Red Dead Online released this week, providing Red Dead Redemption 2 fans with a reason to return to the Wild West. The mode, which is surprisingly story-heavy, sees you create a character and get to work in the critically acclaimed title’s enormous open world. You can form posses, complete missions, or compete against friends and strangers alike.
But what are your thoughts on the multiplayer offering – even in this early beta phase? Has your progress been kiboshed by bugs? Are you enjoying the online action, or do you find RDR2’s often unwieldy gameplay to be a poor fit for multiplayer? Fire off in the comments section below, and be sure to share your thoughts in our survey.
Have you played Red Dead Online yet? (161 votes)
- Yes, I loaded it as soon as it was available to me
- I have, but I was in no major rush to check it out
- Not yet, but I’m pretty eager to get started soon
- No, I’m still playing the single player campaign
- Are you crazy? I don’t even own RDR2 right now
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What are your thoughts on Red Dead Online? (160 votes)
- I’m hooked and already can’t stop playing it
- It seems decent but I’m not sure how much I’ll play
- I don’t really like it and won’t be playing again
- I haven’t tried it yet for reasons I’ve already outlined
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Comments 36
Haven't tried it yet, still going through the story, currently at chapter 6. On a side note, anybody else experience a bug where weapons go from your inventory? I mean like completely disappearing, after I failed a mission, upon retrying, I lost 2 handguns (1 rare) and my machete. This sucks, hopefully they'll patch it out and won't completely abandon the single player.
The movement kills me. Like the main game, it's so sluggish and annoying. Then there's the awkward aiming when a guy is right next to you. The modes etc are fine but controls definitely need adjusting.
I agree with daveofduncan, I played for a few hours the other day but I won’t be going back to it. Just doesn’t feel right at all for an online game.
I haven't tried yet although I've watched a few gameplay videos and it seems pretty much as I'd expect.
I just wrapped up the single player campaign yesterday but naturally there's still plenty of collectibles and a few side missions to check out.
The online just doesn't really appeal to me much. I like what I've seen of how they're trying to make a somewhat decent story for it, but it just feels empty and a silent protagonist doesn't appeal to me at all, especially after following Arthur's excellent lead in the main game.
Slap private sessions or some sort of passive mode in there and I'll be all over it. Just don't have the patience for dealing with overly aggressive players any more.
My Experience so far day by day
Tuesday- after download played about an hour, very enjoyable
Wednesday-played all day and again very enjoyable without a hitch.
Thursday-morning was fine by afternoon the screaming tykes were everywhere killing everything in sight, no longer enjoyable run and hide, impossible to do anything else, at least was able to shut off mic sound.
Friday (today) Tried early this morning totally toxic, no fun at all, killed 3 times just trying to buy jacket at store, went to mountains to escape but was killed again try to make it to town to sell hide and meat, Cribbs keeps moving camp for no reason, needs a passive mode or pve (best), until then I and as others or finding out it now sucks as is.
The fact that they don’t have a majority of gameplay elements from RDR1 online annoys the hell out of me. Mexican stand-off, poker, etc.
No passive mode, or blips that only update every 15 seconds or a cloud instead of a player blip is annoying.
Money earned vs cost is way unbalanced.
It’s surprising that around 8 years was spent on development with the issues this game has in SP and MP. Many movement speeds can be handled by joystick alone, Rockstar ignores this for whatever reason.
At least loading and match making are faster than GTAO.
Pure trash and Mtx are Worse than Ea Battlefront 2 Mtx that were supposed to be at launch god damn.
My experience has been similar to @rockabilly's. I'd only been killed by the wildlife up until Thursday night when I kept being the victim of a ride-by shotgunner.
I like the story missions and and the fact that the partying up and load times are pretty quick but it does feel a little bare bones at the minute, a bit like when GTAO first started out. Also, I'm not usually one to complain about the grind in games but the ratio for the money earnt to the cost of everything seems a little harsh at the moment.
@Bliquid Or some safe spots?
Played about an hour or so and quite enjoyed it. Definitely feels like a game still in beta, which it is of course so that's fine. So I'm gonna crack on with the single player I'm only on chapter 4 so plenty left to do.
Single player alone this feels like a game that's got amazing value for money in it. With online being added it kinda feels like I'm robbing Rockstar. That is until the inevitable microtransactions kick in.
It's impossible to say until at least a few months from now. GTA Online took hakf a year to start seeing the best of it.
People moaning about how aggressive online is lol.
It's the Wild West, get over it!
@kyleforrester87 Nothing like the old "wild" west, more of a serial killer west for 12 year-olds, if that is where your mentality level resides you will certainly love it.
@rockabilly I was there, man!
Nowhere near as good as the main game. Just as expected.
Still going with SP for now, especially while it’s still beta and they’ve not said whether progress will definitely carry over.
@ApostateMage I liked kotaku saying you earn cash at RDR2 era rates but items are valued at 2018 costs.
@Thrillho So true. A tin of baked beans costs $1.20 and I bet they're not even Heinz.
Was hoping the brothels would open up online and you could finally accept offers. Instead I cant even take a god damn bath anymore. How is Miss Adler supposed to unwind after a hard day of killing and drinking
I don't even know when I'll get around to playing the online, let alone Red Dead 2.
With me still playing Spyro and Smash right around the corner, Red Dead 2 is going to have to sit on my shelf for a while longer.
I'll get around to it.
Are there any rewards for participating in the beta?
I've had no problem with online. Except for the multiplayer shootout modes, I'm yet to be killed by another player. Either lucky or unlucky. Yes it can be a grind, but it would be boring if they gave you every weapon and outfit from the start.
I had a go last night, I really enjoyed it!! Up for finding a posse and cleaning out the wild west!!
EDIT: Maybe we should form a pushsquare posse?
Would it totally ruin the experience if a passive mode was added in? I think its definately needed. 1 shot kill
Anyone else agree RDR1 poops all over RDR2? (single player I mean)
Had a quick go, made a rubbish, weird looking character with odd eyes. I'll probably start again at some point.
Isn't it all just a Rockstar pyramid scheme to sell overpriced gold bars?
only way this game going to improve is when they add invite only sessions to red dead online so we don't have to deal with these annoying players that all they wanna do is kill you for no reason
@Amusei I had one or two fully upgraded revolvers to desappear. But I thought they just broke as I maybe didn't clean them on time. So, just bought new ones.
Tuesday - played a bit more than couple of hours. Everything nice and quiet. A lot of wildlife to hunt. First online contact with another player. While I've tried to figure out how to wave him he shot me in the face from shotgun point blank. Decided to buy shotgun.
Wednesday-everything the same, bought shotgun. Decided to check what damage will bring my weapons to other players. Shot couple of guys for experiment. Some disconnections started to appear on black "R*" screen. Deleted my character and created new one.
Shot one guy, who tried to catch me on exit from train station while I've calculated it faster and been waiting on the roof. Shot him couple of times more when he tried to chase and shoot me.
Thursday - "R*" disconnections more persistent. Shot by another player again. Shot some other players as I've been disconnected again. One of them shot me couple of times of revenge. Many more disconnections, not able to sell anything All my loot on the horse disappears every time.
Friday - had to switch off in-game chat. Blue screen error every 10 minutes in freemode. Cant get anything to sell before it desappears. Occasionally some disconnections from "R*" Started some missions - smooth. Started death matches - fun, and smooth.
Get back to free mode - errors, errors, errors. Killed a lot of other players between errors as couldn't do anything else.
Rich wildlife wildly reduced (not by me) Think "R" decided to adjust some settings on wildlife. Not alone who noticed that.
Errors every 10 minutes... Rockstar advised its wrong on Sony side - I do not think so, I can see some pattern.
Switched off "Boost Mode" on my PSPro, errors are a bit less persistent.
Sunday - all bugs desappeared for now.
@ShogunRok You can enter passive mode while at your camp. Approach your flag and hold down L2/LT and lower your flag. Voila, you're now in passive mode.
@chromattic Only works in camp, sadly.
Just to clarify, lowering your camp flag actually makes your camp vulnerable to attack. It needs to be kept raised for you to stay safe whilst cooking plump bird meat or spitting at old man Cripps.
Anyway, I've been playing this lately with a mate and it's much more fun with friends, just like GTAO is.
@kyleforrester87 You playing online mate?
@xX_RiscazZ_Xx eyyy, naw I will dip my toe in once the initial launch buzz has died down. I bet you've already done everything there is to do.
@kyleforrester87 Nope, got involved in a few shootouts, totally missed the point of bow and arrow playlist, haven't got money for anything, and havent progressed much in the MP story hahaha
The wholesome RDO experience I call it. Goin back to platting the SP part I think.
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