A juicy little story that unfortunately passed us by while we were off on our Christmas break (please forgive us), Ubisoft has acknowledged fan demand for a New Game Plus mode in Assassin's Creed Origins. The open world title has been updated numerous times since it launched last year, but many players are still requesting the option to restart the game with all of their equipment and skills intact.
Just before the holidays, the developer posted a quick question and answer session on its official site. One question asked "Will there be a New Game+ option added to Assassin’s Creed Origins?" to which the studio replied "We know that a large number of community members have requested a New Game+ feature. We are currently investigating the possibility of implementing this option in a future title update." In other words, it could well be happening.
We haven't heard from the development team in 2018 yet, but Origins' first expansion, The Hidden Ones, is due out this month. As such, we imagine that Ubisoft will be sending word of a release date sooner rather than later. Perhaps the studio will have more information to share with regards to future content updates, too.
Would you play through Origins again on New Game Plus? Show off your most dangerous weapons in the comments section below.
[source assassinscreed.ubisoft.com]
Comments 17
Still not finished the main story as I have been doing all the side quests, exploring the map, hunting for resources etc. I haven't played it for a few weeks because of some 'holiday' events in other games but intend to return to it over the weekend. I wouldn't mind a level increase and ability to upgrade my weapons too as I am at max level. I have put in 70hours and am probably about half way in.
It is easily me 2nd favourite game of 2017 (behind H:ZD). Its beautifully realised and a fantastic open world RPG game. The world looks incredible with great lighting etc which looks much better in HDR. Combat is good too and much better than previous Assassins games. It may not be as good as 'souls' for example as that seems to be the benchmark for this 'melee' based combat. Side quests are more like the Witcher 3's in that they have more narrative and depth than just go here, fetch/kill, return to quest giver to complete.
If you haven't bought ACO, I would highly recommend it - if you like open world RPGs, its must buy. I can understand why some may be reluctant - after Unity and a bit burnt out on the franchise but its the best AC game and that includes AC2 which stands head and shoulders over the others.
I have the Season Pass as I bought the 'Gold' edition so looking forward to the upcoming DLC, another reason I will be returning to the game this weekend.
@GraveLordXD Not at all. They are easy to avoid as long as you don't get in their 'eyesight' range and they do tend to stick to main routes so you can take an alternative path - especially if there are buildings between you and him.. They are not exactly everywhere and do have a variety of 'levels'. At 24, I certainly wouldn't try tackling a level 30+ and definitely not in places where they may have 'back-up' from other soldiers.
They are 'mini' bosses and relatively high health. Only 1 I came across (at least so far) was intent on using a bow so not easy to attack with melee, just kept running back. I only have 1 or 2 left to kill now. Once you get to their level (or no more than 1 or 2 levels below), take them out but only in areas that are not full of soldiers as it can be tricky to take them out with half a dozen archers shooting you, other soldiers attacking and the bounty guy to deal with. I tended to use arrows/bombs with fire/poisoning and I have a big Axe melee weapon that gives health on hits - also stuns them a bit with a heavy attack. The 'super' attack does a good amount of damage too.
Like I said, they are few in number and stick to main routes predominantly - you may get 1 in a camp but they are easy to avoid if you don't want to fight - if they are in the exact area you want to go to, I would do some hunting or exploring around the area - keeping enough distance or objects (like buildings) between us. You can literally be on the other side of a building and they won't attack if they can't see you. Stealth past them or use your mantling ability to get to were you want to be without being seen - unless of course you have the strength and weaponry to deal with them. Its worth a trophy to get them all and they do drop good items when killed too.
If New Game + would raise the level cap even higher and have that be coupled with the newly patched in level scaling, I could see many more fun and challenging hours being added to the game.
I know ACO is very similar to Horizon Zero Dawn, but for some reason i cant get myself to finish ACO. When i load up the game, i keep telling myself, "its tedious but its very similar to HZD, so you can finish this game." Thirty minutes later, i would load up HZD and start killing robot dinosaurs.
I’m gonna be starting this soon, just have to finish persona. Is any of the dlc worth it? Anything non-spoilery I should know b4 starting?
@Mega-Gazz Non of the story DLC has been released yet.
@Mega-Gazz My one piece of advice would be to play it slowly if you can. It's easy to get stuck going from one map marker to the next, but the open world is so impressive that you'll probably have a better time simply exploring it and doing things at your own pace.
As for DLC, nothing big has been released yet. There are costumes and weapons but they're all eventually added to the in-game loot system anyway. We should have reviews of the expansions once they're out.
@ShogunRok @Splat thanks
@GraveLordXD I found the easiest way to deal with most of them was to take off a chunk of their health with the overpower attack (get the skills that make this more powerful) or sneak attack then immediately get on horseback and attack them whilst circling around as this makes it more difficult for them to hit you.
@BAMozzy What he said!! Honestly, I agree with this post 100%. Aside from the fact that I have completed the main story and let Horizon get in my way of getting the platinum. NG+ would be a welcomed addition!
It is easy to avoid the Philoctetes (sp?) early on and come back when you are higher level (30+) to dispatch them ... Well worth it too!!
NG+ is not a bad idea, but I prefer more mission-based DLC content, which we are apparently getting (a surprise for me).
They also talked about having some kind of sandbox mode before, that would be quite nice as well.
I love the game, so I'm happy for anything extra.
Just got this at xmas. I think Im lvl 17 but wow this is a good game and far better than the normal AC. It doesnt really feel like an AC, it feels more fluid and natural. Agree with BAMozzy that it feels more Witcher 3 which is not a bad thing at all. Enjoying it immensely and will actually pick up the DLC for this one.
@GraveLordXD I picked the Seer tree and get a bonus damage from using fire-based attacks. So I just lob "fireballs" at them and finish them off with some kind of poison/affliction-induced melee weapon.
Be aware that different Bounty hunters have different weapon sets; on some of them a sword will work the best, on others you need something with range. Their name is sometimes a hint.
By the time I earned the Plat I was well and truly burnt out on AC: Origins. Thats not to say I didn't enjoy it, it was an awesome game but I personally feel like Ubisoft still fall into the trap of filling their world's with rinse and repeat side quests, the map was utterly littered with question marks.
Fabulous game, loved the characters, the story and the incredible setting, just a bit too much repetition of the side stuff.
I am playing Zelda at the moment and so far, there has been so much variety and exploration. Not knowing what's around the next corner instead of seeing a question mark on the map make a big psychological difference in my opinion.
@Mega-Gazz If you plan to achieve platinum don't sell your items unless you have 100 of them.
You just gotta grind as many side quests while completing the main quest. I was able to take them out around level 28 or 30 on hard with the following setup: First off I kicked their assess all while on horse back. Speed and the ability to create distance are key. For my initial attack I used a Predator Bow: (Stealth Damage, Combo Multiplier, and Ranged Hit Multiplier). After you use up all your Predator Bow ammo switch to a Light Bow: (Rate of fire, Adrenaline on Kill, and Ranged Hit Multiplier) and keep your distance. For your primary melee weapon a Heavy Blade: (Adrenaline on Hit, Combo Multiplier, and Health on Hit) make sure there is enough distance to fully charge your heavy attack and hit him hard on your first pass. This will stun him long enough for you to make a second and third pass hopefully allowing your adrenaline to be fully charged. My recommendation for your secondary weapon is a Sickle Sword. Really any kind of sickle sword will fulfill it's purpose as it is only needed for it's Overpower Mode (just make sure it isn't cursed). Shield: (Anything that absorbs ranged and melee attacks and causes some kind of status on parry or block)...
You will have to get used to cycling very quickly from your main melee weapon to your secondary to unleash your adrenaline. Without changing back to your primary weapon, switch to your Light Bow and while in Overpower mode turn and shoot as you ride away until the overpower mode wears off. Overpower mode increases the power of all attacks including those shot with a bow. You don't need all these perks but try to match some of them if you can. Most important is ranged hit multiplier in your bows. Substitute your predator bow if you have to with a hunter bow with ranged hit multiplier if you have to or if you run out of ammo. Unless you have a really dope Warrior bow don't bother with it (again unless you run out of ammo).
The Attack: Part 1
Approach your target on horse back from behind or at their flank depending on the terrain. At around 300 m use Senu to scope him out and trace his path. Look around for predators, other guards, and especially places you can end it quickly with a drop assassination. Watch each target for a couple of minutes even if you have Senu's ability to see their path. They have habits that you might find useful. Also sending in Senu to distract a Phylakes is a great way to start the fight. It's even better if you can tame a lion or a hippo to bring along. Once you've found a good ambush location just wait for them to get close enough for you to 1. unleash your beast 2. distract with Senu, 3, Head shots with Predator bow. It also needs to be someplace that has a large open area near by that you can lead them to. Somewhere with few obstacles in order to circle your enemy. like a desert or something... (-_-)/ So, ride up real quiet to about 65-80 m and make sure you aim for the head from behind or off to his flank and with adequate distance and cover. If you are good enough with controlling the predator bow use the slow-mo every time to ensure that long distance head shot from around a corner of a building, or behind a tree, or rock outcropping, anything that makes you invisible to the Phylakes. Remember stealth and distance are key.
The Attack: Part 2
Once you are out of Predator arrows get on your steed and engage your target with the sickle sword equipped. If you have the Warrior skill Adrenaline 2 the moment the battle starts you will have a maxed out adrenaline meter. Use it, make some distance while you equip your Light Bow, target your enemy and light em' up. The moment before your adrenaline is out approach your enemy with your shield drawn and the smoke bombs equipped. Switch to back to your primary weapon (do not switch back before your Overpower mode ends or it will stop immediately) and continue to attack until your adrenaline is recharged (if you want while he is stunned from the upgraded smoke bomb you can try and use your poison and sleep darts I do not know if they will have any effect). Make sure you set shield/block to toggle in the control settings. Circle out as quickly as possible without going out of range of your bow and be accurate! Activate overpower mode again and continue your volley of arrows until the Phylakes is either dead, almost dead, not even close and just really pissed off. Once overpower mode ends just work him with your heavy blade and regain your heath and once your adrenaline is full repeat the process until the Phylakes are all dead. HINT If you have the animal tame ability and Eagle Harass use them both. Maintain your distance when you are using your bow. Depending on which one you are facing they may or may not attack with a bow and arrow. Assume they do, so the shield perks really only matter if the Phylakes kills your horse and you have to flee. Hot tip: if this happens just go to quests in the menu and hit "Y" to reload the last objective. You will spawn pretty much where you reloaded and the Phylakes shouldn't be too far off either. So just call for your steed and begin again. With this strategy you should be on horse back 99% of the time. Good Luck!
Alternate Tips Methods and Tricks:
There is also poison damage by poisoning a body and riding up to the enemy, dismounting, and dropping it near enough that he will become contaminated. Or you can lure him into a cleared Roman encampment one is nearby by lighting a pyre with a torch or flame arrow and just have the entire base full of guards poisoned at the entrance. Set up some oil jars as well and hit them with some fir arrows. Throw some fire bombs and try and make him go to sleep once the fire is out. Kinda wish I though of this before... and don't forget to try sleep/poison darts too. I've heard of them working on certain types of bosses although I've never tried myself.
Or you can just enable enemy auto-leveling. It doesn't just scale lower level opponents up to higher level players (players who've 99% the game except the damn hippodrome!!!!)it will also scale higher level opponents down to lowers. Either way I was able to do it using this method not to far from your current level sometime in November I think so my memory is a little foggy. Horseback, heavy blade, shield up when charging for an attack to possibly inflict poison or bleeding. when adrenaline is charged go into overpower mode and switch to your light bow, keep distance and unload till adrenaline is depleted and repeat. Once you knock one down you realize how formulaic it can be and it just becomes easy. Good luck with the Arena and the elephants my friend haha, have fun. Or you can be a real buzz kill and lower the difficulty setting to easy AND follow my guide. lol jk good luck and have fun.
I wish I hadn't 99 percent-ed back in December. I've been so board that I've started replaying all the Assassins's Creed games after rebuying them for the PC. Ubisoft was selling all of them up syndicate for 101.99 and origins gold edition for 69.99. With season passes and DLC not included with season passes I got it all for just under 200 bucks. AC 4 was completely free and season pass was only 5 bucks. the only other DLC were three things each costing 0.49 each. Best Christmas in years!
There are certain skills that will make any encounter with any enemy much much easier. There are more than I am going to list but are listed in order in which you can achieve them depending if you start left, right, up, or balance your skill growth. However, this is a solid path to follow if you want to take on higher level challenges or harder game modes at lower levels with better success.
Warrior: Overpower, Regeneration, Charge Heavy Attack, Parry, Weapon Bearer, Overpower Ultra, Adrenalin 1, Shield Charge, and Adrenalin 2 (opens path to Master Warrior Skill).
Hunter: Eagle Harass, Bow Bearer, Enhanced Light Bow, Enhanced predator Bow, Eagle Tagging, Headshot XP, Hunter's Instinct, and Elite Ranger (opens path to Master Hunter Skill).
Seer: Call Mount, Dawn & Dusk, Sleep Darts, Flesh Decay, Fire Bomb, Smoke Screen, Smoke Screen Damage, Animal Taming (opens path to Master Seer Skill), and Poison Darts.
Skills that can wait until after you have activated the above skills are Backstore (you will find better items throughout your quest by completing Roman Encampments than the stores will sell), Buy Materials (you will have so much left over after maxing your upgrades you will make thousands selling them just by completing Roman Encampments and Animal Dens), Breath Holding Champion (I don't recall ever actually needing it except for the achievement). As for the rest of the skills I highly recommend filling out your Hunter section with only one point on Master Hunter until you complete the Warrior and Seer sections as well as one ability point on Master Warrior and one on Master Seer.
Master Abilities & Farming:
It is entirely up to you how you proceed from here when it comes to leveling your Master Skills. I went right for the achievement and acquired all the skills after following my above strategy applying 1 point to each Master Skill. In addition to gaining ability points for completing certain events, tasks, and locations you also continue to gain experience points after level 40 and I believe it's between 50-70 thousand exp. per ability point. After completing all the missions I started in on each location. I highly recommend investigating the locations: Find the Ancient Tablet, Activate the Ancient Mechanism, Hermit Locations, Stone Circles (pay attention to these) and defeating the elephants when you are strong enough (or just put the game on easy . Each of these events result in an ability point. I think there might be one other that I'm forgetting. (I did my best not to buy the maps but alas my impatience got the best of me and considering the sheer size of the Origins world I recommend it. In any case by following my guide you eventually run out of things to do rather quickly. Everything done with the exception of the hippodrome races, every location, every chest, every side mission, EVERYTHING my Master ability stats currently stand at 30/43/6 Hunter/warrior/seer respectively. I want to get to 40/60/15 before the expansion but it's kinda tough to farm when you have all the quests completed. You can exit the animus and re-enter it and it will have the same effect as reloading a mission objective. It just takes longer. Or you can farm for a few hours using Reda's Daily missions. I have a feeling though that the last good farming spot left in the green mountains is going to go the way of the lions after the last Title update to 1.1.0 Currently the best farming location is a Leopard Lair in the middle of the Green Mountains north east of the Roman Encampment Necropolis Hideout. They still yield up to 50 exp each kill and drop 5 pelts as well as 1 fur that sells for 41 a piece. There are 4 of them and the best way to do this is to equip the cursed Imitation Siwan Khopesh and you must already have the skill Adrenaline 2 unlocked. In the options activate enemy level scaling and put the game on easy. Difficulty doesn't change the amount of XP you get but a higher level opponent does. In this case it adds an additional 5 exp. and with Adrenaline 2 unlocked as soon as the battle begins activate your overpower skill to add an additional 5XP per kill. Even with the 999 cap after about an hour I usually level 1.5 times before selling everything. After selling all the loot (30-40 thousand) I either buy Tablets of Knowledge for 1000 Drachmas each granting 1000 XP. This is only available after you have completed the game and unlocked The Hidden Ones hideout. After some quick mental math with my calculator (it was a joke) that comes out to be about 50-85 thousand XP an hour.
Exploration & Sync Points
No matter the objective completing the warrior skill section is very helpful. I'm sure you have most of your warrior skills unlocked but at your current level it's not very likely you have them all let alone Your hunter skills. Your Seer skills are very helpful but you don't really see their usefulness till later in the game. Unless you purchased some time savers (no shame in that). I did it with the large resource pack and kicked myself later after I had completed every location. But I did have almost all of my crafting at legendary status. If you have the time to farm for xp or purchase helix credits to buy ability points in packs of 3 for 300 Helix Credits a pack by all means go for it. I would if I could afford it and was too lazy to farm. If your crafting is not maxed you consider a resource pack or you can spend a few hours completing Roman Encampments and Animal Layers. I do this by getting every sync point as soon as I can it really pays off when you get a mission that is 3000m away. Besides exploring the map only using Senu will only reveal question marks. I used him to get rid of the fog over each section so I could mark the sync point and then traveled on auto pilot as far as I could to each sync point. I'm not going to lie this took a very long time. However, by making sure not to pass a single Roman Camp, Animal layer, Avenge Quest, Side Quest, anything that granted XP (except for those I was clearly out leveled and would surly be killed). When I finally finished all 58 sync points I had leveled 10 times, had more than enough crystals and materials to max all my crafting, and upgrade all of my best weapons to the level I was at (30 or so) with money left over. I've heard of people doing it with Senu. I prefer getting the sync point. It reveals where the Roman encampments are. That is where you get the crystal. Even though he's a pretty cool kid screw paying Reda.
New game + when the new content drops and go nuts. I love this game so hard.
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