According to the company's latest financial report, Capcom has plans to release not one, but two "major" titles before the end of this fiscal year. That's by the 31st March, 2019, for those out of the loop.
Of course, this news has already led to plenty of speculation across the 'net. With E3 2018 fast approaching, it seems likely that we'll hear more during the Los Angeles event. Could Devil may Cry 5 finally be on its way? We may know for sure soon enough.
In the meantime, let us know what you want from Capcom in the comments section below. Oh, and don't forget to mention Deep Down.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 36
Deep Down, it is time.
Here's hoping that it's Resident Evil 2 remastered and Dragon's Dogma Online.
@ApostateMage I'd take Dragon's Dogma 2 while they're at it!
i think two major games gonna be Resident Evil 2 Remake and DMC 5
@ShogunRok that's one but what is last one ?
@PS4fan Tough to say. Resident Evil 2 Remake and Devil May Cry 5 seem like very reasonable shouts based on what we know.
Devil May Cry 5
Deep Down
Maybe Resident Evil 8 (if its not too soon?)
@ShogunRok Does Resident Evil 2 Remake count as one of two major games ?
@ShogunRok Aye. Any game with that combat is all good in my book.
@ShadowWarrior Nah, RE 8 not coming yet.. don't you forget about RE 2 remake coming first before RE 8
Devil may cry 5 and the next onimusha
I want proper remaster for onimusha though, like re 0/1 remake, not like devil may cry hd collection.
Have they officially cancelled Deep Down yet? Its creeping into Last Guardian territory now.
Monster Hunter: Dancing All Night and Devil May Cry Automata.
@PS4fan I think it could do, yeah. Capcom was making a big deal out of it a while back, even though we haven't heard anything since. Given how well the first Remake did, I think Capcom might consider the second a "major" game.
@ShogunRok i would be shock if RE 2 remake is not one of them then Capcom release it in their fiscal year by April 2020. i am tired of waiting so long for details info on RE 2 Remake and watch trailer/gameplay video
Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5, Please be Devil May Cry 5,
@PS4fan Yeah, I'm the same. I think news is coming soon, though. The time is right, and with E3 just around the corner... Why would Capcom wait any longer?
Does Mega Man 11 count as a major game?
I’m going with Devil May Cry 5 and the Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Ah, there could be a new Ace Attorney game coming.
RE2 remake please!!
@ShogunRok i hope good news is coming for fans who want know info about RE 2 Remake.. i think RE 2 Remake likely release in January 2019.. Sony Bend confirmed Days Gone release in early 2019 sound like it release in February that could compete against RE 2 Remake as survival horror game
@RedMan33 Me too
New Devil May Cry for sure.
Devil May Cry 5 (with the "real" Dante) and a sequel to Dragon's Dogma? Capcom I beseech you!
Proper, Japanese DMC and RE2 Remake would go down pretty well, Add some Switch ports of older games (a RE collection maybe) and they are good for $$$
Dogma 2 is all I want but I doubt it ever happens.
Ive been wanting it for over 2 decades. Ive said it before and ill say it again.
***Street Fighter Spin Off***
-NEW ORIGINAL characters (NO sf characters)
-same universe.
-same type of 2D gameplay (generally speaking).
-a new fighting IP in which to experiment with characters and mechanics etc without the burden of expectations.
RE2 Remake
Onimusha Reboot
@PS4fan i bet re2 remake coming late September
@Undead21 really ? lol too many games to buy in September if that happening
One of them is going to be P.N.03 remake. The other is a new fighting game Darkstalkers vs Red Earth.
@PS4fan i see also read the article one of the games come out March and the other one April 2019 so if one of those games is resident evil 2 remake we gonna have to wait another year
@Undead21 maybe one of them coming out in January 2019 then other one coming out in March 2019. i don't know if RE 2 remake gonna compete against Days Gone if both game come out in same month
@PS4fan i think so too and I did imagine if resident evil 2 remake and days gone coming out probably the same time it will be crazy
I'm hoping for Resident Evil 2 Remake or Devil May Cry 5, either game being revealed would be sweet !
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