Our view is that PlayStation VR is at its best when it’s doing something new, but not everyone agrees. Read any message board or comments section and you’ll see consumers demanding more “traditional” gaming experiences for the device, and Sony looks poised to deliver that moving forwards. Rather than abandon the headset like some feared, Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida says that the platform holder is doubling down.
In an interview with the Japanese PlayStation Blog, as spotted by Upload VR, the executive noted that users want games they can play for a “longer time”. He expanded: “Based on such expectations, I came up with the strategy of making full-scale games of larger scale in the second and third years. Titles with a deeper gaming will continue to increase in the future.”
Yoshida pointed to releases like Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Firewall Zero Hour as examples of the organisation’s revised focus, both of which are large-scale games with either lots of content or plenty of replay value. There are also titles like Blood & Truth and Déraciné on the horizon – both of which look to be large scale productions. Like we said at the start of this article, we still believe that PSVR excels when it’s doing things differently – but there’s room for a bit of everything, we suppose.
[source jp.playstation.com, via uploadvr.com]
Comments 36
The only games I personally am enticed to play on VR are the Rick and Morty game just for fun and Resi 7 cause it's basically the only full proper game that VR has (unfortunately!)
If there were more games like Resi 7 I would consider VR faster
That's only executive talk otherwise owners of VR will feel betrayed by Sony
And yea everyone knows that VR it's just a gimmick and they need to kill it with fire so they can focus on more games like God of War and Spider-Man
So that's where the investments go instead of portability for now. Too bad that you couldn't easily think of a more pronounced antithesis to "portability" either. It's not just the hardware getting wired down to the user's living room, but the player's very head as well! All for an advanced first person camera gear set (like I said before, see .hack, SAO and similar sci-fi for what ACTUAL virtual reality tech is supposed to be) which, IMHO, remains a largely aesthetic visual wow akin to 3DS's parallax. It has its place among gaming experiences (and in exploration routines like Skyrim's or RE7's it can be undeniably convenient to some extent) but it certainly doesn't look like the future of gaming.
Still, if Sony wants it, they have all the right and reason they need. It'll be interesting to see what else they can come up with, even if I have no tangible prospects of playing any of it in the foreseeable future.
@nhSnork Well that’s one way to completely undersell a transformative product. You’re right: it’s just like Nintendo 3DS. 🙄
@NintendoFan4Lyf Isolation or immersion?
EDIT: Also, I guess the entire PlayLink line they’ve been pushing isn’t an attempt at creating social experiences at all. 🙄
Love my PSVR headset nearly 2 years on. Super excited about what's still to come. Looking forward to Astro Bot, Tetris Effect, Beat Saber, Dreams and that Gangster Game I can never remember the name of.
@NintendoFan4Lyf They are not focused on bringing gamers together they are just cleaning their image after all that fiasco with Xbone and WiiU, you are naive if you truly believe that they are doing it for the gamers
In the PSVR 'doing something new' vs 'traditional gaming' debate, I'm in the latter camp. I usually view the 'doing something new', as more of a gimmicky experience, which can be entertaing for a couple of hours. I also fear that these types of games, set a bad precedent for future PSVR developments. As for the 'traditional gaming' side, I think that I've played DiRT Rally VR, more than any other PSVR title, followed by Skyrim VR.
@GKO900 There already focusing on those games anyway as well as VR so I don't see how that effects it at all. And no offence but I'm glad you don't make the decisions at Sony if your just prepared to throw VR in the bin just because you don't agree with it.
@NintendoFan4Lyf What a troll.
I’m one of the early adopters of PSVR, I still enjoy it and am ready for the next gen of the tech and plan on purchasing it as well.
@adf86 Hey if I was on charge everyone would be getting more new games from old franchises, creating new IP and sequels since that's the key factor to sell consoles exclusives and that has been prove time after time with every console generation, instead of wasting my money on a expensive gimmick that can cause problems to the eyes of consumers and getting risk of any backlash and bad reputation in the future
I've my headset since jan18 and it's ok... This is something I was expecting to experience for more than 25 years, but yet I think the psvr2 will be what psvr should have been... Better resolution, wireless, and advanced controls. Anyway it's a very good product for the money, and the feeling you get with proper games/implementation is awesome. Really hoping to see Sony launching psvr2 with PS5.
Man, VR really brings out the best in some people...
Wow the hate is strong in these comments. People tend to forget more ways to game doesn't means less games. It's quite the opposite. Sounds about the same bias people had at the begginning of this gen when they thought promoting indie games would mean less AAA games.
VR is not just PlayStation people. It's here to stay!
VR devices commonly cross play while Xbox seems isolated with no access to VR.
This comment section is pure garbage.
... like many, I was scared Sony would abandon VR, but the difference with PSVR is that from a console point of view it's a MASSIVE differentiation from XB and Ninty - a huge bonus and selling point...
...and remember these past couple of years is the first real foray into a brand new medium.. it's only going to get better.. and Sony are ahead of the pack by a good couple of years (and if you look at VR press - they're delivering more than a "good enough" experience) - the price point is great, the tech, although limited is still very impressive - and as long as PSVR 2.0 is backwards compatible - it'll be an even bigger success...
People quote RE7 as the only game worth playing... there's so much more on there.. from heartbreaking films like Allumette to the wow-factor of Battlefront experience.. I spent an afternoon with Wayward Sky and it's was such a brilliant time (and then there's classics like Thumper, Rush of Blood... and I personally enjoyed The Inpatient - creepy stuff!)
There's something for everyone (Star Trek is still a hoot) and Pinball FX on PSVR is the best version - period. It's not a gimmick, it's not a flash-in-the-pan - it's here to stay and I only hope it either has its own processing unit next time, or they integrate it properly into PS5 - to capitalise on its success and maximise exposure to those not yet brave enough to try it!
@GKO900 VR has ~200 games and new games are out almost every week. Sure most games are short or experiences, but those are cheap so it's fair, and there are dozens of high quality games (RE 7, skyrim, Firewal...). I'm happy with the vr, and considering the market size I think Sony's doing an excellent work to support it. It's not a gimmick.
I'm hoping we see a few more VR games that can be played as local co-op. They can be great fun.
Shame it’s rubbish and not yet advanced enough to deliver a sharp enough gaming world. By PS6 or PS7 they might be close. As it stands, this is a novelty gaming experience that impresses in 10 minute doses.
@Eran Well I'm glad that you're enjoying it but to me and the vast majority it's nothing more than a gimmick that is slowly dying no matter how much companies try to push it, and seriously don't you worry about your eyes it's proven that it can cause myopia, loss of Spatial Awareness and other side effects
got a bit of a stutter their, or is it a side effect from VR?
i wish sony had put in half the effort they appear to have with VR, with the vita
@suikoden Same, Vita had much more potential such a shame they give up so fast with the console
@NintendoFan4Lyf I think your reading a bit too much into it tbh. Plenty of VR games have coop and I've arguably just as much fun watching my nephew fumble around in Skyrim. I think Sony are doubling down on SP games cos it's where there audience is, whenever they try to make multiplayer focused games they never seem to sell, hence games like Drawn to Death been shutdown.
I like VR but generally I think the simple games work best that do not rely on decent graphics. Hopefully the next VR head unit from sony will mean better experiences for higher end gaming.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Not sure if you've had a chance to try it, but there are couch multilayer games on PSVR, similar to Tank! Tank! Tank! and other asymmetrical stuff Nintendo was doing in Nintendo Land with Gamepad on Wii U. Not a lot, I think only in the free demo so far, I think they even took it out of Astrobot so I won't be buying it, but the potential is there.
If the PS5 is powerful enough to run two headsets at once we could even get all of the stuff we were promised on Wii U that we never got, like dual Gamepad games. Starfox Zero could have been much better with 2 player dogfighting, 1 on the Gamepad, 1 on the tv. Even with only 1 headset it would still be a good way to do couch multiplayer. Better than the PS display dual angle resolution glasses nonsense, talk about a gimmick. 😛
PSVR is first Gen VR. It's not going away. As @MattSilverado said, it should be better on PS5. I think wireless is a bit of a pipe dream, but 1 wire instead of 6, no extra box that stops HDR, would be nice. And an improved resolution in PSVR2 should cut down on the eye strain. And hopefully the extra power will help with the camera perception, I could only play Gran Turismo Sport with my head on backward facing the seat. I should have filmed it, it was hilarious. Traded the game in the next dsy.
Next Gen PSVR will be such a part of the PS5 Sony will be using the Wii U marketing of "play in VR when somebody else wants to use the tv". The main difference being, Nintendo bundled the Gamepad, driving up the cost and making Wii U a difficult sell, Sony is keeping it optional. 80 million PS4, only 4 million PSVR. Nintendo could have sold 80 million Wii HD for Mario Kart, NSMBU and SSB in HD on a $250 system, then 8 million Gamepad for Super Mario Maker, bundling the Gamepad with Nintendo Land for $89.
VR, here to stay. Just like Sony's single player games in a world of online multiplayer.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I would have pegged Nintendo as one of those happy go lucky kids who always drag their friends to cheerleader practice and we're all like "oh you"
Personally I don’t mind the short games they tend to be fun and quick to play.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Yeah, you probably want to stay away from the gravity defying VR games. There were a couple games I just couldn't play, something about sideways movement making me want to hurl. I can go forward, up and down as fast as they want, but jerky sideways is not good.
And while it is expensive, I found a PSVR GT Sport & camera bundle for $200 online, traded in GT Sport for $18, so $182 wasn't bad for me and the 2 kids. My one kid kept pestering me to buy him the $45 camera anyway, so that shut him up. I was opposed to it at the beginning myself, but I took the kids to one of those traveling Sony Playstation shows and we each got to try it out for a 15 minute session and I was blown away. We really don't use it much, other things to do, but it's cool to have for when I want to. $200 was my price point and I was lucky enough to find it. And we already had 2 Move controllers waiting to go, so that helped too.
But if it makes you sick, best to avoid it.
@MattSilverado Looks like I was a bit too dismissive earlier about PSVR2 being wireless.
I still think PSVR2 will be wired to PS5, they'll want TV out, hopefully for couch co-op if not two PSVR at once, but I suppose a wireless PSVR2 could be possible in a few years, replace their Vita handheld division w/ VR division instead. But that could still be a few years off, say PSVR3, I think PSVR2 on PS5 could just be a slim lined PSVR.
@rjejr yeah, wireless could be possible, but non essential (I've the revised PSVR with only one cable and HDR passthrough so it's fine). Anyway, my #1 request is better resolution and custom VR designed controls. Talking about resolution, of course we will get better... not sure how much better, maybe in the lines of the Vive PRO ? I love using cinema mode for playing racing games with a G29 wheel, but resolution is just not good enough. And controls, I've to think that is also reaaaally a safe to bet. So PSVR2 hardware will be great, also taking account that PS5 will have more power so graphics fidelity should be better (if the power does not get wasted on resolution).
@MattSilverado "PS5 will have more power so graphics fidelity should be better (if the power does not get wasted on resolution)."
And those Move controllers should have been improved way back on PS3 so they better get improved on PS5 for PSVR2.
Something along the lines of this.

Occulus Quest could be a serious challenge to Sony. No cables and no need for a high end gaming pc run it.
@GKO900 Proven where exactly?
@GKO900 I thought it was a gimmick until I played RS7 and Astro Bots. RS7 is the craziest gaming experience I've ever had.
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