We don't know if you feel the same, but from our perspective, it seemed like Destiny 2 dropped off a cliff almost as soon as Forsaken launched back in September. The expansion was well received by both critics and players, but to us, it feels like no one's talking about Destiny anymore outside of its core fans. With that in mind, we've been wondering what the future holds for Bungie's shared world shooter, but as it turns out, the franchise is probably going to be hanging around for quite some time yet.
According to SuperData, Destiny 2 was the highest grossing digital console game of September 2018 -- a month that saw juggernauts like Marvel's Spider-Man and FIFA 19 launch. It even managed to make more money than Fortnite, which we imagine by this point is turning over a huge amount of dosh every single day.
Clearly Destiny can still generate big numbers for Activision. With Forsaken's launch in September, coupled with whatever the game's making off its microtransactions, it's a pretty impressive result for a title that's now over a year old.
Are you still playing Destiny 2? Feel dirty about visiting the Eververse store in the comments section below.
[source superdataresearch.com]
Comments 20
I am still playing Destiny 2 Forsaken. I think that the fact that it has a weekly cycle and in the last week of its Halloween event with the first DLC coming up very soon has kept destiny from dropping off that proverbial cliff. The grind for 'gear' and light for me has dried up - although with the recent patch, I can hope to start getting the Forsaken exotics which have eluded me so far - as I have reached 600 on all characters and acquired the majority of legendary gear with decent roles too. That may lead to a bit of a lull in my game time but with new content to acquire coming soon, I could well be finding myself playing more again.
I have never spent money in Eververse and still have virtually all the items - just by playing the game. I can wait to get them through levelling up my characters rather than feel I have to buy silver to get more random drops - I still have my free Silver too should I want something specific...
Forsaken pulled me back it. Play probably 5 or 6 hours a week now. Really hope they learn from this release when planning in the future!
Make sure to grab Destiny 2 for free from B.Net on PC of you haven't. Glad I never paid a dime for either 1 or 2. Decent game series, but nothing revolutionary.
I think people are generally quiet here because its generally not given much coverage. There has been several patches and a new event - almost 3 weeks since that arrived, but its also been 2 months since the 'expansion' launched. The game itself is over a year old - 14months old in fact and yet people are still playing, still talking about it in some circles and waiting for the first 'DLC' to this expansion. Its not a 'new' game like Spider-Man, Tomb Raider, AC Odyssey or RDR2 - all of which have come out in the two months since Forsaken. I don't see much talk about AC: Odyssey or Tomb Raider now either - certainly not since RDR2. I can't think I have seen much talk about CoD: BO4 either for that matter - no more than Destiny - maybe less as D2 has just been given free on Battlenet for PC gamers.
I hadn't played Destiny 2 for several months, but I then nabbed Forsaken once it included (for free) the 2 previous expansions. Since I have been playing it several hours a week. I only have one character, who I have just got to power level 500, and I'm gradually working my way towards the Dreaming City. The fact that I'm playing it at all when the likes of RDR2 and AC Odyssey are vying for my attention must be testament to how much I'm still enjoying it
I still play daily and enjoy it. I'd say the series is in the best position it has been in with the current build.
Forsaken is genuinely brilliant, it really is. It deserves any success it achieves, Its the best Destiny has ever been, hopefully they can continue to build upon that
I guess giving away the base game for free on psplus a couple of months back paid off. I enjoyed what I played but I can't justify the time investment. As I like a bit of variety in my gaming time. If I didn't have a stressful job, wife and kids to think of I'd be all over it. The shooting mechanics are beautiful
Couldn’t buy Forsaken because I refused to buy the two inferior dlcs just to be able to buy Forsaken.
@ztpayne7 you don’t have to BUY the 2 previous expansions to play Forsaken, as they are now free with Forsaken.
Playing the base game on pc since I got it free from battle.net, it's really impressive this game can run 60 fps on my 8 year (!!) video card (nvidia gtx 570) and my 7 year old cpu (intel i7 2600 sandy bridge). Granted, texture and shadow option is set to low but most of others option is set to medium, why the game is only 30 fps on ps4?
I've been playing every day since launch and still there are things I haven't done. The reason I'm usually quiet about Destiny on line is that those who don't play often pop up and tell you you're an idiot for buying into it.
@Nightcrawler71 wait, since when? It wasn’t like that when I checked a few weeks ago...
Absolute mugs.
Bungie announced it recently that COO and Warmind would be included with new forsaken purchases very good but irritates the life out of me as ive spent nearly £140 on the 2 years so far
@ztpayne7 I think it was from around mid-October. Forsaken requires the 2 previous expansions to work, so obviously to persuade people that didn’t buy them but may want to play Forsaken, they bundled them in free. I never bought COO or Warmwind, so their cunning plan worked! 😉
@Nightcrawler71 @Ypmud wow, thanks both of you! I had literally no idea. That was my biggest complaint so my friend and I will look into getting it now! At this point I might wait for Black Friday but it’s definitely on my radar
Well that's odd because they've just given it away for free via the Blizzard app on pc cause I just claimed the free gift for it.
@Medic_alert Still wont touch it with a 10 foot pole. 😁
@mrobinson91 Yeah the first one was not my thing i just need a story or something thats what kept me untill i got hooked on MHW. Which now is over for me i just want to play different stuff every time. 😁
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