Sony is sending out a survey on PlayStation Network name changes. An anonymous tipster forwarded us an email from the platform holder regarding the oft-requested functionality, in which the manufacturer ponders whether “gamers are interested in the feature or not”. Surely it only needs to read the comments section of virtually every video game website to come to a conclusion on that?
The company’s requesting anonymity from those selected to take the survey, but we’ve seen the email and can confirm it’s legitimate. The correspondence does stress that it “can’t be sure whether this feature will be added or not, but we can be sure your opinions on the matter will be heard”. Sony bigwig Shawn Layden hinted at PSX 2017 that the feature is in the works.

The survey goes on to propose how PSN name changes would work. According to the questionnaire, you’d be able to change your name multiple times for free, but you’d only be able to do it once every six months. This is common practice. Moreover, if you want to change your PSN name back to an older handle, you’d have to contact customer support.
Honestly, we don’t want to give the organisation ideas here, but it could get away with charging for name changes – that’s how some websites and services deal with it. Either way, it’s good to see that the company is finally starting to take this topic seriously, although why it’s taken until 2018 for the firm to put out a survey asking if anyone would be interested in the oft-requested feature is beyond us.
Comments 50
As one of those idiots who wants to change their name, I say cool beans.
I'm happy with my PSN name but I think it's a good idea for those who aren't and I would be all for it if I got an invite to the survey
Would love to change my name. Really hope this comes true!
I've been waiting for this for sooo long now. my 2006-7 gamertag just doesn't hold up now that I'm 30 in 2018! fingers crossed this gets implemented. can't wait to drop the 420 off my name! lol
As long as griefers don’t get to be jerks then change their names to regain anonymity.... the cool down and/or fee would deal with that.
I also admit the size of the player base makes this less of an issue because you aren’t too likely to see someone twice. Still.
they should make it at least $10 so that people actually get punished for their poor choices of the past.
while not an issue for me as i actually thought long and hard about my PSN name i can see why some would want it, especially if they have had a stupid one since the PS3 launched
still it's a good lesson to not be dumb when choosing a name because it could have ramifications in the future
i mean does ANYONE take a person with a name like xXinsertPSNnamehereXx or one that involves sex jokes like PenIslandLover seriously (i actually saw that one once, not sure how it got pass the censors though)
I don't think they would ask if it wasn't already decided. Good thing, too.
Live with your mistakes, guys.
Has no effect (advantage or disadvantage) on how we use the PS4's hardware / software features or to the enjoyment of our respective games, waste of resources! Sony takes ages to implement simple (needed / necessary) features as it is.
On the one hand my username was something I made up in HS and does feel old and somewhat immature at this point; on the other, no idea what id change it too...
I'm perfectly happy being HotChick69, thank you.
I'm good with Turismo4GT as my PSN username, but I can see this as being a good feature for those who want to change.
They have to be aware about how much gamers want this feature. My guess is that they're either ready to deploy it, but want to ask gamers so they can say "Hey, we asked, you told us what you wanted, here it is", or the technical effort is bigger than we imagine and they need to justify it officially to their financial department...
Of course people want that! Ridiculous question
Goodbye xX_HandSoloxSoraxRiku420_Xx
@manu0 In all seriousness, as one of the people who has a terrible username they want to change, I'd pay some cash to change it since it is my fault.
Sometimes you have to nut up or shut up.
@Rudy_Manchego i respect that lol
Dont care bout name changes tbh, but i guess its fine?
I'm not paying to change my user name. Make it free.
Thank goodness! I was part of a dweeby gaming group and they forced a stupid nametag on me! Hated that name ever since and this feature is one thing I'd be happy to finally fix. But seriously I'd be happy to pay up to £5 for this!
@kyleforrester87 @FullbringIchigo @manu0 Some people may not have had a choice in their user name. A few people I know had their parents or someone else choose their name for them when they were younger and now that they are older want something that reflects them. Then there are some of those that maybe created a user name that reflected them at that point in their lives but no longer does.
While I am sure there are a ton of people out there that I am sure created a user name cause they thought it was funny or cool but instead was immature and stupid at the time and are now stuck with it. To say everyone didn't that isn't right.
True story a girl I dated had an XBOX user name that was DaddysGirl420 (she was actually born on April 20) which her dad made for her when she was younger I could only imagine why see wanted to change it.
@Tasuki I'm half serious, but at the same time you don't get to pick the size of your nose and how tall you are, work with what you got I say
@Tasuki i wasn't saying everyone did, i know there are multiple reason why someone may have a silly name but the ones that DID do it to be stupid or funny deserve it
I wouldn't change mine. But I completely understand that some gamers made their names when they were children so...
Someone is in trouble!!! The voice just sent out an email and the are raging!! I quote “This Is Unacceptable” in relation to this being leaked to a “gaming website” tut tut
I want it only so I don't have to see any more "Xbox has it come on Sony" post! Disappointment will hit when they start to change their name only to find out everything is already taken.
Pretty sure legit emails from PlayStation always start with "Dear (insert name)" And not just "Hi". The grammar in this email is awful, why would they refer to themselves as "they"? This seems fake.
@Nekoo77 I'm with you. It looks really fake.
If you have to login with your PSN, you might've just been duped.
I did my PSN name back when it began in 2006 and I'm happy as it reflects my love for astronomy. Then again, I was older so who knows what it would've been is I was a tween.
@Nekoo77 LOL I thought I was the only one that saw strange English grammar there. Then again English is not my native language so I can't be sure.
I don't wanna change my name.
They are idiots if they're using the results of this survey to actually find out if people want it. Of course they do. Everyone knows that. How out of touch can you be?
But if someone begs for the opportunity to PAY to change their name, they beat Sony in the idiot race.
@FullbringIchigo what's wrong with Pen Island Lover? Maybe that's where they were born...
They should make the first name change free and charge $10 for any other changes after that.
Also, this survey is fake, do not answer that.
Are they sure the emails are legit. I mean it would be a clever way to hack some idiots willing to sign in with their account details to submit.
I don’t mind it being true but think people should pay to cover costs. Not sure those that choose a well thought out name should cover it I’d rather my money went into more development or games
@manu0 I'm sure that you've never done anything you've regretted when you were younger.
@Yowza OK i'm not sure if your being serious or joking because being text based it's hard to tell but just take the I and S from Island and put it on the end of the word Pen and you will see what this persons joke was
Wish List. ....Please!!
"An anonymous tipster forwarded us an email from the platform holder regarding the oft-requested functionality, in which "they" ponder whether gamers are interested in the feature or not."
Fake news. Fake tip. The only news is that PushSquare has finally resorted to Trump-level clickbait. Why is this still up? Sad state of this gaming site if this makes the cut. New editor please. I think I'll look into getting my info elsewhere.
Do people want the feature? Sure. But as with most things on the internet, I bet the actual number is quite small in comparison to the number of people who actually own a PlayStation.
To be fair, when PSN launched, I'm pretty sure the e-mail told you to choose wisely as you'd be unable to change it later.
That's not to say that that it shouldn't be offered... just that people only have themselves to blame.
Shawn Layden pretty much confirmed they are aiming to get it done (possibly this year), when he was talking to Greg Miller at PSX in December.
Greg asked him when users would be able to change their names and he replied,
"Let me put it this way, I hope we'll see events occur so that you don't have to ask me that question next PSX"
@FullbringIchigo haha, of course I'm joking!
I don't need to have my username changed, but I'm happy for those that will hopefully get a chance to if desired.
I just want to add a capital B on my ID. For some reason, it's "bobobiwan" and not "Bobobiwan". Yeah, I know. Not a real problem. I know.
But i I could change it, i would do it.
@Bobobiwan i know how you feel. I went with "sciteach" and somedays wish for "Sciteach."
Is there any solid estimates of the percentage that would change their psn name if given the option to do so? Would psn have a meltdown if hundreds of thousands attempted to change their psn name the first day?
I hope they do let us do the pan I'd name change I sure needs to change mines. Plz do..how to take the survey to do it.
Well they're we have it, as a direct consequence of this the PlayStation Voice community has now been closed permanently.
Thanks to everyone involved in spreading this mindless leak with disregard for NDAs,
Nice one guys! 🤨
It's good if psn add this feature because I really need my psn username changed
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