EA’s making a meal out of Battlefield V’s new Company feature, but what it boils down to is customisation. Across the first-person shooter's two factions – Britain and Germany – you’ll be able to completely personalise the title’s four main classes. This expands to both cosmetic changes and ability upgrades, allowing you to customise the title in exactly the way you wish.
Obviously as you progress through the game, you’ll unlock further ways to alter the look of your characters, vehicles, and weapons. The idea, we suppose, is to give you more freedom to play the way you want to – but we’d be shocked if the publisher wasn’t also hoping to sell a bunch of costumes and other such nonsense on the PlayStation Store. We suppose as long as its optional it’s not a big deal, eh?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 9
Man, I can't tell what the heck is goin' on in that gameplay! Hopefully the opposing players will have weird and wacky getups to help me see them easier
Dont think this will improve the preorder situation.
I'm too uneducated to care.
I guess showing women's integral part to the war effort behind the lines is not an option lol..
Done with the franchise really. Was stoked to hear it's in WW2 again. A vamped up 1942 is what I wanted, this is what I'm getting. Nah!
I'm still playing BF4
Couldn't care less about HARDLINE OR 1
This one looks too COD to me
Guess i'll keep playing BF4
Not sure what all the fuss is about pre-orders, I will be picking it up on release date.
Only time I pre-order a game is when its a collectors edition and it will likely sell out, looking forward to it.
@LaNooch1978 because they don’t present it as alt history. They present it like non fiction fiction. In a way of, this isn’t how it went, but it should have been and from now on we’re gonna pretend it is the real way it went. Also they act like woman had no role in war so they gave them a role in this game, which is false, woman had very important roles, holding guns was just not part of it.
And IMO it’s more sexist denying that what woman truly did during WW2 wasn’t important and isn’t respected to this day than the people not wanting woman in this gamd due to historical accurecy.
Also their reaction to the fans of battlefield and the way they act like this game isn’t meant for them and how cocky DICE and EA became doesn’t help either. If the game isn’t made for the battlefield fanbase, than don’t make it a battlefield game. Or at the very least make it a spin off like hardline.
Also they should just have put woman in it, shouldn’t have made an excuse to why, just should have said that’s the way they wanted it and be done. If you’re behind a choice you made you shouldn’t have to make excuses as to why and you shouldn’t insult people that might not agree.
Im pretty exited about this. After I wrapped my head around this being alternate reality ww2. But kust hipeing aloy of new mechanics catch on, but its bf , so I will still get it.
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