Uppers may be more commonly known as a type of drug, but the word also refers to a part of the shoe – like, the bit which one may shove in someone else’s face if they take a particular disliking them. It’s also the title of a long-forgotten Japanese brawler for the PS Vita, which launched in 2016 and looks like it may be about to be resurrected for the PlayStation 4.
There’s no confirmation from publisher Marvelous just yet, but the title has mysteriously popped up on an Australian ratings board. Bizarrely, a bunch of English language Trophies for the portable release popped up all the way back in 2016. We can only assume, therefore, that a port is in production – but maybe those crazy Aussies took too many uppers and classified it by mistake.
[source classification.gov.au]
Comments 7
I was so tempted to import this , but always held out for a possible release in the west . I really wanted this on Vita if this turns out true but PS4 is just fine at this point . Beggers can't be choosers =p
This is definitely about drugs, just like Need for Speed.
Looks cool. Hopefully it comes over.
The game's going to be renamed to Downers, for the Down Under release.
@PS_Nation And Metal Gear Acid 🤣
Was is a good game tho?
Oh hell yes please be true! 😍
Hopefully an official announcement by this year and next year release! ✨
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