We’d forgotten about this one. You may remember a few years back that CyGames announced it had partnered with PlatinumGames to bring a character action adaptation of its popular Granblue series exclusively to the PlayStation 4. Well, here’s the first gameplay footage, recorded via a Nico Nico stream by DualShockers.

The game, named Granblue Fantasy Project Re: Link, is still a work-in-progress – but the footage shows off exploration of a town-like area before moving into some breath-taking battle action. It looks really good, doesn’t it? The title’s scheduled to release next year in Japan, but there’s no word on a Western version.
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 24
This looks fantastic! Didn't even know it was a thing until recently.
Love how much of a comeback Platinum is having.
Lol. I don’t speak or understand Japanese, but wow, they sure sound excited! 😆 Lots of “oooh”s and “aaaahh”s and high pitched screams of glee.
To be fair, the game looks really awesome. I will officially put this on my radar.
Japanese commentary is the best thing ever.
@Th3solution I'm living in Japan and all I can say is that they love to exaggerate in this kind of thing. They may say "wooooow", but that might be only scripted by the show or wherever it is shown. These kind of "fake emotions" is even pissing my wife off, who is japanese herself. Its simply a form of manipulating the emotions of the audience.
I hate this format of video - who enjoys this, Japan? But man is it nice to see it shaping up AND getting coverage. Sh** it was announced at TGS two years ago and nearly every site and publication ignored it because TGS and they'd rather play loot crated infested western AAA garbage than look over at what Japan's got. Thank you, Pushsquare - stay on top of this one!
Oehh, this looks fun. I now, officially, want this. 😊
You had me at PlatinumGames.
But seriously this looks great and I don't even know anything about Granblue.
It looks really cool, i will definitely try it.
Holy crap. This is everything I want from a video game 😍
@tatsumi It’s kind of funny, actually — hearing the ladies voice all that over-exaggerated excitement. I don’t mind it, but if it was a couple of American women acting that way on a promotional video, I think I would also probably find it annoying. But for some reason when it’s Japanese, it’s just that cute quirkiness of the culture coming through that makes me roll my eyes and smile.
Funny thing is that the video and gameplay looks awesome enough that they don’t really need to do the scripted “woooow”s and “ooooh”s. The footage sells itself.
Sony Clearly gets IT in the games department!!!
Not sold yet but I wasn't sold on NieR: Automata prior to its release either.
Platinum Games?! I'll take it!
Waaahh Woooooo Sugoiii!!
Seen this earlier. The game looks fantastic.
I actually had this confused with Fate/Grand Order, which Sony own I believe.
Really hope this makes it over.
Now of Sony could lure Scale bound over to ps4, but I bet the IP is now officially Microsoft's
Please tell me Activision has no hand in this. Activision always rush Platinum Games and the result is below par. When Platinum get time to properly develop their games, the result is normally amazing.
That looks pretty good if i do say so myself.
Ooooooh wooow! This loooooks amaaaaaziiiinng! 👏👏👏
Completely forgot about this game after it was announced. Platinum stays busy!
This looks great, the graphics is way better than nier automata, and the gameplay looks surprisingly good
I read somewhere that there where no localisation plans i hope Im wrong though.
@Nakatomi_Uk Just rename it change the main character who looked like a idiot and make it less coöp.
@Flaming_Kaiser I hope that's not true, would be crushed if I couldn't play this game.
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