We feel like we've been reporting for far too long on supposed release dates for the new God of War, but we at last have confirmation from Sony itself. Santa Monica's Norse-flavoured action adventure will release on 20th April 2018. It seems that cheeky Amazon page outed the real date after all.
Writing on the PlayStation Blog, creative lead Cory Barlog described finishing development as "bittersweet", but that he's "excited because it means everyone will get their hands on this crazy adventure we have been crafting for nearly five years".
A new trailer was also released alongside the date confirmation, and it focuses on the story side of proceedings. Check it out above.
What's more, turns out there are a whole bunch of versions of the game. Pre-ordering any version of the game will net you three legendary shield skins via a digital download code. The Collector's Edition is the so-called Stone Mason Edition spotted on GameStop a few days ago minus a few minor bonuses. A less extravagant Limited Edition features a steelbook case, an art book, and a few digital items, such as an armour set and a dynamic theme. There will also be a Digital Deluxe Edition, which features digital art and comic books and the aforementioned digital content from the other versions. That's a lot of ways to buy God of War.
Are you ready to cleave some Draugar in half come 20th April? Which version of the game will you be splashing out on? Recall your axe in the comments below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 84
I have the biggest b***** LOL joke!
But seriously, coming out this soon made my hype go through the roof! And the trailer is glorious
LOVE the trailer.
The trailer is ridiculous.
I said March, I lost Cory was reading my comments I bet.
Words can’t explain how happy I am right now, lol. Feel like I’ve been waiting for this for so long!
Yes !! Finally ! This literally made my day so much better 😊
@Quintumply Plural of draugr is draugar by the way
That's perked up my afternoon. Not too long to wait.
And now we play the waiting game.
Oh wait we were already doing that.
This is on my must play list. Now I just need to finish off all the previous games!
Glad to see that you will still murder huge monsters <3
No one and I mean NO ONE touches Sony in the exclusives department. That trailer was awesome.
Microsoft can take their gamepass,
Shine it up real nice, turn it sideways and stick it straight up their corporate a** !
The ultimate bearded man vs the premium kiddy cardboard....on April 20th!
Very cinematic - hope it's a good game, though!
Got that Stone Mason Edition already preordered. This game might as well have a pedestal etched out for itself on my GOTY list. Hopefully the action in this trailer throws off the naysayers calling this a Last of Us clone, but I know it won't. Oh well, their loss!
Sony must be reading the Push Square comments sections. They finally got sick of all our speculating. 😂
@Octane Changed it just for you
Solid date. March is stacked anyway.
Finally PlayStation best franchises is coming in april.fools head will be bashing.the man. the icon.the legend is back.kratos come out and playyyyyy.this game will be a masterpiece. Cant wait word up son
@playstation1995 WORD UP SON
@AFCC god of war is the best so of course playa.word up son
@get2sammyb word up son.PlayStation best franchises is coming in april
Nice, a sweet birthday treat for me!
As someone who hasn't enjoyed the God of War franchise, that trailer was very interesting. I may actually end up buying this on Day 1 - considering I never thought I would buy a God of War game, Santa Monica Studios has converted me with this...
@Fight_Teza_Fight hahaha.welll said.crapbox sucks.PlayStation is the best.my favourite PlayStation franchises is back.oh yeah.this game will be a masterpiece.word up son
here we go. can`t wait anymore
@BAMozzy best PlayStation franchises ever.playa.you better recognize.this is a masterpiece.word up son
@pbernoos word up son.im hype.my favorite PlayStation franchises ever.masterpiece coming to a tv near you playa.worrdd uppp sonnn
I watched the trailer again. Superb.
@LordBeerus word up so.myself also.god of war made me love PlayStation more.best PlayStation franchises ever playa.the legend kratos is back☺
@get2sammyb one of the best trailer ever sammy.im hype playa.best PlayStation franchises ever.this is a legendary game word up son.yeah yeah
@playstation1995 Word up Son!
@oatmealwarrior92 yes spidey .my day got better with this god of war date.this game is what made 2018 great.best PlayStation franchises ever.hype is of the chain word up son
@Fight_Teza_Fight no doubt playa.word up son
Added some screenshots! Word upppp!
A Scottish talking man-tree. SOLD!!
@Quintumply I feel special!
The whole time I was watching that I was wondering why Kratos didn't have any body hair. He looks like he should at least have some. Doesn't take me as the kind that waxes or shaves, and definitely should have the genetics to be covered in hair.
I've never played any God of War game but I've watched this trailer twice and got chills both times! Very tempted to get the collector's edition too!
So it looks like there won't be any God of War PS4 Pro Console. I was really hoping for one.
I keep telling myself to stop buying collector's editions but I just have to order the Stone Mason edition mainly for the steelbook and statue.
With this being out in the later part of April, when do we expect Spiderman? I saw a lot of people here guessing close to the Avengers movie release but that'd be only a couple weeks later.
Might take a look at the limited edition, at least now people can stop nagging Sony for a release date now.
Got a feeling this will be the game to show off my pro and oled to friends not converted. It looks great on my crappy phone screen already
@Quintumply kratos is back☺.word up son
I was sceptical when I first heard of another God of War game, not thinking they had much room to explore new stuff ... I was clearly wrong though. This looks awesome. They have bulked-up on everything; story, characters, game-world etc. I'm expecting an epic tale with this one.
@get2sammyb hahaha playa.word up.this game needs a photo mode.word up sonnnn
@Kidfried hahaha word is out son.stary spreading the news.to x box and pc an nintendo.kratos is coming .word life
@Radbot42 Well, his skin is infused with the ash of his dead family, so there's that!
I'm not going to watch it, I'm not going to watch it, sigh, finally watch it. Can't wait for april
Shadow of the Colossus, MLB The Show 18, Yakuza 6 and God of War in successive months. I'm not sure this year will end up matching how awesome last year was but that's a hell of a start.
Day 1!
Hmm can't decide if I want this or cardboard more. Tough decision there.
Oh my God that trailer is awesome!!God Of War like you have never seen it before...absolutely Can.Not.Wait!
Can't wait to have Kratos's epic beard on my TV screen in April.
No March? April 20th? All of our speculating about Thor and Ares and they chose Hitler's birthday?
Sony is clearly afraid of Labo
It's happening, Kratos is coming back.
Day one!
I must say it was a great choice to do it on smokers day. Gives me plenty of time to play shadow of colossus and ni no kuni 2. Bring on the hype and now can’t wait till spider man gets the same treatment. Sony give us a release date
WOW - Pre-order in!.
Me on January 1st: "My resolution is to be more sensible this year. I'm going to try and complete more stuff from my backlog, and not buy so many new games."
Me on April 20th: "I don't care which edition, just sell me them all! COME ON PUT THEM THROUGH THE TILL YOU'RE WASTING VALUABLE GAMING TIME"
already pre-ordered. was hoping for a march release, as not much else interests me in the interim, except for shadow for the colossus. will give me longer to finish that though, i suppose. from the trailer it looks like they've tried to soften kratos' character a bit, not just make him a rage-filled archetype.. at 25-hrs long, i'm guessing there's a least a movie's length of cutscenes, so i'm quite intrigued to see where this goes.
ThiS game Has the potential to dethrone god of war 3 as the best game in the franchise
I have played and finished all the god of war games and I can't wait to play through this one, it looks quite different but I think it needed to shake things up a bit. Roll on April!
My local PS site said the trailer is pretty story spoiler heavy?? Is that the case or nah??
This game looks amazing i cant wait for it
@leucocyte My thoughts exactly. I have SotC on preorder and didn’t plan to buy anything else at launch until Spiderman and RDR2, and then I saw this. I’m really liking the softer Kratos. The boy doesn’t come across as annoying as I thought he might. And the game looks very cinematic. Ugh, guess I better pre-order.
HYPE LEVEL. I'd pre-order this game if I had the income to do so, and didn't have a huge gaming backlog.
Plus I am still playing the original GoW series on my PS3, very slowly...
@bbtothe Yeah it's pretty spoilery actually. I'm avoiding any and all GoW videos from now until release.
It's pretty awesome though .
Day ons!! Word up Son!
@Fight_Teza_Fight yeah cool thanks I'm definitely steering clear of it then! Same goes for any future TLOU footage haha
I don't know which I liked more: the trailer or seeing PS95 like a kid on christmas.
@Quintumply lmao
Only played GOW3 for thirty minutes and couldn't stand it. But this...looks...epic. I reckon not buying this would be a travesty.
Epic trailer, looks fantastic. March PS+ Free Game: God of War 3 Remastered anyone?!! 🤔
@Johnnycide 😂 Ikr. I have no idea how the poor guy will be able to contain himself for 3 more months.
@PS_Nation word up son.kratos is the best
@Sanquine this game will be legendary word up son
@ToddlerNaruto im still playing god of war agin too.on my ps3 word up son
@playstation1995 Word up son.
Still never played a God of War game (got over 10 years' worth of PlayStation games to catch up on!). I've got the games on the PS2 and the HD Remakes on PS3, so I'll make sure I play those before getting around to this.
@playstation1995 This is my first time playing the series. I'm currently playing thru God of War II HD, loving it so far.
Looks interesting enough. Pre-ordered this a long time ago with a large discount, so I'll likely keep it, as I like the new direction this GOW is taking, hence why I pre-ordered it initially.
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