is flooded with brown realistic military games and nearly nothing else.
Question is now can GTA the franchise dethrone Super Mario?
What do y’all think? Think GTA can take down that Italian Miracle Worker (he’s not a plumber he got fired)
I think GTAV deserves all the credit for selling that many as a M rated game, meaning some shops probably wont' even carry it and some parents will keep kids under 12 or so from buying it.
Any time anybody anywhere ever says "Video games are for kids", well, there it is. Since somebody already brought in JG.

My favorite franchise of all times.after god of war.my favorite game on the ps3.the single player campaign was amazing.congratulations rockstar.word up son
@JoeBlogs word up son.best game I ever play on ps3.and my favorite franchise next to God of war.Wii sports was horrible.gta is the king playa.worddd uppp sonnn
@BLP_Software I think bayonetta 1 is on ps3, not a good port though.
@BLP_Software I agree the other one is way more impressive.
@wiiware I stopped playing the game because of the terrible port.
I call myself a GTA fan, but I've not actually got round to buying this game yet. I'll get it eventually and add to the statistic.
GTA V isn't even close to number 1...
@shonenjump86 ive been waiting for bully 2 since the original came out! One of my all time favorite games... OF ALL TIME! i would go full ape sh** if a sequal was announced.
@Gmork___ Yes, I like GTA and Red Dead but I want a new Bully game so bad.
Same! More than any other R* game a bully sequal is first on my list! There was just something so magical about it!
If you put both in front on me I'd play Wii Sports first and I suspect a lot of people now only buy it to play GTA online muddying those records a bit more.
GTAV is a good game but it wouldn't be anywhere near the top 50 games I've ever played and for me Red Dead Redemption is a much better game. It's not even my favourite GTA game but you can't deny its success
@Rudy_Manchego Majority of people who bought a Wii solely bought it for Wii Sports, maybe Wii Fit and make MK7. Wii Sports sold Wiis, it wasn't Wiis selling Wii Sports.
Regardless, good for GTA V, it's a huge number.
Impressive numbers, I wonder how long they will remain the top seller and who might be able to top them.
What can you i mean it’s just an amazing game and amazing franchise!
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