This is the thirtieth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, and the first week of our top 16 matches. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have two matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 23rd May.

Match 115: Kat vs. 2B
Series: Gravity Rush
First PlayStation appearance: Gravity Rush, 2012 (PlayStation Vita)
Characters beaten: Bomberman, Goro Majima, Jill Valentine
Average win percentage: 63.3%
Series: NieR
First PlayStation appearance: NieR: Automata, 2017 (PlayStation 4)
Characters beaten: Edward Kenway, Sora, Sir Daniel Fortesque
Average win percentage: 68.3%
Vote for your favourite character! (298 votes)
- Kat
- 2B
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 116: Joel vs. Kratos
Series: The Last of Us
First PlayStation appearance: The Last of Us, 2013 (PlayStation 3)
Characters beaten: Alduin, Ryu, Lara Croft
Average win percentage: 71.3%
Series: God of War, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, SoulCalibur, Mortal Kombat
First PlayStation appearance: God of War, 2005 (PlayStation 2)
Characters beaten: Sam Gideon, Heihachi Mishima, Raiden
Average win percentage: 80.6%
Vote for your favourite character! (268 votes)
- Joel
- Kratos
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 50
Tough tough round. For me it has to be Joel over Kratos, though the new God of War was a massive evolution of the character and nearly pipped it. That said, I mean, c'mon.. it's Joel.
Joel is great but Kratos has too much history with playstation.
Some months ago and Joel would win this 100%! Now I doubt any character will win vs Kratos
Kleiton FTW! Also Kat!
That said now the real fight is starting!
Yeah, Joel is going to become a victim of God of War's recent release I suspect. Both extremely tough battles, though.
I voted Kratos. With the latest episode of God of war he has become one of my favourite characters ever, and I actually didn't like him before, even if I liked GOW games (expecially GOW2 it is one of the greatest games ever)!
Seriously Kratos must win everything!
I like Joel and Kratos (at least in the new game) a fair amount, so I'm not too fussed about whichever way that one goes, but KAT! VOTE KAT! KAT IS THE BEST!
I still haven't played with 2b or anytime with Kratos so Kat and Joel for me.
2B, no brainer.
Kratos, although I'm not fussed either way there.
Kat and Joel. Not played either of the other games. Joel's character was just so well developed, the cutscenes of TLOU could be watched back to back and still be entertaining. In fact, they did do a live show with the voice actors.
Tough choices today, but I'll have to pick Kat and Kratos.
Kratos over Joel. Still tough since I like both characters, it's just that Kratos has been around for over 10 years of my life while Joel has been around for 5 or so years. Still remember watching my brother play the original God of War all those years ago.
Good times.
But that Kat vs 2B matchup is really tough. Aw man.
I'll go with Kat. As much as I loved Nier A last year, Gravity Rush 2 was my definitive GotY last year.
I never liked Joel as a character and couldn't 'gel' with him. Kratos too but the recent release gave him so much more personality.
Ugh...the new God of War is fantastic, but it kind of bothers me that Joel is likely losing to Kratos because of it. Kratos will probably be the winner overall simply because of the timing. I love Joel's character though, and I was happy to give him one last vote.
Had to vote for Kat. Loved all her games!
I was surprised to see Sully knocked off, but Aloy is worthy and I really should play that game sometime.
But yes! Team Kat - Team Dusty - Team Gravity - Project Siren
WOW everyone sux here today. 2b and joel are the only acceptable answers
2B and Kratos.
This vote should be suspended until the last of us two releases 😂
2B and Joel.
Tough call indeed. I went with the K's
Joel and Kat but it was so hard.
@RogerRoger Lara has never been a Playstaition Icon for me great character not a Icon.
@BAMozzy Sorry personality and Joel are the same words for me. The beginning and end of the Last of Us where a gut punch and so emotinal. 😕
2b has a better game, but Kat is a better character
2b and Kratos for me. Kratos due to be around longer and I have played a lot of the god of war games. "b becuase I have played more of Nier then Gravity Rush. Next week going to be the hardest decision for me Sephiroth or Nathan Drake could be a flip of a coin in the end!
Recently got the Platinum for Nier: Automata. Seeing how stellar, fun, and awesome 2B's fighting was with playing her. She's got my vote. She kills enemies made out of steel, as in an alloy of iron, carbon and other elements. Last resort can even detonate herself and reanimate somewhere else. Kat doesn't stand a chance sadly when her powers are controlling gravity and falling on people. Either way, they are both awesome and fun. Needs a third voting option to call for a draw.
2B or not 2B, I suppose.
Forgive me, Joel.
I've never cared about Joel nearly as much as most people have. He just seems like a generic grizzled, grumpy guy to me. Kratos is way more interesting.
@Flaming_Kaiser Each to their own - I am sure there are personality types that some people connect with more than others - Joel happened to be one of those I didn't like...
Had to go with 2B and Joel, love both of their games
Whaaat ?? Kat ahead ? What does she do aside of whining all the time ? I'm just shocked.
And still don't remember the Joel guy, so generic.
Kat and Kratos! Sorry Joel.
@kyleforrester87 More like 2B for people with no brains
Kat & Kratos all the way!
@Octane do you even Nier??
@BAMozzy Probably would have done the same in the end of the Last of Us. And i would not be a happy man after what happend to my daugther two.
@RogerRoger I dont hate Lara she is a cool new character after the reboot. But i would not hrade her in for some of my favorite characters. Joel left a bigger impression with one then all the games with Lara Croft. And yes i had all her posters when i was young.
BTW i would have been happy with more winners here because there are so many great characters. Im going to be sad anyway.
Not played NieR or God of War yet, hopefully will eventually, clearly both are very popular.
@kyleforrester87 I nierly started another playtrough the other day, but alas, it wasn't meant 2B
@Octane I'm too sleepy to come back with a witty* Kat based response so I'll just say play Nier and if you're not entirely satisfied I'll reimburse you the money you spent on it. Can't say fairer than that
@kyleforrester87 Hah, don't worry, I'll give it another shot soon!
Meh I can't vote on any of these not a big fan of any of these characters
As tactical as Joel is he stands 0 chance against Kratos. It is an unfair fight. Kratos has had many experiences and Joel has had 1.
Kratos wins.
Double K moving to next round...
Man..... its getting tougher and tougher by the week.
2b is the slightly better character to me than Kat. (Plus Kat beat Jill Valentine and for that I will never forgive)
Joel is an obvious win for me but with the newly released God of War, the Kratos train is unstoppable
Glad to see Kat winning, but Joel deserves to win over Kratos. Though I haven't finished the new GoW yet, so maybe I could change my mind.
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