Shadow of the Tomb Raider was revealed to the media at a swanky London venue earlier today, but you’ll need to wait until tomorrow to see all of the goods. Or at least, that’s what Square Enix was hoping – the Internet has other ideas. In traditional fashion, practically everything has leaked, so enjoy these screenshots that have been swarming around social media for the past few hours:
You can also see the various product permutations in the photograph below. As you’d expect of a AAA title in 2018, there are about a billion options available, each with different pieces of tat attached:

And finally, here’s a render of Lara Croft from a French magazine. Since her previous death defying adventure it looks like she’s visited London’s best plastic surgeon, as her face has changed yet again:

Of course, there’ll be more tomorrow. Expect trailers, art work, interviews, and all that good stuff. The game’s out on 14th September, a week after Spider-Man. The best news for fans is that it's been confirmed that series “favourites” like Sam, Reyes, and Jonah will return in the new game.
No, we don’t remember them either.
Update: Oh, here's the box art and another screenshot as well. Why not?

Quite like the cover to be honest. Looks snazzy.
[source resetera.com, via resetera.com, twitter.com]
Comments 77
Updated with more
Looks like Lara's gap year of slaughter and mayhem continues
@adf86 This one time on my garrrp yahhh... Then I just chundered everywhere.
Looks much like old Lara and I don't like it
that IS a baller cover, keen for this
That's a dope cover. Can't wait to see if its a satisting end to the....4th? Tomb Raider trilogy.
Four different edition of the game already. Oh Square Enix, I'd say never change, but you never will.
I’ll admit that cover is beyond cool one of the best I’ve seen in years. I know they’ve aped the Uc series quite a bit since they rebooted but man those stormy island pictures look straight out of Uc 4 to where it’s almost stealing lol.
@AFCC I feel exactly the opposite. lol New Lara was cute but not beautiful.
@munkondi Yeah the PS1 original was epic.
@DLB3 I really wanted to like the last one but didn't as much as Uncharted 4 and Uncharted Lost Legacy.
This will have to be the best game ever to stand a chance else risk Lara drifting to obscurity on the back of GoW. Although it will be nice viewing a full head of hair 💇 not Kratos bald swede.
That's an amazing cover. I just don't understand why they keep changing her face though
Screenshots look nice. Looking forward to this.
@Athrum @Athrum she still looks good.she looks better than taylor swift.word up son
Apart from the statue what are the other items in the CE?
Very much looking forward to it, but it seems like it's going to be really dark again. From a gameplay perspective I like the new TR games better than the classics but for narrative and tone I miss how the old games used to let Lara have a little fun.
Those screenshots look like Uncharted 4. Which is awesome. Really like the cover. Day 1.
I think her face looks better now, more "gamey" like nathan drake rather than "just human actor". I think I'll get the steelcase edition, I hope there's artbook in this edition.
@AFCC But old lara is the best lara
@get2sammyb Question - why does the "box art" say "digital deluxe" on it? If it's digital there is no box, right? Or are they selling the code in a box? Or is that simply PSN store art and not the box art that we call box art even though it isn't from a box? Like when people DVR their tv show they say they "taped it" even though VHS tape hasn't existed for years. Or simply SquareEnix?
The art is really good. Looks like a good comic book cover from the 80s. Unlike Lara on that magazine cover which I'm assuming was drawn by someone who has no actual connection to the game b/c it's borderline hideous.
OK, breaks over, back to Kratos so I can play it once w/o having to "copy" a patch first.
I like Lara from the PS4 Definitive Edition; she was really beautiful.
Looking forward to this, though I'm worried about the fact that it wasn't developed by Crystal Dynamics.
Yay, many editions announced already, lets prepare for microtransactions and season-pass as well.
@rjejr 🤔 Yeah, and why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways? And why isn’t the word phonetic spelled the way it sounds? And why is it so hard to remember how to spell mnemonic?
English makes no sense.
That last TR game that came 1 year late to PS4 really damage the series, at least for me, I kindda not exicited about the series anymore.
Why does the official art look so...2011?
Not a fan of Lara's ever changing look. I mean why change her? How can she be the iconic "Lara Croft" if Lara Croft isnt Lara Croft? SQ/CD botched it.
This is a deep sale game for me.
Hyped, looking forward to all of the official coverage tomorrow.
I'll definitely be picking this game up during BF 2018 sales for ~$30 New.
Box art looks ace. Interestingly from the screen shots the game appears to be taking a resident evil 4 style over the shoulder camera approach. Really hope Eidos Montreal nail this. Unfortunately, while i am very excited for this, coming out so close to Spiderman means there really is only one game i will be buying in September, and it won't be this
Standard edition looks nice...Croft edition not so much.
Release date kills it for me though. Too close to DQXI and Spider-Man.
@themcnoisy Hey, are you being a beastly borrid baldist? You don’t be a meaneepoo about that svelte suede swede 😍
That is a really nice cover. When are they gunna drop the whole bow thing? Just give me pistols
Yeah I came here to poke fun but that cover is pretty bloody great.
Eclipse Of The Tomb Raider.
Looks sweet!
She's slowly morphing into Chloe Frazer (not necessarily a bad thing)
Is there anything about this game that hasn't leaked already?
Lara's ever changing looks is like when you create a custom character that looks great but when you start the game you aren't happy with it.
I hope they've got a new voice actress for this one. Bring back Keeley Hawes I say.
First game had the better story that. The second one I found the 2nd one to be trying to borrow so much from the first. And the story didn't sort of hook me like the first I would buy the first game on PS4 if it didn't have MP mode as I platted it on PS3 and I ain't doing the solo trick again. I will get this for my partner she loves TR games
@RogerRoger I actually do remember Jonah but not the other two.
Isn't that a drawing of Lara rather than a render (in the gaming sense)? I don't think that reflects her in-game model.
I was kind of expecting this game to be delayed after GoW. Even if this would've seemed good before, it's got a real battle on its hands post-GoW.
We taking bets that she can throw that climbing axe and have it return to her in this instalment?
That cover is beautiful. Which reminds me that I still haven't played any of these games.
Liked the reboot, still have rise in my backlog. This looks pretty decent though, but doubt I'll be day one.
@get2sammyb the trailer is already up on the Microsoft website.
Kotaku has the link in their article:
So many PlayStation fans still butthurt over the last game thats why they aint buying this game ffs get over it and move on and buy this game. Anyways i cant wait but damn my September is busy between SpiderMan, Shadow Of The Tomb Raider and Spyro.
@DLB3 i have a sneaking suspicion that you gonna whine and complain about somthing
@AFCC you'll get over it
@munkondi you over tomb raider but yet you are here
@HeathenFriar oh God don't start whining over dumb crap
Mmmm, I love that box art.
@Perryg92 Thanks!
@get2sammyb seeing as Microsoft has released the trailer early, could this mean it'll be further shown during their E3 conference rather than at PlayStation's!?
Dun Dun Daaaaah
To be fair PlayStation has so many titles they can talk about at E3, Spidey, Spyro, Last of Us II, Days Gone, Dreams, and unannounced titles too, so it's no biggie.
@get2sammyb Will Sony update this game in Playstation store for pre-order today when Square Enix reveal it today ?
@Perryg92 Yeah, looks like Microsoft will be promoting this one.
Magazine cover is an illustration – these have always tended to vary in look. I think in-game she was pretty consistant between reboot and Rise.
Love the box art!!
That box art is glorious.
@PS_Nation Seasonpass was already on the site. 😉
I dont understand why everyone needs to release in the same timeframe i think this will lose you a lot of sales. I hope DQ can release a little early in august.
@doctommaso That's why I like her! She's normal...no need for big breasts or super pretty face
Awesome cover!And looking forward to the game but to be honest there is no way I'll be choosing to play this over Dragon Quest XI and Spiderman.
That box art is beautiful.
@AFCC that’s a fair point yeah
@doctommaso I really liked the first game, the second was...ok! Too similar but at the same time a little underwhelming! Hope this new one is good enough...but if I had to judge it now I wouldn't be happy (puts old grumpy face)
@Undead21 Are you trolling? The developer of the game MATTERS.
what a great box art. I like her new face is this a reboot again?!
Seems like day one edition is the steelbook version. I pre-ordered the standard one just the other day and today it has been updated to the steelbook version.
@AFCC I liked the second better than the first, actually. I'm hoping this is the final game in this style, I'd like to see them focus more on tomb raiding now that they are getting the introductory storyline out of the way. And btw I take it back, new Lara looks kind of ugly in the trailer for the game, not sure what they were thinking.
Tomb Raider 2013 was great, but Rise of Tomb Raider was an overly-serious dull garbage which consisted of a over serious butter faced Lara with zero personality going around pointlessly murdering people and spouting cringe worthy cheesy lame dialogues. I imagine this one to be just as bad. Will probably still grab it though when it's reduced to 20 bucks.
@doctommaso ahah! My question is...why change it? It was good enough in the first game! And changing it makes no sense since the graphic leap is close to none! I understand changing faces like mgs1 snake and mgs2 snake, but in the same system changing faces makes 0 sense
@AFCC I agree, and if they were going to change it, why not change it back to her earlier look (not blocky polygons but at least conceptually).
@doctommaso I would argue that they should give her the blocky polygons xD
@AFCC lol
@HeathenFriar are you slow?cause you complaining over dumb carp and it's gonna be good sweetie
@GoodNight it is. Stick to YOUR creative decisions. Don't let fans pick everything for you...
Also, hey 2018 called x)
'Don't like it? Deal with it. Go back to that overrated Last of Us game and play that instead.' Exactly, you said it yourself, don't like it go play the old games.
Besides, no need to be offensive or something, I was talking to you very normally and casually...
@GoodNight Let's watch the personal insults please. It's ok if you don't agree with others comments but it's not ok to insult them.
It is part of the community rules which you agreed too when you created an account here.
Thanks for understanding
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