Isn’t it interesting how the bottom has effectively fallen out of the arcade racing market so smaller studios have started to pick up the slack? Enter a new game called Xenon Racer, which effectively looks like it’s stepped straight out of a 90s Club SEGA arcade. The title’s being published by SEODESCO and developed by, and it’ll be playable at the Milan Games Show this month.
Set in 2030, the release effectively envisions a future where hover cars have taken hold, but you’re racing in the world’s last ever wheeled vehicles. “Rushing through treacherous turns as bright neon lights flash by, players drift through the futuristic streets of cities like Tokyo and Dubai. Resisting massive G-forces, they’ll have to demand the utmost of technology to race at breakneck speeds in the pursuit of eternal victory.”

Hopefully the game can scratch that arcade racer itch, because the PS4’s been really underserviced in that department since the start of the generation really. There’s no word on a release date or price just yet, but we’re sure we’ll learn more over the coming weeks and months.
Comments 8
Yes, please.
That looks looks pretty shiny.
I like the design of the cars. The mix of futuristic while looking like a realistic vehicle is pretty cool.
It's on my radar. I still haven't gotten a racing game for my PS4.
Damn it. I thought this was news on “90’s Super GP” (formerly know as “That 90’s Racer”) from Nicalis.
Where is that? It was announced over 5 years ago.
@DerMeister Driveclub is cheap on the store this week.
You could do a lot worse, it's a great game.
NFS Rivals was actually pretty good too.
Underserviced? I would care to disagree: Need for Speed Rivals, Need for Speed Payback, The Crew, The Crew 2, FlatOut 4, Trackmania Turbo, Trials Fusion, Gravel, Burnout Paradise, Driveclub, Horizon Chase Turbo, Baja Edge of Control, Carmageddon Max Damage, Mantis Burn Racing, Onrush, Moto Racer 4, Redout, Riptide GP, Riptide GP2, V-Rally 4, All-Star Fruit Racing, Lightfield, Race Arcade, WipEout ... plus a few others I haven't actually played.
Just because one does not look does not mean it's not there.
Xenon Racer looks awesome by the way, had no idea it existed, so thanks for posting!
@Bonbonetti Arcade racers are my favourite genre, but of those you mentioned (almost all of which I've played or owned) the only ones that scratch the itch are Riptide GP and Riptide GP 2. Some of the others are great, but they aren't like the classic racers of the Dreamcast era. All they need are fast vehicles, fair opponents, well designed tracks, plenty of air, and sweet shortcuts. No weapons, no open worlds, no hovercars, and definitely no "realistic" physics!
@baller98 That's an absurd statement.
It's also not the point of my post.
My point was: there are plenty of arcade racing games on the PS4, whether they are good or not is subjective, but they are there.
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