What the freakin’ heck? Sony casually dropped the PlayStation VR patch for WipEout Omega Collection, and it’s transformed the fast-paced futuristic racer into one of the best virtual reality experiences you’ll find on the platform. This is an extraordinary achievement – it’s so impressive that we’re struggling to believe that it’s free. And after over an hour of gameplay, we haven’t had a single pang of motion sickness – despite racing at breakneck speeds.
How does it work, then? Well, despite the game’s constant reminders regarding motion sickness, the default settings are very cleverly conceived. The camera is locked to the cockpit as a standard, meaning that the vehicle twists and turns around you. You can, of course, change this and lock the camera to either the track or the pilot’s head, but this obviously means you’re going to be tilting and turning all over the place. We prefer the standard setting personally, but your mileage will vary.

The game also includes some “blinkers” around the edges of the window screen. Think of this like the shields that horses wear when out on the road; they limit your peripheral vision and help you to focus on the track directly in front of you. To be honest, we couldn’t figure out how to turn this feature off, but we’re assured the option’s there somewhere. Either way, we like the added comfort that the blinkers provide; there’s even a traditional third-person viewpoint if you prefer.
Beyond that, this is the entire game. Repeat: the entire game. The menu screen has been revamped to create a 3D image, with futuristic vehicles whizzing by in slow-motion while you peruse all of the options. All of the modes and features are available, including the trio of campaigns taken from WipEout 2048, WipEout HD, and WipEout HD Fury. This includes every track and vehicle, as well as everything from Races to Zones mode. The latter looks particularly impressive in virtual reality, as we’re sure you’ll be able to imagine.

Other improvements include the addition of 3D audio, so you can hear the position of rockets as they whiz past your ear. And because the main game already rendered in native 4K on the PS4 Pro, the visual presentation is among some of the most impressive we’ve seen in PlayStation VR to date. Seriously, the image quality is outrageously clean, with very little of the usual blurring and jaggies that you find in Sony’s headset.
Quite simply, this has become one of the best virtual reality releases on the PS4 to date. While we criticised WipEout Omega Collection for recycling the same set of content one too many times, experiencing it all with PlayStation VR is revelatory. The fact that Sony’s managed to deliver an update of this quality free-of-charge is frankly astounding, and pairing its release with the headset’s recent price drop may prove to be a masterstroke. This is a killer app – it’s that good.
Have you taken WipEout Omega Collection for a spin with PlayStation VR yet? What are your thoughts on this jaw-dropping patch? Go faster than the speed of light in the comments section below.
Comments 33
Holy crap!
Wow. Once i am over the flu (really dont fancy vr at the mo as a result) i am definitely going to be firing this up
Great stuff
I will definitely be giving this a go
I can attest to this, despite suffering motion sickness in a couple games. After playing for an hour on this, no such issues at all. The quality of life options are so well thought out. You also end up noticing little details in the environment that you often miss in the base game. It's that good I would have happily paid money for it.
Havnt been tempted to get VR, but this might push me 🤔
Wow they have done such a great job!!! Played this for an hour or so earlier and no issues. Also thought the speed was great and much better to get round the course.
Wow ! I just bought the game LAST WEEK just to be ready for this update !! I was checking everyday if it had gone live, and now I read that...
This is huge. Sony has to advertise this, maybe with a bundle, or something. Wipeout in freaking VR ! How cool is that ??!!
See you on tracks, dudes !
OK, I want it now.
Wow high praise. Very surprised and happy about that. Expected to hear about all the motion sickness but glad to hear that's not been an issue.
Question @get2sammyb Do you generally get much motion sickness in VR games? Or are you pretty immune to it?
I find sometimes I'm okay with VR and other times can really get me. Even if it's the same game. The more I play the less I seem to get it but if I've had a break from VR for a while I do tend to get it quite bad. Not sure if it's a psychological thing.
Agreed @Bobobiwan Sony really should have a good think about bundling this with VR headset. If I wasn't already a PSVR owner this game and article would have sold me on it 100%
@Dange I would say that I have decent VR legs these days, but I still do get sick in some games. They've done a ridiculously good job with this, because I'm seeing a lot of people all around the web say that they're finding it surprisingly comfortable.
Now obviously your mileage will vary because there seem to be different motion sickness triggers for everyone, but I'm really impressed how comfortable this feels considering I expected it to be vomit inducing. I genuinely didn't think this could work.
@Shepherd_Tallon Skyrim made me chunder after 2 minutes. This on the other hand is a thing of beauty. Intense definitely, but don’t be put off by the thought of motion sickness
It is truly outstanding and so much better than I thought it would be. I did wonder how it would but it is amazing. It has made an incredible game even better. If people aren't amazed but this then they need their head examined!
@Mergatro1d Didn't Skyrim have a load of options to combat motion sickness?
Dang, this is making me really want PSVR.
@Rob_230 Hope you get well soon. I had bronchitis earlier this year, and it wasn't fun.
I'm afraid I might die playing this
I am incredibly prone to motion sickness, but WipEout is one of my favorite things Playstation all-time... I really, really want to try it but am afraid of buying another PSVR, only to have to sell it back again (yes, I tried a while ago and couldn't handle it).
For anyone interested in the UK, WipEout Omega Collection is currently on sale at Argos for £14.
Seriously impressive. Reddit/PSVR is losing it's mind over this.
Too bad I have to wait till the weekend to try this .
@adf86 yeah I think it did. Still couldn’t get on with it, and I don’t particularly suffer from motion sickness. But it was one of my fist vr games so maybe I hadn’t got my legs yet?
Just in time for Ready Player One , which I'm off to see in 2 hours ! Already own Wipeout , this could well make me buy PSVR . I take a lady in my taxi to Sony Liverpool every so often and she mentioned they where working on something very secret , I wonder was this it ?
Oh snap son!!!! This might be the one thing that convinces me to get a VR headset.
I mean, I would. If if could afford it.
Which I can't
Just thinking about playing it in VR makes me feel dizzy Sounds cool but I get bad motion sickness sometimes just playing normal games so doubt if I would get VR really. Shame that. Now do MotorStorm in VR! SONY
@MinerWilly a fellow taxi driver on here who's got Manic Miner name and avatar, interested in Ready Player One (how was it? Anything with a DeLorean car in can only be a good thing surely) and a fan of WipEout. We need to be friends 😀
Oh man I am so freakin' excited for this!!! Just gotta wait until I get my (ugly) God of War Pro console in a few weeks. I need to experience this the best way possible so I'm ok waiting. SO HYPED!
It's really very good. Free is a bonus, of course, but I'd have piad the current PSN price for entry just to get the VR update.
Foe me it's the best-looking PSVR game out there.
Holy crap... Time to get a PSVR.
So, this is the game (update) that pushed me to buy a VR headset. I did not predict that.
This is the truth. I can't believe how fun it is. And not sickness inducing. Don't know how they did that. Usually racing games on VR make me vomit in a second. I picked this game up months ago on sale hoping the VR update would be this awesome. Not disappointed. Might actually pull me away from Monster Hunter...
@Drawfull mind the language please.
@Giygas_95 Thanks! Much appreciated 😊 its been super annoying and had lasted ages. Bronchitus sounds awful. Hope you are all recovered now 👍😊
@Rob_230 Yeah, I had antibiotics, and it's been a few weeks so I've been fine for a while. It's a shame antibiotics don't work on viruses like the flu.
Just got the update and it really is that good.
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