Rightly or wrongly, Sony’s earned a reputation for scrapping unsuccessful products. I don’t think it’s always fair because, when you see the sales data on PS Vita’s software for example, you can’t really expect a company to keep throwing cash at a system that’s clearly never going to stick. That said, there was concern from some gamers that if PlayStation VR failed to move enough units, the Japanese giant would walk away from it, leaving early adopters with a pretty pointless piece of wearable plastic.
Virtual reality is still very much in its first generation guise, and it’s nowhere near achieving mainstream popularity. As we understand it, PSVR is by far the market leader, but that’s something that has even frustrated Sony, as it believes in order for the medium to be successful, all of its players need to be doing well to grow the audience. The fact is that the sector has got off to a slow start, but it’s still bubbling away nicely and there are no signs of it going away anytime soon.
Regardless of commercial performance, though, I don’t think you could ever accuse PlayStation of scrapping support for PSVR – it’s quietly had an outstanding year. As was the case in 2017, the headset’s been serviced with a mix of big and small games right throughout the year, but as virtual reality developers get more experience with the technology, we’re starting to see the quality of the overall content improve now. There are still gimmick games, sure – but there’s some genuinely high quality stuff, too.

No more is this obvious than with Astro Bot Rescue Mission, a game with a terrible name that’s been attracting acclaim from critics all over the world. The title commands a score of 90 on Metacritic, making it the seventh highest rated PlayStation 4 game of 2018 and also the best scoring virtual reality title ever – across all headsets. Asobi Studio's platformer is brilliantly married to PSVR, making for an inventive, innovative experience that’s impossible on a standard screen.
But it’s not been the only highlight in 2018, as the games have been coming thick and fast all year – impressive when you consider that things started on a bum note, after Supermassive Games’ duo of The Inpatient and Bravo Team failed to meet expectations. Sprint Vector, for instance, offered a unique take on the racing genre, bringing a Jet Set Radio-esque roller-skating format to PSVR, and pairing it with a really unique arm-pumping system, which is super satisfying to perform.
It was followed by Moss, a puzzle platformer that in many ways shares similar ambition to the excellent Astro Bot Rescue Mission. While it’s not as large or polished as Sony’s attempt, it’s undoubtedly worth playing, as a gorgeous fairy-tale world is brought to life inside the headset. Through the summer we got 2MD VR Football, a very likeable quarterback simulator with an arcade angle, as well as space exploration game Detached and the simply stunning WipEout Omega Collection update.

And then The Persistence, an intense survival horror blending elements of Dead Space and Rogue Legacy to brilliant effect. While there’s no doubt that PSVR has generally been home to smaller scale experiences, titles like Firesprite’s sci-fi stealth-‘em-up show that you can build replayable, full-length campaigns specifically for the headset and make them work. But it’s not always about traditional games: Electronauts demonstrated how PSVR can be used as an amazing interactive interface for audio, too.
Firewall: Zero Hour may not have been one of my personal favourites, but a lot of people swear by the Rainbow Six-inspired tactical shooter, and there’s no question that being in virtual reality really enhances the sense of presence that you can experience in these kinds of online games. And we’ve seen titles like Transference and Déraciné really up the ante when it comes to narrative releases, with the technology embedding you in their worlds in order to give their stories added oomph.
It’s not even the PSVR exclusives that have impressed: Tetris Effect is totally playable on a television and is an excellent experience there – but it’s transformative in virtual reality, a true borderline spiritual experience that takes the traditional Russian puzzler and builds a mesmerising masterpiece around it. And Beat Saber has been one of the breakout hits of the year, proving that there is still a place for rhythm games when you have the right concept and execution.

So I won’t hear a bad word be said about PSVR this year – the software lineup has perfectly complemented the major, non-virtual reality blockbusters that have released, and there’s been a great mix of big and small experiences across a wide array of genres. It’s been one of the highlights of a great year of gaming for me, and while the headset has been bubbling under the radar a little, I think it’s time we took a step back and gave it a pat on the back.
Here’s to a great 2019 as well.
Have you been impressed with PSVR this year? What have been your favourite games? Have you been tempted to pick up the headset after all the positivity? Enter a different dimension in the comments section below.
Comments 69
Its been a fantastic year for VR.
Astro Bot in particular is such a wonderful game & RDR2 is currently taking a backseat to Tetris 😂😅.
Still got to catch up with some of the games I’ve missed such as The Persistence, Transference & Déraciné.
Wish more games utilised the aim controller though. Had a great time with it & Farpoint. Borderlands 2VR really should support it. It adds so much.
what I really don't grasp is why they do not let people to test the PSVR in high street shops. I mean like they used to have PS4 and Xbox 1.
I'm curious about PSVR but I want to see if the VR experience makes me sick, how it works with glasses and if it's good for someone like me that spends at max a couple of hours a day with games, buys not many games a year and takes ages to beat each of them.
I should be getting mine this week. I have RIGS and Astro Bot, and I'm thinking of getting Moss. I hope we're getting more games like Astro Bot, that seems to be right up my ally.
Firewall looked cool, but then I learned it was multiplayer online. And I'm not sure about the teleporting for moving around in most VR games; especially if that's the only option. There have also been a bunch of Oculus Rift exclusives that look really cool, but aren't coming to PSVR. I hope it succeeds, but VR as a medium needs all the support from developers it can get right now.
@madcow78 Probably hygiene issues.
@madcow78 I think the problem is that, realistically, they'd need to have a staff member operating the demo unit to make sure you get setup properly and have a good experience. Not that it's hard to setup, but if you've never used it before there are things to keep in mind.
That said they do take it on tour a lot, and it's always at pretty much every gaming convention. It's a shame you haven't had a chance to try it yet but keep looking because I think you'll enjoy it.
I tried my uncle's Vive for the first time a few days ago and as much as I loved the underwater experiences and shooting flying robots, what really got me was a ping-pong game. It felt so unbelievably real and definitely converted me to VR. I still just don't think I'm sure about buying PSVR if it only works with Sony-approved games on the PS4. Anyone know if it's possible to hook it up to the PC, and if it's worth it?
@nessisonett I don't think you can hook it up to the PC, I'm afraid. At least not officially. There may be some workarounds.
@get2sammyb on the other hand they (shops) can always allow you to book a demo session in store. At least every time they run campaign such as Black Friday.
For example, here in the UK Game can send and email to inform their clients they can book a demo session and in case he or she buy a PSVR at the end of it, he or she will get a "special" discount or a PSVR game.
I think if they partner with Sony, Sony will send the demo unit and someone to manage it.
There are some excellent games on there, although the play time for a lot of them is somewhat short. They could do with finding ways to increase the replayability.
One of my favourite games so far is The Persistence. Top stuff.
Before I got VR I would want phone integration so I could see messages and take calls and stuff like that.
Yeah think PSVR has hit its stride now. would say there are over 10 must have games for it now. There is always games on sale on the ps store as well so you can get little surprises like I picked up Pixel gear a while back for £2 and really enjoyed it even though its a little basic. The problem is at the moment there isn't much in the pipeline the only thing I can think of is Blood and Truth.
@get2sammyb Nice article. And you didn't even mention big games like Doom and Skyrim, though maybe Skyrim was last year? Also coming up is Starchild which I think was supposed to release this year, could be a hit with fans of 2D Metroid games, I tried the demo. I still wish they would have some of those colorful shooting arcade games though.
FYI Astro Bot Rescue Mission is $20 Black Friday at Best Buy.
... don't forget 'Dreams' will be fully VR compatible... that's going to be HUGE hitter when it arrives (in 2030).. I can't get enough of Tetris at the moment... impossible to play in it on the TV once you've tried it in VR... There was definitely a lull a few months ago, but it's come back stronger than ever, and nice to see the slow decline of rubbish wave shooters that clogged up the releases at the start of its life... next stop, Pixel Ripped 1989...
@bindiana Dreams, too. But I agree they need a big blow out to reveal more of the upcoming slate. They've generally been pretty good at this so I'd expect something around Christmas time.
I'm beyond impressed by the support PSVR has received. I'm building up quite a back catalogue of games i plan on buying. If no more came out I'd still consider it a worthwhile purchase. Also, Dreams could be huge for VR.
@get2sammyb Yeah forgot about Dreams. Shame there is no PSX this year as usually a good few announcements for PSVR in the show.
I understand this is a shill site for Sony and it's PlayStation but how can you seriously (and honestly) say PSVR has been outstanding? You're having a laugh.
One thing I've noticed is Sony surprise drop a lot of game announcements for VR on the blog. Like a few weeks before they're due out.
More retail games that show it off is what is needed. Most of the games for it are through the playstation store (and most are high in price with no demos, which sometimes you don't want to pay the high price for in case it's bad). Carnival games is a great game that should have a retail release...it's really fun in VR! Other than that, I still love Playstation VR Worlds and Until Dawn Rush Of Blood. Robinson is also a really great game that shows adventure titles can be done in great detail, too bad it gets overlooked. Still though, can't wait to buy Astro Bot, Moss and Tetris Effect for it! Does anyone know if Farpoint and the Rick And Morty games are any good? Tempted on both, but not sure about them.
@purplemonkeyspan Would you like to have a discussion about it or just call us shills?
@madcow78 I've actually seen several public PSVR units to test in various electronics shops in Europe. They even have free events where you can test selected games and features.
Astro Bot is a milestone in gaming history. I play video games since the late 70s. Every new level in this game made me almost have tears in my eyes of pure joy. Something completely new, if you see videos of that game you will not understand its brilliance. You have to wear the headset. One of the best games I have EVER played in my whole life.
Ive enjoyed vr this year. Once Rdr is done i plan to really invest more time in it - one level of astrobot was enough to convince me i need to put serious time into it. And when i get tetris effect i see vr being a permanent feature
True, PSVR is killing it, I really want to buy the device soon because there are so many great games already.
@purplemonkeyspan If you actually read the article then you know why Sammy is saying that.
@nessisonett Yes, you can. You can even run non VR games in VR on it. However, from what I have seen it is an awful lot of work to configure it right and the results go from OK to pretty terrible and needs a pretty beefy PC.
PSVR is doing well but in truth I have barely played it in over six months. I have been put off by cost. The games are great but expensive and other titles have been strong. Going to get Tetris and Astro Bot this year though to get me back.
@purplemonkeyspan the only thing they’ve ever shilled is Amazon, and thankfully they do that any longer. You can take the rest at face value.
I think the amount of great regular PS4 games this year is somewhat holding back PSVR at the moment. I'm not complaining, just pointing it out.
For me, who absolutely loves VR and plans to stick with it. I've used it a lot less recently. Not because I've gone off VR at all. Purely due to so many regular PS4 games taking up my time at the moment. With Shenmue 1 and 2 then Spider-Man and now RDR2 I'm finding it hard to find some VR time. Especially because usually I can only play one game at a time.
Can't wait to get Tetris, Beat Saber and Astrobot soon. I feel spoilt for choice.
I love my psvr, definitely some fillers in store but there are also some real gems such as Res evil biohazard, Skyrim, but by far my favourite is codemasters Dirt Rally absolutely essential and was a steal at £11 on ps store.
I was in a game shop the other day Arizona Sunshine marked up ast £50 ... I purchased this for around £10 on ps store, I would have been devastated if I'd paid £50 for it as it's trash seems like the Devs couldn't be arsed with details.
@purplemonkeyspan Ahhh you've been effected by the Titrus effect.
PSVR is awesome. I'm getting a load of vr games for chrimbo and setting it up full time. Astrobot, Moss and I'm looking for Tetris during Black Friday.
@madcow78 headlice - thats why! would you want to put on a headset that hundreds of people had put on there dirty sweaty possibly lice ridden heads
at events they have people there to clean them between users - but a in a shop it would be disgusting
but i do agree that letting people experience vr would increase sales
@get2sammyb @Rudy_Manchego Hmm, my laptop is VR ready and runs benchmarks pretty decently so I might be better getting a Vive or Rift. However, I'd then be missing out on Astro Bot and Tetris Effect. This is tough.
@nessisonett I wouldn't be surprised if Tetris got ported eventually, but yeah, no chance of Astro Bot on PC.
@nessisonett Yeah it is a trade off, Rift and Vive are the better tech but more pricey and Sony has a great portfolio.
I love VR! My favourite game so far is Doom Vfr with the Aim controller! It’s so responsive and speedy! Also loved Farpoint, but just love the Doom guns/gameplay more...I hope more Aim + full locomotion games are released
There is a program called Trinus VR that will allow you to play many PC VR games using the PSVR headset. I have not used myself but I will at some point in future, I have heard good reports about the software. You can also attach up to 4 cameras to track the headset which actually makes the tracking better than the standard PSVR setup.
@Scoobijohn if you allow me to crack a joke: I do not care, as I am bold!
Anyhow, as pork pie hat lover I can promise you every shop allows you to try a hat so headlice issue isn't so prominent mainly when, PSVR does not cover your head and there is no cloth or fabric that can host any headlice.
For max safety, I guess a shower cap and a quick cleaning session are no brainier solutions.
PSVR is worth owning for Wipeout alone.
Superb VR experience.
@madcow78 When PSVR in The U.K was first released, Game were charging £5 for a demo. Needless to say that didn't last long!
@nessisonett search for "TrinusVR". On their site, they have a version for PSVR along with instructions for getting it going. Its lower rez, but on a high end PC it'll let you play SteamVR games.
@get2sammyb TrinusVR allows PSVR to be used on a PC. Google it. I checked it out a while back but the PC I had was too low end for it --but I'm buying or building a new one soon. Anyways, there is a solution for PSVR as a PCVR solution, only thing is, its limited by the headset's optical tracking.
@WillMerfi That was my experience before I got the version 2 headset. Now that I don't have to unplug it for HDR it's easier, I don't have that problem. Too bad they didn't think of HDR pass through initially. I bet that affects a lot of people.
Still reluctant to jump onboard because a) I hear a lot about the poor image quality, which I understand and appreciate the reasons for, but it's at the point where I think we can expect a new model which improves on this in due course and b) I am concerned about motion sickness, as I am known to get it quite bad when in a car and on boats and stuff.
Now if I could just walk into any store and try one out I could resolve those two concerns pretty quickly but as it stands I'll keep waiting for now.
I'll bite at some point.
@kyleforrester87 as stupid as it sounds the only thing keeping me from purchasing is all the wires I keep hearing about. Otherwise my brother tried the arkham vr experience at PSX and was gushing about it, and that’s just an “experience.”
I have an inkling that the next iteration of PSVR is going to clean up the wire mess a bit so I’m just trying to hold off until then.
I've had the PSVR since launch and while I agree it's a fantastic price of kit it's still rarely used when compared to my ps pro. I'm a sucker for add ons and bought the aim with farpoint and found it amazing but only in small doses. When I'm lying on the sofa and decide to reach for controller it takes a monumental effort for me to also get up off my are and put the headset on. Maybe I'm just lazy but that's the biggest barrier I have to playing ...
I played Gran Turismo, Skyrim and Resi Evil 7 in VR at my mate's house and although it was mightily impressive, I felt really sick after a good half hour or so and it put me right off it.
The psvr is one of my favorite purchases for PS4. I only wish I had more time to play it, but I never wish I didn't buy it.
I bought the gran Turismo sport bundle last year around Xmas time for $200. It was perfect timing anyway as I was planning on buying gt sport anyway.
I had never tried it before and it was definitely an impulse buy, but again no regrets.
One thing I wish Sony would do, to help them sell more headsets, is to set up more 'demos' at stores like GameStop or best buy, (or whatever game stores you guys over in the UK have). I feel like this would really help sell the headsets to those people that are 'on the fence', whether it be due to fear of motion sickness, blurry images, "lack of games" etc etc yada yada yada.
Really is worth every penny!
Astro bot and moss are my favorite vr games thus far
I already sold my psvr but I'll buy psvr 2 on ps5 if it's wireless and has BC with ps4 vr games, the cable management on psvr (ps4) is too much for me.
@FearIsUseful I’ve only noticed the wire once so far when playing. I did 360 and decided better safe than sorry. It’s really not a bother.
@Jaz007 DAMN! there goes my crappy excuse
I have the launch PSVR, I cant wait to see the specs on PS5 PSVR headsets. Chances are I will purchase one of them at launch also. I never planed to play VR nowhere close to the amount of time I play normal games on TV. I also play in my chair, wires are troublesome but once I have it on I don't even know they are there. It's just so good at making you feel you are some place other then your home!
@wiiware For VR to be wireless, it needs to come with its own battery, making the device substantially heavier. You also have to worry about charging it. Batteries get worse over time, and you probably cannot replace it. And the idea of a battery strapped to your head that could potentially self combust, no thank you. Just give me a cable and I'm fine. Cable is cheaper too!
And here I am still not interested in VR.
You probably could of written the same article about the PlayStation Vita two years after that came out. We will find out whether it can stand on its own when the PS5 comes out and 1st-party attention shifts to that.
@Octane We already have battery strapped to our hand (dualshock 4) and pants everyday (smartphone) lol. In the end convenience will always wins I think.
I loooove my psvr. Imo the true "next gen" of gaming is when ps4 quality graphics are a thing. Im constantly amazed at the quality but know psvr2 is gonna be insane
@Matthewxcv Cool story bro @Ryall Not really, everyone knew the Vita was struggling and the writing was on the wall.
@AdamNovice PlayStation Vita sold 4 million in its first 10 months. PSVR is around that mark now.
People could tell the PlayStation Vita was underperforming by comparing it against PSP. There is no benchmark to compare PlayStation VR against so we don’t know how well it needs to be perform keep being supported by the 1st-party.
Sony certainly haven’t given up on the Playstation Vita at this point in its life cycle.
@Ryall Sony have much lower expectations in terms of sales for PSVR then they had for Vita. They know the tech is a slow burner whereas the Vita they quite reasonably would have assumed it would have sold about 10m units by that point.
PSVR has been amazing this year, Titanic VR, what an experience...why was that never featured on this website? (apologies if I'm mistaken) astrobot VR was simply stunning. Game of the year for me hands down.
A friend who have never tried psvr before came to visit on christmas eve and i showed him the resident evil kitchen demo and the vr worlds shark diving and he was absolutely blown away...he left saying he simply has to have one at his own home.
I LOVE psvr
Anyone else really enjoys playing Shooty Fruity? x)
I'm enjoying VR a lot, jut wish my room was a bit bigger!
There have been good games but equally there have been some high profile failures as well. I like PSVR but really looking forward to the release of the Quest next year can not see myself using the PSVR after that. Its wireless and you not needing a computer/console to power it.
I love PSVR but it can be like looking though a tunnel not that i am complaining it's amazing.
But i cant but help wonder what the future of vr will be like say for the ps5 if they where to put screens above , below and both sides to totally put you in that world.
Also sort the move controllers out and put some sticks on like the ps3 move controllers as pressing buttons to go left and right can feel dreadful deep in the moment of a game.
I wonder if people just don't understand the concept. I honestly didn't and only bought it because so many people praised it and because the bundle was really cheap.
@Toypop same feeling here! More interestingly, I have motion sickness but I'm able to play on PSVR for over 5hs straight! The only downside is, it's hard to go back and play standard FPS with the same joy after have experienced some great titles with PSVR
I don't play PSVR everyday, but when I do it always takes my breath away how good it is. That first moment when you start any game and you realise you can look all around you is the stuff I used to dream of as a kid.
On average, our PSVR is used every other day. I have had it since May 2018 and it still never fails to amaze me when I slip it on my head. Purchasing Wipeout was by far the best VR purchase I have made. That game performs extraordinarily in PSVR and I hesitate to play it without the PSVR hooked up. I picked up a used Aim Controller in July and thoroughly enjoyed Doom and to a less degree, Farpoint.
My only nitnoid problem with PSVR is that it takes the family social aspect of gaming away. There are no "did you see that?" moments because I don't know if anyone is in the room with me and they definitely can't experience what I am experiencing. My wife hates watching the television screen while I'm bobbing around. What looks perfectly sane to me in the headset makes her quite ill as she tries to watch.
And yes, I was alone one time playing with the ear buds in and never knew a family friend had entered the home and was watching me from several feet away. I never knew. That spooked me enough to keep me from keeping the ear pieces in now.
Beat Saber has reignited my love for the PSVR. I've also played a bit of Racket Fury lately which is awesome and is supposed to be getting multiplayer soon
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